Red Elemental Blast MTG Card
Card sets | Released in 16 setsSee all |
Mana cost | |
Converted mana cost | 1 |
Rarity | Common |
Type | Instant |
Text of card
Counters a blue spell being cast or destroys a blue card in play.
Cards like Red Elemental Blast
Red Elemental Blast stands out as a powerful tool in Magic: The Gathering, offering targeted counterspell or destruction capabilities against blue spells. It bears a striking resemblance to its sibling, Pyroblast, which also specifically interacts with blue targets. While both spells offer the option to either counter or destroy, Red Elemental Blast does so at a flat rate, irrespective of whether the blue spell is currently on the stack or already on the battlefield as a permanent.
In comparison to the wider MTG arsenal, we find Blue Elemental Blast, the blue-aligned counterpart that counters or destroys red spells. This mirror image of Red Elemental Blast provides a perfect illustration of the color wheel’s balance and the ongoing clash between red and blue magic. Another similar card, Hydroblast, also exhibits the capability to neutralize red spells with the flexibility of targeting both spells and permanents. However, Red Elemental Blast’s niche allows it to be a surprise play in a match, potentially turning the tides when opposing a blue-dominated strategy.
Assessing the landscape of color-specific interaction spells, Red Elemental Blast is a noteworthy inclusion for players aiming to gain an advantage over blue strategies, contributing to its enduring popularity and tactical utility within Magic: The Gathering.
Cards similar to Red Elemental Blast by color, type and mana cost
Decks using this card
MTG decks using Red Elemental Blast. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.
# | Name | Format | Archetype | Event |
Painter | Legacy | Painter | Legacy Challenge 32 2024-04-07 | |
Gruul Prison | Vintage | Red Prison | Vintage Challenge 32 2024-04-18 | |
Rakdos Painter | Legacy | Painter | Charlotte Legacy League Season 2 Week 2 | |
Boros Painter | Legacy | Painter | *HALF PRICE FRIDAY* $1K - Legacy - SCG CON Atlanta - Friday - 1:30 pm | |
Mono-Red Painter | Legacy | Painter | Mensal Legacy |
Card Pros
Card Advantage: While Red Elemental Blast doesn’t directly draw cards, it provides strategic card advantage by countering or destroying a key blue spell, potentially disrupting your opponent’s plans and tilting the balance in your favor.
Resource Acceleration: Red Elemental Blast excels in resource acceleration indirectly. By removing an opponent’s blue threat for a single red mana, you can save your resources for more crucial turns, effectively accelerating your own gameplay by not having to allocate more mana for a threat later on.
Instant Speed: The ability to cast Red Elemental Blast at instant speed gives you the flexibility to respond during your opponent’s turn. This reactive capability ensures that you’re always ready to counter an unexpected blue spell or destroy a blue permanent when it’s the most impactful.
Card Cons
Discard Requirement: While Red Elemental Blast is a powerhouse against blue spells and permanents, it requires the right timing and a strategic approach. Having it in your hand without the presence of blue to counteract can render it an idle card, taking space where other resources could be utilized.
Specific Mana Cost: Its casting requires specifically red mana, which could narrow its implementation to decks that are heavily red or can produce red mana reliably. This limitation can hinder the versatility of your deck construction and overall mana base strategy.
Comparatively High Mana Cost: While the cost of a single red mana might not seem much, in fast-paced games where efficiency is key, having a card that only targets a narrow spectrum of threats can be less effective than other broader options. Considering its specialized use, you might find more versatile cards with a similar cost beneficial for your deck’s adaptability during play.
Reasons to Include Red Elemental Blast in Your Collection
Versatility: Red Elemental Blast offers flexibility in both main decks and sideboards. Its ability to counter or destroy blue spells gives it a place in various matchups, allowing players to adapt to numerous situations that involve powerful blue cards.
Combo Potential: As a reactive tool against blue-centered combos, this card can disrupt your opponent’s strategies at a critical time. It can be exceptionally potent in legacy formats where blue spells are a cornerstone of many combo decks.
Meta-Relevance: With the prevalence of blue in competitive play, Red Elemental Blast is a staple in controlling the meta. Its presence can deter opponents from relying too heavily on blue spells and can swing games in your favor when blue strategies dominate the field.
How to Beat
The Red Elemental Blast card presents itself as a formidable tool in the arsenal of those who wield the power of red magic in MTG. As a card that directly targets blue spells and permanents, it’s a tactical piece that can shift the balance in a duel. Its power lies not only in its ability to counter a blue spell as it’s being cast but also its capability to destroy an already established blue permanent on the battlefield.
