Irencrag Feat MTG Card

It provides a significant mana surge, enabling casting of impactful spells ahead of the curve. Limited to casting only one more spell, which demands careful planning and timing. Offers deck versatility, supporting strategies focused on high-cost, game-altering spells.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost4

Text of card

Add seven . You can cast only one more spell this turn.

The greatest challenge isn't the stifling heat but the crushing weight of those who failed before.

Cards like Irencrag Feat

Irencrag Feat is a unique addition to the roster of mana ramp spells in Magic: The Gathering. It finds company with spells like Seething Song, which similarly provides a burst of red mana. Yet, Irencrag Feat overshadows it by offering seven mana at the cost of only being able to cast one more spell that turn. Seething Song’s lesser five mana boost doesn’t restrict the number of spells played afterwards, presenting a trade-off for players to consider.

In the realm of large-mana plays we also encounter Mana Geyser, which can potentially generate a staggering amount of red mana in multiplayer games, eclipsing Irencrag Feat’s fixed amount. However, Mana Geyser’s five mana cost and reliance on opponents’ tapped lands make it less predictable. Then there’s Pyretic Ritual, which, while it only adds three mana for two, offers the flexibility to play multiple spells in a turn, an option Irencrag Feat does not permit.

Deciding between these cards ultimately depends on a deck’s strategy. Irencrag Feat, with its notable mana influx and singular spell restriction, aligns well with strategies focusing on casting one powerhouse spell to change the course of the game. It clearly carves a niche for itself among Magic: The Gathering’s red mana accelerants.

Seething Song - MTG Card versions
Mana Geyser - MTG Card versions
Pyretic Ritual - MTG Card versions
Seething Song - MTG Card versions
Mana Geyser - MTG Card versions
Pyretic Ritual - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Irencrag Feat by color, type and mana cost

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Thoughts of Ruin - MTG Card versions
Inner Fire - MTG Card versions
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Decks using this card

MTG decks using Irencrag Feat. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

BelcherBelcher ModernBelcher1 Torneio - 10 Liga Arena Guardians
RR PioneerPioneer Challenge 32 2024-04-25
Oops! All Spells!Oops! All Spells! Modern4c ScamDEN24 Sun 9:30 - Modern $10k Open 8-slot RCQ
Jund ScamJund Scam ModernJund ScamModern Challenge 64 2024-03-02 (1)
DecklistDecklist Free formWeekday Night Magic

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Although Irencrag Feat doesn’t directly draw you cards, it allows for a significant play by providing mana to cast a game-changing spell that can often lead to a better position or card advantage by overwhelming the board.

Resource Acceleration: Irencrag Feat propels your mana resources to new heights, granting you seven red mana in a single turn. This massive burst enables you to cast high-cost spells much earlier than usual, giving you a tempo that opponents may find hard to match.

Instant Speed: While Irencrag Feat is a sorcery, its ability to grant so much mana in one go can be used as a setup for instant speed interactions on your next turn. It allows for a strategic setup where you could potentially unleash instant spells without the usual mana constraints.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Irencrag Feat enables casting of one powerful spell in a turn, the limitation to only one spell can be a strategic setback. This requirement restricts players from utilizing any additional spells they draw, which could otherwise be critical for maintaining momentum or responding to opponents’ moves.

Specific Mana Cost: Irencrag Feat’s cost is rigid, demanding four red mana. This specification can be quite restrictive and potentially problematic in multicolored decks that require a diverse mana base. Unless your deck is heavily red or has reliable means of mana fixing, this card could remain stranded in your hand untapped.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: The cost of Irencrag Feat is substantial, specifically considering it cannot be discounted or circumvented. In a game where efficiency is paramount, allocating four mana for a non-repeatable, singular effect may not provide the desired tempo or value anticipated from such an investment, especially when there are alternatives that might offer more flexibility or recurring benefits.

Reasons to Include Irencrag Feat in Your Collection

Versatility: Irencrag Feat can be seamlessly integrated into a variety of decks, particularly those that aim for high-cost spells. Its unique ability to provide four red mana in one go makes it a robust choice for players looking to cast game-changing spells earlier than usual.

Combo Potential: This card unlocks explosive plays, setting the stage for combos that can turn the tide of the game. Its synergy with high-impact spells and its potential to facilitate a one-turn kill make it an intriguing addition to combo decks.

Meta-Relevance: Being a powerful enabler of big plays, Irencrag Feat remains relevant in metas where fast ramping to impactful spells can outpace opponents. In metas dominated by slower decks, the quick boost in mana can provide the surprise factor needed to clinch a win.

How to beat

Irencrag Feat is a powerful sorcery in Magic: The Gathering, enabling players to cast a significant spell much earlier than usual thanks to seven red mana it provides. Although it limits the player to casting just one more spell that turn, the ramp it offers can be a game-changer. To effectively counteract Irencrag Feat, consider timing your disruption correctly. Counter spells are your best bet, as they can directly oppose the big play your opponent is gearing up for. It’s also wise to dispose of high-impact targets that might be played using Irencrag Feat’s mana surge – keeping the board clear of heavy hitters will minimize its advantage.

Additionally, hand disruption plays a key role in dismantling the plans that revolve around Irencrag Feat. If you can remove it from your opponent’s grip before they get a chance to cast it, you’ll pre-emptively negate its impact. Finally, maintaining a pace that pressures your opponent can force them to use their resources defensively, making Irencrag Feat less of a threat. Balancing aggression with smart control will give you the upper edge against this formidable card.

BurnMana Recommendations

Irencrag Feat is a distinct card that demands attention from any MTG player looking to make a statement in their matches. Whether you’re about laying down colossal spells or taking the reins with fast-paced action, mastering the nuances of this card can be a game-changer. We understand that the MTG landscape is ever-changing and full of challenges. If Irencrag Feat has piqued your interest, then harnessing its full potential and integrating it into a powerful deck could be your next victorious move. Ready for a deeper dive into strategy? Join us to uncover the strategies that can turn your Irencrag Feat into a true tabletop titan.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Irencrag Feat MTG card by a specific set like Throne of Eldraine and Throne of Eldraine, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Irencrag Feat and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Irencrag Feat Magic the Gathering card was released in 1 different sets between 2019-10-04 and 2019-10-04. Illustrated by Yongjae Choi.

12019-10-04Throne of EldraineELD 1272015NormalBlackYongjae Choi
22019-10-04Throne of EldraineELD 3622015NormalBlackYongjae Choi


Magic the Gathering formats where Irencrag Feat has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Irencrag Feat card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2019-10-04 If an effect allows or instructs you to cast another spell after you cast one more, you can't do so. The restriction of Irencrag Feat takes precedence over that permission.
2019-10-04 Irencrag Feat's effect doesn't allow you to cast any spell you couldn't otherwise cast. For example, if an effect says you can't cast more than one spell each turn, Irencrag Feat won't let you cast a second.
2019-10-04 Irencrag Feat's effect doesn't care how many spells you've cast so far in the turn. You can cast only one more.
2019-10-04 Irencrag Feat's effect doesn't stop you from activating any abilities or from playing lands.