Flame Slash MTG Card

Efficiently removes creatures, contributing to favorable board states and card advantage. Cost-effective at one red mana, allowing strategic mana allocation for other plays. Limits include specific mana requirement and inability to target non-creature permanents.
Card setsReleased in 3 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost1

Text of card

Flame Slash deals 4 damage to target creature.

After millennia asleep, the Eldrazi had forgotten about Zendikar's fiery temper and dislike of strangers.

Cards like Flame Slash

Flame Slash is an iconic removal spell in the realm of MTG, known for its efficiency in dealing with creatures. It finds parallels with other red spells like Shock, which also does direct damage, albeit at a smaller scale of just 2 points. Where Flame Slash shines is its potential to take out larger threats with its 4 damage output for only one red mana, a bargain that Shock can’t deliver.

Another noteworthy comparison is with Lightning Bolt, a staple in damage-based removal. Lightning Bolt offers flexibility with the option to target players or planeswalkers, but both cards share a similar mana cost efficiency. When toughness of creatures is the priority, Flame Slash edges out due to its specific 4 damage to a creature for less mana. Pyroclasm and Volcanic Fallout are also in this conversation, dealing 2 damage to each creature, but they affect the board on a wider scale, hitting multiple targets – unlike the single-target precision of Flame Slash.

Assessing the range of red damage spells available, Flame Slash holds a unique position with its high damage-to-cost ratio, especially when pinpointing an efficient creature removal tactic is the goal, making it a compelling choice in decks emphasizing targeted removal strategies.

Shock - MTG Card versions
Lightning Bolt - MTG Card versions
Pyroclasm - MTG Card versions
Volcanic Fallout - MTG Card versions
Shock - MTG Card versions
Lightning Bolt - MTG Card versions
Pyroclasm - MTG Card versions
Volcanic Fallout - MTG Card versions

Decks using this card

MTG decks using Flame Slash. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

RGRG ModernModern Challenge 64 2024-03-24 (1)
Gruul MidrangeGruul Midrange ModernGruul MidrangeModern League 2024-04-03
Indomitable CreativityIndomitable Creativity ModernIndomitable CreativityModern League 2024-03-24
Land DestructionLand Destruction ModernLand DestructionModern Challenge 64 2024-04-07 (1)
Mono-Red MidrangeMono-Red Midrange ModernMono-Red MidrangeCMF Invitational Training #1
Asmo FoodAsmo Food ModernAsmo FoodModern Challenge 32 2024-05-03 (1)
Assault LoamAssault Loam ModernAssault LoamModern Challenge 64 2024-03-24
Izzet UpheavalIzzet Upheaval ModernIzzet UpheavalModern Preliminary 2024-04-17 (1)
Izzet WizardsIzzet Wizards ModernTemur ControlPachanga Trial ACUP Sbado
RR ModernModern Preliminary 2024-03-27 (1)

Card Pros

Card Advantage: While Flame Slash doesn’t directly allow you to draw cards, it provides a different form of card advantage by efficiently removing a creature. This one-for-one exchange can often lead to advantageous board states, ensuring you stay ahead.

Resource Acceleration: Flame Slash is renowned for its cost-effectiveness. At only one red mana, it accelerates your game plan by allowing you to spend minimal resources for maximum effect, potentially freeing up mana for other strategic plays within the same turn.

Instant Speed: Flame Slash operates at sorcery speed, which encourages strategic planning. Though it doesn’t have the flexibility of an instant, its potency at a low cost makes it a formidable card, enabling you to efficiently manage your turn and still affect the board significantly.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Flame Slash doesn’t need you to discard any cards, it’s always essential to weigh the card’s use against what else you might be holding. In certain instances where each card in hand is vital, using Flame Slash could place you at a card advantage deficit against your opponent.

Specific Mana Cost: Flame Slash requires a single red mana, which can be restrictive. If you’re running a deck with a tight mana base or multiple colors, sometimes finding that red mana when you need it can be a challenge, making the card less consistent in its playability across different deck types.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Despite its four damage for one mana efficiency, Flame Slash can be seen as having a high cost considering it only targets creatures and cannot hit players or planeswalkers. This limitation means that in games where you need to target non-creature permanents or need direct damage to close out a game, Flame Slash might not provide the versatility you require.

Reasons to Include Flame Slash in Your Collection

Versatility: Flame Slash offers a straightforward and cost-effective way to deal with threats on the battlefield. Its ability to deal 4 damage to a creature for just one red mana makes it a flexible removal tool in decks that require efficient creature control.

Combo Potential: While Flame Slash itself doesn’t inherently enable combos, its low cost allows players to preserve mana for other combo pieces. In addition, removing key creatures can disrupt opponents’ combos, giving you the upper hand.

Meta-Relevance: In environments where creatures are the cornerstone of many strategies, Flame Slash remains an essential tool. Being able to dispatch a wide array of creatures from early-game utility creatures to mid-game threats ensures that your deck can handle the evolving meta.

How to beat Flame Slash

Flame Slash is known for its straightforward efficiency in Magic: The Gathering. This potent removal spell delivers four damage to a creature at the cost of one red mana, embodying remarkable value. To counteract its impact, players should consider strategies that protect valuable creatures from being targeted or that can withstand the spell’s damage threshold.

Key to surviving a Flame Slash could be employing creatures with a toughness greater than four or those with indestructible attributes. Moreover, utilizing counter spells to negate it or employing cards with hexproof abilities that prevent targeting by spells ensures your creatures remain safe on the battlefield. Additionally, smart deck-building with redundancy of critical creatures ensures losing one isn’t detrimental.

Overall, mitigating the effects of Flame Slash involves a well-rounded approach focusing on durability, protection, and backup plans. With careful planning, players can minimize the disruption caused by this widely used red spell, maintaining board presence and advancing their strategy despite opponents’ attempts at removal.

BurnMana Recommendations

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of cards like Flame Slash is crucial for any MTG player aiming for deck optimization. Recognizing when to include this cost-effective removal in your lineup or when to prepare against it can make a significant difference in your game. Whether you’re refining an aggressive burn deck or enhancing your control strategies, insights into card advantages, resource acceleration, and the current meta are vital. If you’re keen on developing an MTG deck that is both resilient and adaptable, learning the intricacies of cards like Flame Slash is imperative. Elevate your MTG expertise—discover more tips and strategies with us.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Flame Slash MTG card by a specific set like Rise of the Eldrazi and Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Flame Slash and other MTG cards:

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The Flame Slash Magic the Gathering card was released in 3 different sets between 2010-04-23 and 2016-08-26. Illustrated by Raymond Swanland.

12010-04-23Rise of the EldraziROE 1452003NormalBlackRaymond Swanland
22013-03-15Duel Decks: Sorin vs. TibaltDDK 602003NormalBlackRaymond Swanland
32016-08-26Conspiracy: Take the CrownCN2 1572015NormalBlackRaymond Swanland


Magic the Gathering formats where Flame Slash has restrictions
