Shock MTG Card

Shock offers crucial instant speed reactivity, pivotal for disrupting opponent’s plays and altering combat dynamics. Its low mana cost ensures a fit in various strategies, bolstering deck versatility and early-game interactions. Knowing how to counter Shock can significantly improve your gameplay, aiding in strategizing against red decks.
Card setsReleased in 33 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost1

Text of card

Shock deals 2 damage to target creature or player.

Lightning tethers souls to the world. —Kor saying

Cards like Shock

The Shock card stands out in the vast array of Magic: The Gathering instant spells designed to deal damage. Its direct simplicity – dealing 2 damage to any target for a single red mana – makes it a staple in many decks. Like Lightning Bolt, it’s known for its efficiency in removing smaller creatures or finishing off an opponent, but Lightning Bolt offers even more punch, delivering 3 damage for the same mana cost. However, Lightning Bolt is not standard legal, unlike Shock.

Comparatively, we can look at Lava Spike, which also costs one red mana but is a sorcery and can only target a player. This highlights Shock’s versatility in a duel or when swiftly responding to threats on the battlefield. Then there’s Searing Spear, dealing slightly more damage at 3 but for an additional mana. This trade-off in cost versus effect encourages players to carefully consider their mana curve and deck strategy.

In summary, Shock provides an inexpensive and flexible option for players, cementing its place as a classic damage spell with its capacity to influence the game’s outcome from the very first turn.

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Lava Spike - MTG Card versions
Searing Spear - MTG Card versions
Lightning Bolt - MTG Card versions
Lava Spike - MTG Card versions
Searing Spear - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Shock by color, type and mana cost

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Decks using this card

MTG decks using Shock. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Shock doesn’t directly provide card advantage; however, its low cost paired with the ability to remove key utility creatures from the battlefield can indirectly lead to card advantage by disrupting your opponent’s strategies.

Resource Acceleration: While Shock doesn’t accelerate your own resources, it excels in efficiently managing the board and preserving your resources by dealing with threats for only one mana.

Instant Speed: The fact that Shock can be cast at instant speed gives players the flexibility to react during the opponent’s turn. This can be used strategically to remove blockers or attackers, alter combat outcomes, or even as a timely response to an opponent’s plays.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Shock necessitates an adequately stocked hand to maintain tempo, which can backfire if you’re already struggling with card advantage.

Specific Mana Cost: Shock demands red mana, which can sometimes restrict deck-building options and synergy with multicolored manabases.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: While Shock’s mana cost is low, in the current MTG meta, there are alternatives that offer removal or direct damage at a similar or more economical cost.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Shock is a staple for decks looking for efficient removal options. With its low mana cost, it can easily be slotted into various red decks, from aggressive builds to more controlling strategies that need early interaction.

Combo Potential: As a quick instant, Shock can be a key component in combos, especially with cards that capitalize on spell-casting or direct damage. It can help trigger prowess or spectacle, as well as synergize with cards that care about targeting like Young Pyromancer.

Meta-Relevance: In a meta filled with low-toughness creatures or where preserving life totals is crucial, Shock’s ability to remove early threats or close out tight games makes it exceptionally relevant. Its presence can shift opponent’s play patterns, making it a powerful tool both on and off the battlefield.

How to beat

Shock is an essential card in many MTG strategies, known for its low cost and instant damage. Being able to deal 2 damage to any target at instant speed makes it a versatile threat against creatures, planeswalkers, and even directly to opponents. However, there are effective tactics to outsmart opponents wielding Shock.

One strategy is to prioritize creatures with toughness greater than two. This renders Shock less effective as it can’t eliminate these creatures in a single cast. Additionally, playing cards that can gain you life will help offset the damage dealt by Shock to your life total. Utilizing instant spells that boost a creature’s toughness during combat can also save them from being destroyed by Shock, turning the tables on your opponent’s plans.

Moreover, cards with abilities that trigger upon taking damage or being targeted can exploit Shock’s predictability. Remember, creatures with hexproof or protection from red dodge Shock entirely, so include these when facing a deck heavy on such direct damage spells.