To successfully navigate around the disruption of Red Elemental Blast, it is wise to diversify your strategy beyond reliance on blue. Include non-blue counterspell options in your deck to ensure your key plays aren’t left vulnerable. Additionally, consider baiting out the Red Elemental Blast with less critical spells, clearing the way for your game-changing blue magic. Deploying redundancy in your blue threats can also dilute the impact of a single blast. Instant-speed spells can further complicate the timing for your opponent, increasing the chances of your critical spells resolving. By understanding the mechanics and strategizing effectively, overcoming the Red Elemental Blast becomes a manageable and rewarding challenge.
BurnMana Recommendations
Discovering your edge in MTG involves more than just knowing the right cards—it’s about strategy and anticipation. Red Elemental Blast showcases this by providing a specialized weapon against blue spells and permanents. Its value extends beyond the card itself, serving as a critical piece in your red arsenal to outmaneuver blue-dominated strategies and enhance your tactical gameplay. As you build your collection and refine your deck, integrating tools like Red Elemental Blast becomes crucial, especially in legacy and competitive scenes where blue holds sway. For those looking to stay ahead of the curve and dismantle their opponent’s blue-centric tactics, diving deeper into the strategic uses and deck-building philosophies surrounding this card can give you a competitive edge. Ready to amplify your MTG prowess and keep the blue at bay? We’re here to guide you through every play. Join us and master the art of the elemental blast.
Where to buy
If you're looking to purchase Red Elemental Blast MTG card by a specific set like Limited Edition Alpha and Limited Edition Beta, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.
For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.
Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.
Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Red Elemental Blast and other MTG cards:
BurnMana is an official partner of TCGPlayer
- eBay
- Card Kingdom
- Card Market
- Star City Games
- CoolStuffInc
- MTG Mint Card
- Hareruya
- Troll and Toad
- ABU Games
- Card Hoarder Magic Online
- MTGO Traders Magic Online
See MTG Products
The Red Elemental Blast Magic the Gathering card was released in 15 different sets between 1993-08-05 and 2022-11-28. Illustrated by 3 different artists.
Show/hide all sets# | Released | Name | Code | Symbol | Number | Frame | Layout | Border | Artist |
1 | 1993-08-05 | Limited Edition Alpha | LEA | 169 | 1993 | Normal | Black | Richard Thomas | |
2 | 1993-10-04 | Limited Edition Beta | LEB | 170 | 1993 | Normal | Black | Richard Thomas | |
3 | 1993-12-01 | Unlimited Edition | 2ED | 170 | 1993 | Normal | White | Richard Thomas | |
4 | 1993-12-10 | Collectors' Edition | CED | 170 | 1993 | Normal | Black | Richard Thomas | |
5 | 1993-12-10 | Intl. Collectors' Edition | CEI | 170 | 1993 | Normal | Black | Richard Thomas | |
6 | 1994-04-01 | Revised Edition | 3ED | 171 | 1993 | Normal | White | Richard Thomas | |
7 | 1994-04-01 | Foreign Black Border | FBB | 171 | 1993 | Normal | Black | Richard Thomas | |
8 | 1994-06-21 | Summer Magic / Edgar | SUM | 171 | 1993 | Normal | White | Richard Thomas | |
9 | 1995-04-01 | Fourth Edition Foreign Black Border | 4BB | 218 | 1993 | Normal | Black | Richard Thomas | |
10 | 1995-04-01 | Fourth Edition | 4ED | 218 | 1993 | Normal | White | Richard Thomas | |
11 | 1996-05-02 | Pro Tour Collector Set | PTC | gb218sb | 1993 | Normal | Gold | Richard Thomas | |
12 | Magic Online Promos | PRM | 43610 | 2003 | Normal | Black | Christopher Moeller | ||
13 | 2011-01-10 | Masters Edition IV | ME4 | 131 | 1997 | Normal | Black | Richard Thomas | |
14 | 2018-03-16 | Masters 25 | A25 | 147 | 2015 | Normal | Black | Izzy | |
15 | 2022-11-28 | 30th Anniversary Edition | 30A | 165 | 2015 | Normal | Black | Richard Thomas | |
16 | 2022-11-28 | 30th Anniversary Edition | 30A | 462 | 1997 | Normal | Black | Richard Thomas |
Magic the Gathering formats where Red Elemental Blast has restrictions
Format | Legality |
Oldschool | Legal |
Commander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Paupercommander | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Duel | Legal |
Predh | Legal |