Aggravated Assault MTG Card

Aggravated Assault enables infinite combat phases when combined with sufficient mana generation, allowing potential for game-ending plays. This enchantment thrives in Red-based decks that focus on aggressive strategies and overwhelming opponents quickly. Aggravated Assault sees play in Commander format for its ability to synergize with numerous other cards to create powerful combos.
Card setsReleased in 7 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost3

Text of card

o3o Ro R: Untap all creatures you control. After this phase, there is an additional combat phase followed by an additional main phase. Play this ability only any time you could play a sorcery.

Cards like Aggravated Assault

Aggravated Assault is a spectacular addition to the suite of combat tricks and extra attack phase enabling spells in MTG. Drawing comparison to similar spells such as Savage Beating or Seize the Day, Aggravated Assault offers its unique strengths. Like Savaging Beating, Aggravated Assault allows for additional attack phases, but it does not need to be cast only during your turn. It all boils down to careful resource management and understanding your deck’s dynamics.

Furthermore, there is Aurelia, the Warleader, a potent card in its own right, offering extra attack phases, along with vigilance and haste. However, Aggravated Assault’s repeatable attack phases, thanks to its ability to untap all creatures, sets it apart, making it a reputable contender in this category.

To sum up, when analysing each card’s abilities and value, Aggravated Assault maintains a strong position among extra attack phase enabling spells in MTG, given its balance of cost and power and the strategic advantage it can provide to players.

Savage Beating - MTG Card versions
Seize the Day - MTG Card versions
Aurelia, the Warleader - MTG Card versions
Savage Beating - MTG Card versions
Seize the Day - MTG Card versions
Aurelia, the Warleader - MTG Card versions

Pros of Aggravated Assault

Card Advantage: Aggravated Assault establishes authority on the battlefield by allowing repetitive attack phases, creating an overwhelming force that provides an indirect card advantage against your opponents.

Resource Acceleration: This enchantment needs only two colorless and one red mana to activate, enabling aggressive resource acceleration. When combined with mana generating cards, this can result in a series of unstoppable turns.

Instant Speed: While Aggravated Assault doesn’t operate at instant speed, its effect essentially gives you extra turns during your own turn. With clever planning, you can create scenarios where you simulate an instant-speed response by launching multiple attacks.

Cons of Aggravated Assault

Discard Requirement: While Aggravated Assault doesn’t require you to discard, it does depend on having creatures ready to attack. Without a decent line of attackers, it loses its effectiveness.

Specific Mana Cost: It costs two colorless and one red mana to cast, which means it clings predominantly to decks with red mana base. This might restrict your deck-building options.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: The initial casting cost is affordable, but its effect requires five mana. In the broad spectrum of MTG, there are other cards that could potentially provide similar or better results for less.

Reasons to Include Aggravated Assault in Your Collection

Versatility: Aggravated Assault is a card with expansive scope for incorporation in various decks, irrespective of the archetype. It can be particularly advantageous owing to its inherent ability to augment your attack phase capabilities.

Combo Potential: The enchantment serves as an integral component to diverse combos in MTG, dramatically boosting your winning chances. With the right setup, Aggravated Assault promises infinite attack phases altogether – a potent tool when poised rightly.

Meta-Relevance: Considering the dynamic MTG meta-game revolving around efficient combat strategies, having access to multiple attack phases courtesy of Aggravated Assault serves as a substantial edge, making your gameplay more relevant and commanding.

Similar Cards

Aggravated Assault is a spectacular addition to the suite of combat tricks and extra attack phase enabling spells in MTG. Drawing comparison to similar spells such as Savage Beating or Seize the Day, Aggravated Assault offers its unique strengths. Like Savaging Beating, Aggravated Assault allows for additional attack phases, but it does not need to be cast only during your turn. It all boils down to careful resource management and understanding your deck’s dynamics.

Furthermore, there is Aurelia, the Warleader, a potent card in its own right, offering extra attack phases, along with vigilance and haste. However, Aggravated Assault’s repeatable attack phases, thanks to its ability to untap all creatures, sets it apart, making it a reputable contender in this category.

To sum up, when analysing each card’s abilities and value, Aggravated Assault maintains a strong position among extra attack phase enabling spells in MTG, given its balance of cost and power and the strategic advantage it can provide to players.

