Mirrorshell Crab MTG Card

Delivers card advantage and accelerates resources, powerful in the right circumstances. Demands specific mana and can strain resources with its discard requirement. Provides versatile defense and offense with its unexpected flash ability.
Mirrorshell Crab - Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty
Mana cost
Converted mana cost7
TypeArtifact Creature — Crab
Abilities Channel,Ward
Set symbol
Set nameKamigawa: Neon Dynasty
Set codeNEO
Power 5
Toughness 7
Illustred byCristi Balanescu

Text of card

Ward (Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, counter it unless that player pays .) Channel — , Discard Mirrorshell Crab: Counter target spell or ability unless its controller pays .

Cards like Mirrorshell Crab

Mirrorshell Crab introduces a unique twist to the battlefield of Magic: The Gathering. Behaving similar to cards like Lazotep Plating, which grants hexproof and amasses an army, Mirrorshell Crab adds a layer of surprise by swapping power and toughness. Where Lazotep Plating is proactive by offering protection, Mirrorshell Crab’s reactive nature can be a game-changer in combat scenarios.

Another comparable card is Mirror Image, allowing you to copy a creature you control. Although not a direct duplicate, Mirrorshell Crab can mimic the power of any creature on the battlefield, friend or foe. This adaptability gives it a wider range of strategic options. Furthermore, Unstable Shapeshifter shares a similarity in adjusting its form but lacks the excitement of immediate impact that the crab provides.

Assessing the performance and strategic elements, Mirrorshell Crab holds its own among MTG creature cards with its distinctive ability to shift battles in your favor while keeping opponents guessing with its ever-changing presence on the field.

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Lazotep Plating - MTG Card versions
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Cards similar to Mirrorshell Crab by color, type and mana cost

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Decks using this card

MTG decks using Mirrorshell Crab. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

Dimir MidrangeDimir Midrange PioneerDimir MidrangePioneer Showcase Challenge 2024-04-14
Simic RampSimic Ramp StandardSimic RampTraditional Standard Ranked Decklists: May 13, 2024
Quintorius ComboQuintorius Combo PioneerQuintorius ComboPioneer Qualifier 2024-01-27
UBUB PioneerPioneer Challenge 64 2024-04-06
Selesnya AggroSelesnya Aggro PauperPauper
DecklistDecklist Free form81#CS
UU PioneerPioneer League 2024-04-05
Five-color ComboFive-color Combo StandardCascadeAfter Showdown: Murders at Karlov Manor
URUR ModernModern Preliminary 2024-03-27 (1)
Bant RampBant Ramp PauperBant ControlC'mon! Pozna

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Mirrorshell Crab facilitates card advantage by letting its controller essentially ‘copy’ a spell by exiling a card from their hand. This offers a strategic benefit of having access to more options that can be pivotal in tight situations.

Resource Acceleration: By allowing you to play the exiled card, Mirrorshell Crab can effectively grant you an additional resource to utilize, accelerating your game plan. This pseudo-ramp can be instrumental, especially when you exile a lower-cost card that can be played sooner than expected.

Instant Speed: With its flash ability, Mirrorshell Crab offers the inherent advantage of instant speed play. This means that not only can it be used as a blocker unexpectedly but also allows you to retain a responsive playstyle, adapting to your opponents’ actions on the fly without compromising your turn sequence.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Mirrorshell Crab can be a challenging addition to your hand if you’re facing resource constraints. The card asks players to discard another card, which might be difficult to justify when your hand size is dwindling and each card’s value increases.

Specific Mana Cost: Harnessing the full potential of Mirrorshell Crab requires a precise mana alignment. Its mana cost demands both blue and green, making it less versatile for decks that don’t consistently produce these colors.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With its entrance fee set at three generic, one blue, and one green mana, Mirrorshell Crab might seem steep for its stat line and effect. Considering the pace of many games, players might opt for lower-cost creatures or spells that offer faster impact on the game state.

Reasons to Include Mirrorshell Crab in Your Collection

Versatility: Mirrorshell Crab can seamlessly adapt to a variety of deck types with its unique ability to copy other creatures on the battlefield. Its flexibility makes it a valuable asset for both aggressive and control-oriented strategies.

Combo Potential: The card’s copy ability opens up numerous combo avenues, especially with creatures with powerful enter-the-battlefield effects or end-of-turn abilities. This can lead to explosive turns or game-changing synergies.

Meta-Relevance: As the competitive scene evolves, Mirrorshell Crab remains a relevant choice due to its capacity to match the strengths of popular creatures in the meta. It acts as a dynamic countermeasure to various creature-based strategies that dominate the play environment.

How to beat

The Mirrorshell Crab introduces a unique versatility to the battlefield of Magic: The Gathering. This creature’s ability to copy activated or triggered abilities of other creatures adds a layer of complexity to your strategy. Overcoming this shelled strategist requires precise timing and the right removal tools. Instant-speed removal spells such as Fatal Push or Path to Exile can deal with the Mirrorshell Crab before it gets a chance to utilize its ability, ensuring it won’t disrupt your plans.

Adaptability is key when facing such a card. Utilize counter spells like Counterspell or Negate to stop the Crab, or play cards that restrict abilities from being activated, such as Pithing Needle. Board wipes also come in handy, since they can clear out multiple threats at once, including the Crab, before it can become a problem. Remember, once the Mirrorshell Crab has copied an ability, it’s too late to react – so always aim to act swiftly and preemptively to stay one step ahead.

Ultimately, staying in control is essential when up against the Mirrorshell Crab. Quick responses, strategic removal, and ability lockdowns are your best moves to ensure this creature doesn’t turn the tide in your opponent’s favor.

BurnMana Recommendations

Understanding the intricacies of Mirrorshell Crab can significantly enhance your MTG deck’s performance. It offers flexibility and surprise, acting as a potential game-changer in the right situation. As with any card, assessing its utility in your deck’s strategy is crucial. Whether it’s for the thrill of copying formidable creatures or strategically accelerating your resources, incorporating this crafty crustacean could be a rewarding experience. Curious about integrating Mirrorshell Crab into your battle strategy or seeking alternative cards with similar impact? Dive deeper into the strategic depth of MTG and discover the full potential of your deck with our in-depth analyses and insights.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Mirrorshell Crab MTG card by a specific set like Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Mirrorshell Crab and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Mirrorshell Crab has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Mirrorshell Crab card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2022-02-18 Discarding the card is part of the cost to activate a channel ability.
2022-02-18 If a channel ability requires a target, you may not activate it without a target just to discard the card.
2022-02-18 If a player casts a spell that targets multiple permanents their opponent controls with ward, each of those ward abilities will trigger. If that player doesn't pay for all of them, the spell will be countered.