Titania, Protector of Argoth MTG Card
Card sets | Released in 11 setsSee all |
Mana cost | |
Converted mana cost | 5 |
Rarity | Mythic |
Type | Legendary Creature — Elemental |
Power | 5 |
Toughness | 3 |
Text of card
When Titania, Protector of Argoth enters the battlefield, return target land card from your graveyard to the battlefield. Whenever a land you control is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, put a 5/3 green Elemental creature token onto the battlefield.
Cards like Titania, Protector of Argoth
Titania, Protector of Argoth is a unique and powerful commander in the world of MTG. Her ability to turn land cards from the graveyard into 5/3 elemental creatures sets her apart from many in the same sphere. In comparison, cards like Lord Windgrace from the Commander 2018 set share the theme of land interaction. Windgrace manipulates land cards by allowing you to draw cards and return lands from the graveyard to the battlefield, yet it lacks the direct creature creation that Titania offers.
Another card that resonates with Titania’s land-creature synergy is The Gitrog Monster. This frog horror allows you to draw extra cards by simply sacrificing a land, providing fuel for Titania’s elemental army. Nevertheless, The Gitrog Monster doesn’t have the same immediate board impact as summoning an elemental does. Finally, there’s Multani, Yavimaya’s Avatar, which grows in power and toughness with the more lands you have in play and in your graveyard, again echoing the land-focused strategy but not producing additional creatures as a direct result.
While each of these cards complements a land-centric deck, Titania, Protector of Argoth stands out for her ability to quickly populate the battlefield with formidable token creatures, making her a formidable presence in MTG Commander games.
Cards similar to Titania, Protector of Argoth by color, type and mana cost
Decks using this card
MTG decks using Titania, Protector of Argoth. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.
# | Name | Format | Archetype | Event |
Nic Fit | Legacy | Nic Fit | South Wales Legacy Showcase | |
Amulet Titan | Modern | Amulet Titan | Modern League 2024-04-13 | |
Four-color Elementals | Modern | 4/5c Omnath | *HALF PRICE FRIDAY* $5K RCQ - Modern - SCG CON Atlanta - Friday - 1:00 pm | |
4c Omnath | Modern | 4/5c Omnath | Modern League 2024-03-08 | |
Decklist | Free form | Canadian Highlander for Duals - Underground Sea Guaranteed - Proxies Allowed | ||
Five-color | Free form | Canadian Highlander for Duals - Underground Sea Guaranteed - Proxies Allowed | ||
Naya | Free form | Canadian Highlander for Duals - Underground Sea Guaranteed - Proxies Allowed | ||
Four-Color Omnath | Modern | 4/5c Omnath | MTG China Open S5 Regional Championship | |
BRG | Legacy | Legacy Challenge 32 2024-03-17 | ||
Naya Enchantress | Modern | 4/5c Omnath | 2024 Hunter Burton Memorial Open |
Card Pros
Card Advantage: Titania, Protector of Argoth excels at generating a stream of creature tokens every time a land you control hits the graveyard. This can quickly overwhelm opponents with a formidable board presence while maintaining a robust hand.
Resource Acceleration: Lands hitting the graveyard trigger Titania’s ability to create 5/3 Elemental creatures, turning any land sacrifice into immediate battlefield influence. This ramp in creature power can be leveraged much faster than opponents’ traditional land-based ramp.
Instant Speed: While Titania herself doesn’t operate at instant speed, she interacts favorably with land cards that can be sacrificed at instant speed. This synergy allows for reactive play, giving you the flexibility to create 5/3 creatures on the fly in response to your opponents’ actions or during their end step.
Card Cons
Discard Requirement: Though powerful, Titania, Protector of Argoth, requires a significant sacrifice as one must discard a land card to reap the benefits. This can be particularly challenging if your hand is already land-starved or if you’re trying to maintain a presence on the battlefield.
Specific Mana Cost: This elemental force demands a precise blend of mana — three generic and two green. Such a cost means you need a stable green mana base to summon her to the field, which can limit deck-building options and may not align well with multicolored or off-theme decks.
Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a five mana cost to bring this guardian into play, some players might find it slower compared to other potent green creatures or spells that could be cast sooner. In fast-paced games, this could mean falling behind as opponents develop their board more quickly.
Reasons to Include in Your Collection
Versatility: Titania, Protector of Argoth seamlessly integrates into land-centric decks and those with a sacrificial theme. This card’s ability to bring lands back from the graveyard and create 5/3 Elemental tokens makes it a multi-faceted powerhouse on the battlefield.
Combo Potential: Pairing Titania with effects that sacrifice lands or cards that put lands into the graveyard can set off a chain reaction, flooding the board with tokens and overwhelming the opponent.
Meta-Relevance: In metagames where land interactions are key or graveyard strategies thrive, Titania’s presence can significantly tilt the scales in your favor, making her a relevant choice for competitive play.
How to beat
Titania, Protector of Argoth is a formidable force in MTG, renowned for her ability to dominate the playing field with an army of elemental creatures. She boasts a unique skill – reviving lands from the graveyard, which not only allows her controller to recover from land destruction but also creates a 5/3 Elemental creature token with each return. However, to effectively neutralize Titania’s influence, players should turn their attention to graveyard hate cards. Cards like Rest in Peace or Relic of Progenitus can disrupt her ability by keeping lands safely out of the graveyard.
Another effective strategy is to apply targeted removal on Titania herself as soon as she enters the battlefield. Spot removal spells such as Path to Exile or Terminate will take care of her before she can start an overwhelming elemental onslaught. Additionally, board wipes remain a key component in managing the tokens she’s known for producing. Supreme Verdict, for instance, can clear the board of tokens irrespective of their size.
Altogether, while Titania can quickly escalate a game in her favor, a well-prepared deck with the right counters can tame her earth-shaking power, maintaining the balance of play.
Where to buy
If you're looking to purchase Titania, Protector of Argoth MTG card by a specific set like Magic Online Promos and Commander 2014, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.
For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.
Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.
Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Titania, Protector of Argoth and other MTG cards:
BurnMana is an official partner of TCGPlayer
- eBay
- Card Kingdom
- Card Market
- Star City Games
- CoolStuffInc
- MTG Mint Card
- Hareruya
- Troll and Toad
- ABU Games
- Card Hoarder Magic Online
- MTGO Traders Magic Online
See MTG Products
The Titania, Protector of Argoth Magic the Gathering card was released in 8 different sets between 2014-11-07 and 2024-04-19. Illustrated by 2 different artists.
# | Released | Name | Code | Symbol | Number | Frame | Layout | Border | Artist |
1 | Magic Online Promos | PRM | 91301 | 2015 | Normal | Black | Iris Compiet | ||
2 | 2014-11-07 | Commander 2014 | C14 | 50 | 2015 | Normal | Black | Magali Villeneuve | |
3 | 2015-11-18 | Legendary Cube Prize Pack | PZ1 | 89 | 2015 | Normal | Black | Magali Villeneuve | |
4 | 2017-06-09 | Commander Anthology | CMA | 157 | 2015 | Normal | Black | Magali Villeneuve | |
5 | The List | PLST | MH2-287 | 2015 | Normal | Black | Magali Villeneuve | ||
6 | Modern Horizons 2 Art Series | AMH2 | 43s | 2015 | Art series | Borderless | Iris Compiet | ||
7 | Modern Horizons 2 Art Series | AMH2 | 43 | 2015 | Art series | Borderless | Iris Compiet | ||
8 | 2021-06-18 | Modern Horizons 2 | MH2 | 287 | 2015 | Normal | Black | Magali Villeneuve | |
9 | 2021-06-18 | Modern Horizons 2 | MH2 | 319 | 2015 | Normal | Borderless | Iris Compiet | |
10 | 2021-06-18 | Modern Horizons 2 | MH2 | 416 | 1997 | Normal | Black | Magali Villeneuve | |
11 | 2024-04-19 | Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander | OTC | 210 | 2015 | Normal | Black | Magali Villeneuve |
Magic the Gathering formats where Titania, Protector of Argoth has restrictions
Format | Legality |
Commander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Duel | Legal |
Penny | Legal |