How to Beat Aggravated Assault

Aggravated Assault is a coveted card in the MTG universe. Possessing the potential to overturn gameplay, it can provide infinite turns but overcoming it is no herculean task. Counterspell, though simple, can efficiently negate the assault. Direct and effective, it cancels out any spell, including this specific enchantment spell. Keep this card handy whenever the threat of an Aggravated Assault looms.

Consider Krosan Grip, which is tailor-made to annihilate any artifacts or enchantments in its path. The critical aspect? This has Split second, making it almost impossible for your opponent to respond. It effortlessly demolishes Aggravated Assault without the threat of a counterattack.

Pithing Needle, another ace in your deck, possesses the ability to render Aggravated Assault ineffective by disabling activated abilities. This artifact can allow you to get one step ahead, leaving your opponent with a futile enchantment.

Lastly, on the defensive front, Peacekeeper can be a literal game-changer. By prohibiting the act of attacking, your opponent’s Aggravated Assault becomes a worthless piece on the battlefield. Peacekeeper, despite the relatively high upkeep cost, ensures that you have the upper hand against a potential infinite combo attack.

Aggravated Assault is a powerful tool, yet there are potently effective strategies to mitigate its impact. Choose your cards wisely and remember these combat moves. Take the right counter measures, and even the sternest Aggravated Assault can end up being just another play.

Unleash the Power: Harnessing Aggravated Assault in MTG

If you’re a Magic the Gathering enthusiast, you know that combining the right cards can turn the tides of battle in your favor. Every now and then, a card emerges from the vast array of MTG history that ignites the spark of creativity among players. Aggravated Assault, a red enchantment from the Onslaught expansion, is one such card that has found its way into a multitude of powerful and competitive decks.

Aggravated Assault offers players an extra attack phase, a powerful effect that’s akin to being given a second wind in the heat of battle. This capability makes it an incredibly valuable addition to any deck aiming to overwhelm opponents through sheer force. Its utility extends beyond simply doubling your attack opportunities; when combined with certain cards that untap your creatures or lands, Aggravated Assault can be the cornerstone of an infinite combo, leading to devastating results for your opponent.

Building an Aggravated Assault Deck Strategy

Crafting the perfect deck around Aggravated Assault involves several key strategies. You’ll want to make sure you have a good mix of creatures that can capitalize on multiple attack phases, mana generation to activate the enchantment repeatedly, and other combo pieces that mesh well with the aggressive nature of this card.

One classic combination involves the use of cards like “Savage Ventmaw”, which provide you with additional mana upon attacking. When you pair Savage Ventmaw’s mana-generating ability with the repeatable attack phases of Aggravated Assault, you can potentially unlock an endless loop of attacks until your opponent is vanquished.

Another angle is the integration of Aggravated Assault with energy-producing cards. These decks utilize the synergy between energy and combat phases to fuel a relentless attacking machine. The aim is to ensure you’ll always have the resources necessary to activate Aggravated Assault’s effect, keeping your opponents on the defensive and unable to recover.

Aggravated Assault’s Place in the Meta

Aggravated Assault has been a versatile player in several MTG formats. In Commander, it’s a frequent sight in decks that focus on combat and the desire to churn through their opponents with an unending barrage of attacks. It’s also been seen camouflaged in more unsuspecting decks, where it serves as a secret weapon to be unleashed when the moment is ripe for a tide-turning play.

In other competitive formats, the enchantment shines as a combo piece in carefully crafted decks aiming to execute a winning strategy. Its flexibility allows it to support various archetypes, from those focused on direct damage to those that seek to outmaneuver opponents through complex board states and interactions. The key to success with Aggravated Assault is not just in the card’s raw power but in how well a player can integrate it into their deck’s overarching strategy.

Maximizing Effectiveness: Synergies and Support Cards

The true potential of Aggravated Assault comes to light when paired with a potent suite of support cards. The right synergies can turn it from a threat to a game-ending nightmare. Creatures with attack triggers, like “Hellrider” or “Combat Celebrant”, can benefit immensely from multiple combat phases, dealing damage repeatedly.

