Return to Nature MTG Card

Offers versatile removal options for artifacts, enchantments, or graveyard threats at instant speed. Crucial for sideboards to counter meta-relevant permanent-based strategies and combos. Can be outmaneuvered by strategic deck-building, using hexproof or redundancy.
Card setsReleased in 8 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2

Text of card

Choose one — • Destroy target artifact. • Destroy target enchantment. • Exile target card from a graveyard.

"Yes, nature is stronger. You don't see little buildings sprouting on trees." —Emmara

Cards like Return to Nature

Return to Nature is a versatile piece in the removal arsenal for Magic: The Gathering players. It’s akin to other naturalize effects, with Disenchant serving as a classic parallel. Disenchant specifically targets artifacts and enchantments, though it fails to handle cards in the graveyard. Herein lies the edge Return to Nature has; its added ability to exile a card from a graveyard elevates its utility and adaptability in gameplay.

Another related spell is Naturalize, which shares the exact mana cost and instant speed removal of artifacts and enchantments. However, once again, Return to Nature usurps Naturalize with its graveyard interaction. Wilt also emerges as a comparable card, offering the same services but with a cycling feature, allowing players an additional option to draw a card if removal isn’t necessary at the moment.

Assessing these alternatives, Return to Nature claims a competitive spot among removal spells. Its multi-faceted nature adds a layer of strategic depth and provides players with an upper hand in disrupting opponents’ plans not only on the battlefield but in the graveyard as well.

Disenchant - MTG Card versions
Naturalize - MTG Card versions
Wilt - MTG Card versions
Disenchant - MTG Card versions
Naturalize - MTG Card versions
Wilt - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Return to Nature by color, type and mana cost

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Tranquil Domain - MTG Card versions
Resuscitate - MTG Card versions
Heavy Fog - MTG Card versions
Aggressive Urge - MTG Card versions
Tangle - MTG Card versions
Krosan Reclamation - MTG Card versions
Seedtime - MTG Card versions
Nourish - MTG Card versions
Wear Away - MTG Card versions
Vital Surge - MTG Card versions
Predator's Strike - MTG Card versions
Might of the Nephilim - MTG Card versions
Resize - MTG Card versions
Squall Line - MTG Card versions
Regenerate - MTG Card versions
Naturalize - MTG Card versions
Tel-Jilad Defiance - MTG Card versions
Tribute to the Wild - MTG Card versions
Plummet - MTG Card versions
Titanic Growth - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Acts as a versatile solution by offering three options, each capable of addressing different threats. This range of choices provides the flexibility to adapt to various situations without losing card value.

Resource Acceleration: Though not directly accelerating resources, the ability to remove an opponent’s enchantments can slow down their game plan, indirectly accelerating your position relative to theirs.

Instant Speed: The instant nature of the card enables you to react swiftly to an opponent’s actions or threats during their turn, keeping you in control and ready to adapt at a moment’s notice without committing resources prematurely.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Return to Nature does not make you discard as part of its cost, not having this feature means you have to be strategic about when to play it, as there’s no card advantage to be gained directly from its use.

Specific Mana Cost: Requiring one green mana to cast, Return to Nature is specific to green decks or those that can generate green mana, which might not fit into every player’s strategy or mana base.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: In some cases, players may find the single green mana cost a bit restrictive for a utility spell, as there are other alternatives that might offer similar effects without needing a specific color or could be more cost-effective in decks not focusing on green mana.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Return to Nature is an essential sideboard option in various formats for its diverse utility. Its ability to deal with artifacts, enchantments, or graveyard strategies makes it a valuable asset in any deck that needs a quick and cost-effective answer to several threats.

Combo Potential: This card shines in its simplicity but proves its worth in combo-centric settings by disrupting opponent’s graveyard-based combos or clearing the way for your own plays unimpeded by opposing enchantments or artifacts.

Meta-Relevance: With numerous decks relying on permanent-based strategies or using the graveyard as a resource, Return to Nature’s relevance in contemporary play cannot be overstated. It offers a precise response to these prevalent tactics at a minimal cost, making it a staple in competitive play.

How to beat Return to Nature

Return to Nature is a versatile spell choice for players in Magic: The Gathering. This instant card offers the ability to target and destroy an artifact, enchantment, or exile a card from a graveyard. Its appeal lies in its adaptability during various phases of a game, serving as a safety net against diverse threats. To effectively combat this card, anticipate the timing of its use. Since it’s an instant, it can catch players off guard during crucial moments.

One effective approach is using cards that can’t be targeted by spells or abilities, known as having hexproof. Additionally, consider baiting with less valuable artifacts or enchantments before playing the key ones. Cards like Prowling Serpopard, which can’t be countered and gives your creature spells the same protection, safeguard your creatures from such reactive spells. Also, redundancy in important enchantments or artifacts in your deck can diminish the impact of Return to Nature, ensuring that your strategic components remain in play even if one is removed.

Because of its low cost and flexibility, Return to Nature is a staple in sideboards. However, smart deck-building and strategic play can mitigate its influence on the game, keeping your essential pieces in play and your strategy intact.

BurnMana Recommendations

In light of the versatile utility of Return to Nature, MTG players can sharpen their competitive edge by incorporating this card into their arsenal. Its instant-speed reaction to various in-game situations makes it an indispensable tool for control and flexibility. As you build your deck, consider how this card can disrupt your opponent’s strategies while safeguarding your own plans. Whether used as a sideboard secret weapon or as part of your main deck, it provides an essential answer to today’s dynamic MTG metagame. Don your mantle of wisdom, and harness the full potential of Return to Nature to secure victory after victory. Explore its depths and strategic applications with us to master your MTG journey.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Return to Nature MTG card by a specific set like War of the Spark and Throne of Eldraine, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Return to Nature and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Return to Nature Magic the Gathering card was released in 8 different sets between 2019-05-03 and 2023-04-21. Illustrated by 4 different artists.

12019-05-03War of the SparkWAR 1752015NormalBlackAlayna Danner
22019-10-04Throne of EldraineELD 1732015NormalBlackMark Poole
32020-01-24Theros Beyond DeathTHB 1972015NormalBlackKieran Yanner
42020-07-03Core Set 2021M21 2002015NormalBlackAlayna Danner
52021-07-23Forgotten Realms CommanderAFC 1692015NormalBlackAlayna Danner
62021-09-24Innistrad: Midnight HuntMID 1952015NormalBlackKim Sokol
72022-01-28Innistrad: Double FeatureDBL 1952015NormalBlackKim Sokol
82023-04-21March of the Machine CommanderMOC 3092015NormalBlackMark Poole


Magic the Gathering formats where Return to Nature has restrictions