Overall, with smart deck building and timely play, neutralizing the impact of Shock can shift the momentum of a game in your favor, making it imperative to understand both your deck and your opponent’s strategies.

BurnMana Recommendations

Understanding the dynamic nature of Shock in the MTG realm is key to optimizing your deck’s potential. Whether warding off early-game threats or delivering that final blow, Shock’s proficiency in altering game states is undeniable. If red is your color of choice, embracing its quick fire power can give you the upper hand. Strive to integrate creatures that withstand its blast and spells that outpace its sting to turn the tide in your favor. Looking to refine your red deck or seeking alternatives to Shock in your lineup? Dive deeper with us for the insights and strategies you need to claim victory. Trust in BurnMana to guide your journey to triumph.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Shock MTG card by a specific set like Media Inserts and Stronghold, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Shock and other MTG cards:

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Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


The Shock Magic the Gathering card was released in 28 different sets between 1998-03-02 and 2024-02-09. Illustrated by 8 different artists.

11995-01-02Media InsertsPMEI 322015NormalBlackRandy Gallegos
21998-03-02StrongholdSTH 981997NormalBlackRandy Gallegos
31998-08-12World Championship Decks 1998WC98 br98b1997NormalGoldRandy Gallegos
41999-04-21Classic Sixth Edition6ED 2061997NormalWhiteRandy Gallegos
51999-08-04World Championship Decks 1999WC99 mlp981997NormalGoldRandy Gallegos
62000-01-01Friday Night Magic 2000FNM 61997NormalBlackRandy Gallegos
72000-10-01Beatdown Box SetBTD 451997NormalWhiteRandy Gallegos
82001-04-11Seventh Edition7ED 2191997NormalWhiteMike Sass
92001-04-11Seventh Edition7ED 219★1997NormalBlackMike Sass
102002-06-24Magic Online PromosPRM 325311997NormalBlackRandy Gallegos
112002-10-07OnslaughtONS 2271997NormalBlackEdward P. Beard, Jr.
122003-07-28Eighth Edition8ED 222★2003NormalBlackRandy Gallegos
132003-07-28Eighth Edition8ED 2222003NormalWhiteRandy Gallegos
142005-07-29Ninth Edition9ED 2202003NormalWhiteRandy Gallegos
152005-07-29Ninth Edition9ED 220★2003NormalBlackRandy Gallegos
162005-08-22Salvat 2005PSAL I542003NormalWhiteRandy Gallegos
172005-08-22Salvat 2005PSAL I532003NormalWhiteRandy Gallegos
182007-07-13Tenth Edition10E 2322003NormalBlackJon Foster
192010-06-04Duels of the PlaneswalkersDPA 542003NormalBlackJon Foster
202011-07-15Magic 2012M12 1542003NormalBlackJon Foster
212013-07-19Magic 2014M14 1552003NormalBlackJon Foster
222014-09-05Duel Decks: Speed vs. CunningDDN 212015NormalBlackJon Foster
232017-01-20Aether RevoltAER 982015NormalBlackJason Rainville
242018-06-08BattlebondBBD 1842015NormalBlackJason Rainville
252018-07-13Core Set 2019M19 1562015NormalBlackJason Rainville
262019-07-12Core Set 2020M20 1602015NormalBlackJason Rainville
272019-11-07Mystery BoosterMB1 10582015NormalBlackJason Rainville
282020-07-03Core Set 2021M21 1592015NormalBlackJon Foster
292020-08-13Arena Beginner SetANB 842015NormalBlackJason Rainville
302020-09-26The ListPLST M19-1562015NormalBlackJason Rainville
312021-04-23Strixhaven Mystical ArchiveSTA 442015NormalBorderlessDominik Mayer
322021-04-23Strixhaven Mystical ArchiveSTA 1072015NormalBorderlessRyanroro
332024-02-09Murders at Karlov ManorMKM 1442015NormalBlackEric Wilkerson


Magic the Gathering formats where Shock has restrictions