Mana acceleration is also important, as Aggravated Assault requires a consistent source of mana to keep the assault going. Cards like “Mana Echoes” or “Neheb, the Eternal” can ensure that your mana pool is sufficiently stocked to take advantage of Aggravated Assault’s capabilities.

Moreover, protection for your game plan is crucial. Incorporating counterspells or cards that provide hexproof or indestructible to your permanents can fortify your strategy against your opponent’s disruption efforts. Thus, “Heroic Intervention” or “Counterspell” could be key players in safeguarding your winning combo.

Aggravated Assault in Different Formats

While Aggravated Assault is most commonly associated with the Commander format, it has seen play in others as well. For example, in Legacy, decks that can produce large amounts of mana quickly can use Aggravated Assault as a finisher. It hasn’t been a major player in Modern due to the speed and efficiency of the format, but it has appeared in brews and rogue decks, providing an alternative win condition and catching opponents off guard.

The varying rules and card pools of each format dictate how Aggravated Assault can be employed. In Commander, you have singleton rules but access to a larger card pool to find the perfect pieces to accompany Aggravated Assault. In contrast, formats like Legacy and Vintage, while allowing multiple copies of most cards, also have a list of banned and restricted cards that impact deck building strategies.

Notable Decks Featuring Aggravated Assault

Over the years, numerous decks have made a name for themselves by featuring Aggravated Assault. In standard, during its time in Onslaught block, the card was a component in aggressive Red Deck Wins strategies. In Commander, Aggravated Assault often appears in decks helmed by commanders like “Najeela, the Blade-Blossom”, which inherently benefit from additional combat phases.

It’s worth exploring decklists and tournament reports to see how different players have leveraged Aggravated Assault in various formats. Websites like MTGTop8 and MTGGoldfish often feature meta-game analyses that showcase the prevalence and performance of certain decks, including those that rely on this potent enchantment to carry them to victory.

Enhancing Your Gameplay with Aggravated Assault

Whether you’re a casual player or competing in tournaments, understanding the mechanics and potential applications of Aggravated Assault can significantly enhance your gameplay. Keep an eye on the metagame shifts and be ready to adapt your strategy. A well-timed Aggravated Assault can surprise your opponents and secure wins, especially if they’re unprepared for such an aggressive tactic.

Mastering the intricacies of this card will not only make your deck more formidable but also deepen your overall understanding of strategic play in MTG. It’s a prime example of how a single card can have a ripple effect on your playstyle and decision-making processes throughout a game.

In conclusion, navigating the rich landscapes of Magic the Gathering requires strategy, insight, and a bit of adventure. Whether you’re planning your next big win or fine-tuning your deck for maximum impact, there’s always room to elevate your game. As you continue to delve into the MTG universe, remember that it’s not just about the single triumphs but the continuous journey towards mastery. We invite you to keep exploring this fascinating world, discovering new techniques, and unearthing valuable cards to ensure your next match is more than just a game, but a Big Score. Ready to level up your play? Join us to learn more and become the ultimate MTG champion.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Aggravated Assault MTG card by a specific set like Onslaught and Amonkhet Invocations, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Aggravated Assault and other MTG cards:

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Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


The Aggravated Assault Magic the Gathering card was released in 5 different sets between 2002-10-07 and 2023-09-08. Illustrated by 5 different artists.

12002-10-07OnslaughtONS 1851997NormalBlackGreg Staples
22017-04-28Amonkhet InvocationsMP2 252015NormalBorderlessGreg Opalinski
32017-11-24Explorers of IxalanE02 252015NormalBlackGreg Staples
42019-12-02Secret Lair DropSLD 10262015NormalBorderlessHelge C. Balzer
52023-09-08Wilds of Eldraine: Enchanting TalesWOT 762015NormalBorderlesszizero
62023-09-08Wilds of Eldraine: Enchanting TalesWOT 962015NormalBorderlesszizero
72023-09-08Wilds of Eldraine: Enchanting TalesWOT 392015NormalBorderlessMaihope


Magic the Gathering formats where Aggravated Assault has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Aggravated Assault card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2004-10-04 If you have enough mana, the ability may be activated more than once in a turn.
2004-10-04 You will normally use this during your post-combat main phase so you can untap any creatures that attacked.