Brushland MTG Card

Brushland provides indirect card advantage by improving hand utilization through versatile mana access. Leveraging life points for mana reflects an essential strategic decision making in managing resources. Inclusion in collections is advantageous for meta-adaptability and executing color-specific combos.
Card setsReleased in 18 setsSee all

Text of card

oc T: Add o1 to your mana pool. oc T: Add o W to your mana pool. Brushland deals 1 damage to you. oc T: Add o G to your mana pool. Brushland deals 1 damage to you.

Cards like Brushland

Brushland offers players in Magic: The Gathering a viable option for mana flexibility in their decks, much like its counterparts from the “pain land” family. It aligns closely with cards like Karplusan Forest and Adarkar Wastes. Brushland stands out by providing both green and white mana, with the trade-off being life points for each colored mana generated. Karplusan Forest similarly supplies red and green mana at the cost of life, whereas Adarkar Wastes delivers blue and white mana, also with a life point toll for colored mana.

Caves of Koilos from the core set is another card that mirrors Brushland’s utility. Providing white and black mana options, it is indispensible in multicolor decks requiring flexibility without entering the battlefield tapped. For decks that hinge on speed and efficiency, these lands are crucial for maintaining tempo while offering a diverse mana base. Still, mana preservation comes at the cost of sustaining life, which is a factor wisely considered by seasoned players.

Evaluating the mechanics and applications implies Brushland holds its own among MTG’s dual lands, offering a strategic blend of color accessibility and mana curve optimization, critical for many deck archetypes.

Karplusan Forest - MTG Card versions
Adarkar Wastes - MTG Card versions
Caves of Koilos - MTG Card versions
Karplusan Forest - MTG Card versions
Adarkar Wastes - MTG Card versions
Caves of Koilos - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Brushland by color, type and mana cost

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Decks using this card

MTG decks using Brushland. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Brushland doesn’t exactly draw you cards directly, but its ability to tap for two types of mana without any additional cost helps you deploy more of your hand onto the battlefield. This indirect card advantage ensures you’re efficiently using every card you draw.

Resource Acceleration: As a dual land, Brushland is an asset in speeding up your mana base. Able to tap for either green or white mana, it accelerates your ability to cast diverse spells earlier in the game, establishing a stronger board presence more quickly than with basic lands alone.

Instant Speed: Although lands can’t be played at instant speed, the immediate access to two colors of mana Brushland provides means you can respond to an opponent’s actions during their turn with a wider variety of spells. This flexibility is crucial in adapting to the dynamic nature of MTG matches.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Brushland provides flexibility in mana, it does not come without its drawbacks. It’s crucial for players to weigh their options because every opportunity to tap for colored mana comes at the price of life points. In intense games, this can become a tough decision, especially for those with limited life-gaining strategies.

Specific Mana Cost: Brushland is tailored to support green and white mana needs. For decks that are not utilizing both colors, this card may not be as beneficial compared to other land options. It is particularly less advantageous for decks that require a different color combination, as Brushland won’t aid in their mana fixing.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: In the world of dual lands, Brushland faces competition from lands with no life loss or those that offer additional abilities. Competitive players might opt for lands that provide the same mana with less downside or those that complement their deck’s broader strategy. Therefore, despite its utility, Brushland may be overlooked when players are building a mana base optimized for efficiency and synergy.

Reasons to Include Brushland in Your Collection

Versatility: Brushland offers an adaptable mana base, capable of tapping for both green and white mana, making it an essential component in multicolored decks that lean towards these colors, especially in formats like Modern and Commander.

Combo Potential: This card seamlessly integrates into strategies focusing on land-type synergies or needing specific mana combinations to execute powerful combos, thus enhancing the overall effectiveness of your game plan.

Meta-Relevance: As the gameplay environment evolves, having access to flexible land options such as Brushland can be crucial. It maintains its value by adapting to various deck archetypes that are prominent in the current competitive scene.

How to Beat Brushland

Brushland is a versatile land card in Magic: The Gathering that taps for colorless mana or can be tapped for either green or white mana at the cost of 1 life. This flexibility makes Brushland a valuable asset in multicolor decks, particularly those utilizing green and white mana. However, every card has its vulnerabilities.

To effectively counteract Brushland, it’s important to leverage cards that restrict or punish the use of nonbasic lands. For instance, leveraging a card like Blood Moon can transform all nonbasic lands into basic Mountains, nullifying Brushland’s utility. Other strategies can include land destruction cards or playing Aven Mindcensor to limit the ability to search for nonbasic lands, thereby reducing the chances of Brushland being played optimally.

Additionally, incorporating cards into your deck that benefit from opponents gaining life, such as Tainted Remedy, can turn Brushland’s life payment into a disadvantage for your opponent. When faced with Brushland, adjusting your deck to exploit its weaknesses can turn the tides of the game in your favor.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Brushland MTG card by a specific set like Ice Age and Pro Tour Collector Set, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Brushland and other MTG cards:

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Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


The Brushland Magic the Gathering card was released in 13 different sets between 1995-06-03 and 2024-06-14. Illustrated by 6 different artists.

11995-06-03Ice AgeICE 3521993NormalBlackBryon Wackwitz
21996-05-02Pro Tour Collector SetPTC et3521993NormalGoldBryon Wackwitz
31996-05-02Pro Tour Collector SetPTC pp3521993NormalGoldBryon Wackwitz
41996-05-02Pro Tour Collector SetPTC bl3521993NormalGoldBryon Wackwitz
51997-03-24Fifth Edition5ED 4121997NormalWhiteTom Wänerstrand
61999-04-21Classic Sixth Edition6ED 3201997NormalWhiteTom Wänerstrand
72000-08-02World Championship Decks 2000WC00 nl3201997NormalGoldTom Wänerstrand
82001-04-11Seventh Edition7ED 3261997NormalWhiteScott Bailey
92001-04-11Seventh Edition7ED 326★1997NormalBlackScott Bailey
102002-06-24Magic Online PromosPRM 1058782015NormalBlackRob Alexander
112002-08-14World Championship Decks 2002WC02 bk3261997NormalGoldScott Bailey
122005-07-29Ninth Edition9ED 3192003NormalWhiteScott Bailey
132005-07-29Ninth Edition9ED 319★2003NormalBlackScott Bailey
142007-07-13Tenth Edition10E 3492003NormalBlackScott Bailey
152022-11-18The Brothers' WarBRO 2592015NormalBlackThomas Stoop
162022-11-18The Brothers' WarBRO 2982015NormalBorderlessRob Alexander
172023-06-23Tales of Middle-earth CommanderLTC 2972015NormalBlackRamazan Kazaliev
182024-06-14Modern Horizons 3 CommanderM3C 3242015NormalBlackThomas Stoop


Magic the Gathering formats where Brushland has restrictions
