Mimic Match // Mimic Match (cont'd) MTG Card

Mimic Match offers significant card advantage by duplicating impactful battlefield creatures. Instant speed casting of Mimic Match allows for surprise plays and tactical advantages. It requires sacrificing a creature, posing a potential setback for board presence.
Mimic Match // Mimic Match (cont'd) - Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Minigames
Set symbol
Set nameAdventures in the Forgotten Realms Minigames
Set codeMAFR
LayoutDouble Faced Token
Illustred by

Text of card

Otherwise, leave them in place, and the next player takes their turn. NOTE: Colorless cards can be matched with other colorless cards, but mimics can only be matched with each other. After a match has been made, replace the empty spaces with two new cards from the deck, face down. The game ends when a player reveals the two mimics, uncovering them! TO WIN: At the end of the game, each player scores 1 point for every card they collected. The player who uncovered the mimics by matching the two lands scores an additional 2 points. If there is a tie, the player who uncovered the mimics decides who wins!

Cards like Mimic Match // Mimic Match (cont'd)

Mimic Match introduces a unique dynamic to gameplay, drawing parallels with other MTG cards that capitalize on duplicating creatures, such as Clone. Where Clone purely copies a target creature upon entering the battlefield, Mimic Match steps it up by allowing players to decide at each upkeep whether to copy a creature. This gives ongoing flexibility, unlike Clone’s one-time effect.

Adding to the list, Stunt Double stands out for its flash ability, enabling a surprise element by copying creatures at any time, not just your own upkeep. Even with this instant speed advantage, Stunt Double doesn’t offer the repeated copying potential of Mimic Match. Lastly, Mirrormade warrants a mention. Though it mirrors any artifact or enchantment, not creatures, the breadth of its influence aligns with the versatility that Mimic Match provides within creature-focused strategies.

Assessing the role of Mimic Match in comparison to its counterparts, it’s evident that it offers a distinct combination of adaptability and persistence in creature strategies, positioning it as an inventive choice for players looking to leverage continuous cloning capabilities in their MTG decks.

Clone - MTG Card versions
Stunt Double - MTG Card versions
Mirrormade - MTG Card versions
Clone - MTG Card versions
Stunt Double - MTG Card versions
Mirrormade - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Mimic Match excels in creating card advantage by allowing you to duplicate your most impactful creatures on the battlefield. This can potentially double your threats without requiring additional cards from your hand, solidifying your board presence.

Resource Acceleration: When Mimic Match is played, it can escalate the speed of your resource development notably. By copying creatures that have mana abilities or those that bring additional lands into play, you accelerate your mana base and can outpace your opponents by deploying bigger threats earlier than expected.

Instant Speed: The flexibility of casting Mimic Match at instant speed provides a substantial tactical edge. It enables reactive play during your opponent’s turn, allowing for surprise blockers or end-of-turn value plays. This keeps your adversaries guessing and disrupts their plans, as they must consider the potential of a duplicated creature at any moment.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Casting Mimic Match requires sacrificing a creature you control, a steep price that may set you back in terms of board presence.

Specific Mana Cost: With a stringent cost demanding two blue and one colorless mana, this spell’s inclusion can be prohibitive for multi-color decks that require flexible mana bases.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Five mana to potentially copy a creature might be too slow against fast-paced aggro strategies, leaving control and midrange players pondering other options with a lower cost threshold.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Mimic Match is dynamic in its ability to adapt to various deck builds, contributing to strategies that thrive on copying the most advantageous creatures on the board.

Combo Potential: This card offers remarkable synergy with effects that require copying or bouncing creatures, amplifying intricate combo chains for game-changing plays.

Meta-Relevance: As the meta ebbs and flows, Mimic Match retains its relevance by aligning with creature-heavy decks, making it a consistent and flexible addition to any collection seeking to remain competitive.

How to beat

The card Mimic Match commands attention among counter strategies in Magic: The Gathering. This peculiar card can catch players off guard by copying the most recent spell or creature that came into play. Understanding its power hinges upon its unique ability to clone abilities, morph into threats, or even multiply your own game-changers. The versatility of Mimic Match makes it a compelling card, enabling a wide array of tactical plays.

To effectively counter Mimic Match, one should consider timing and strategic spell management. Playing less impactful creatures or spells until Mimic Match is expended can be a prudent approach. Alternatively, employing instant-speed removal or counterspells ensures Mimic Match never fully achieves its potential to disrupt the board state. Moreover, silencing abilities or creating unfavorable situations for copying can diminish the effectiveness of Mimic Match, making it a less threatening element during gameplay.

In essence, the ability to outmaneuver Mimic Match is rooted in patience and cunning deck construction. Players adept at predicting and reacting to opponents’ strategies will find themselves less vulnerable to the surprising elements that Mimic Match brings to the table.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Mimic Match // Mimic Match (cont'd) MTG card by a specific set like Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Minigames, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Mimic Match // Mimic Match (cont'd) and other MTG cards:

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