Ignacio of Myra's Marvels MTG Card

Grants card selection and resource acceleration, pivotal for maintaining control and casting high-cost spells early. Discard requirement and specific mana costs can limit flexibility and strain hand resources in some scenarios. Enhances deck versatility, with strong combo potential and adaptability to the fluctuating competitive MTG landscape.
Card setsReleased in 4 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost4
TypeLegendary Creature — Lizard Performer
Abilities Partner,Treasure
Power 4
Toughness 3
Un-set :-)This card is part of an Un-set

Text of card

As Ignacio of Myra's Marvels enters the battlefield, choose armor, blood, book, bottle, fang, fire, scroll, spear, sword, or water. Whenever you cast a spell with the chosen object in its art, create two Treasure tokens. Partner (You can have two commanders if both have partner.)

Cards like Ignacio of Myra's Marvels

Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels shines within the realm of flicker or blink effects in Magic: The Gathering. This spell echoes the abilities of renowned cards such as Momentary Blink, which allows the temporary exile of a creature to then return it to battlefield with haste. What makes Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels unique is its additional boon of allowing the play of a free artifact from the hand, thereby, not only repositioning creatures for tactical advantages but also ramping up your board state with an extra permanent.

Another staple in the blink arsenal is Ephemerate, valued for its low cost and rebound feature, which can repeatedly trigger enter-the-battlefield effects. While Ephemerate excels in targeted, low-cost blinking, it lacks the artifact playability that Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels brings to the table. Similarly, there’s Cloudshift—cost-effective and instantaneous, yet it forgoes the longer-term value that can be gleaned from Ignacio’s multiplicative artifact synergy.

In essence, Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels presents a broader spectrum of strategic possibilities, standing out not only as a protective measure for creatures but also as an engine for artifact-centric plays, setting its own benchmark for versatility in the current metagame.

Momentary Blink - MTG Card versions
Ephemerate - MTG Card versions
Cloudshift - MTG Card versions
Momentary Blink - MTG Card versions
Ephemerate - MTG Card versions
Cloudshift - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Ignacio of Myra's Marvels by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: When playing Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels, the ability to sift through your library and select a specific artifact card gives you a significant edge. By ensuring that you have access to the right tools at the right time, this card increases your chances of staying one step ahead of your opponent.

Resource Acceleration: Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels offers a unique form of acceleration by allowing you to play an additional land during your turns. This ramp can be crucial in casting high-cost spells earlier than usual, giving you a decisive power boost in the mid to late game.

Instant Speed: The flexibility of activating Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels at instant speed can’t be overstated. It lets you adapt to the evolving game state, using your mana efficiently and responding to your opponents’ actions with precision. The ability to unexpectedly bring an artifact into play when least expected can swing the game tide in your favor.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: For players utilizing Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels, one hurdle is the necessity to discard a card to leverage its abilities. This can be quite taxing, especially when your hand is already dwindling, or the cards you possess are crucial for future strategies.

Specific Mana Cost: Crafting a deck that accommodates the specific mana alignment for Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels is another point to consider. With its particular mana requirements, it might not be the most seamless fit for every deck archetype, potentially limiting its versatility across various builds.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: In terms of resource investment, the card’s mana cost sits at the higher end of the spectrum. This might not appear overly exorbitant at face value, but when stacked against other alternatives that bring similar effects to the table, one might weigh its cost-effectiveness. Players could find that other options might provide similar advantages without the hefty mana expenditure, making those a potentially more attractive choice in fast-paced games where efficiency is key.

Reasons to Include Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels in Your Collection

Versatility: Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels offers a flexible solution for deck builders looking to enhance their gameplay. Its capability to interact with various card types means it can be integrated into multiple strategies, offering beneficial effects regardless of your deck’s core theme.

Combo Potential: This card shines when paired with other cards, unlocking new avenues for combo plays. It’s designed to work well within synergistic frameworks, thus encouraging clever deck engineering and rewarding strategic planning with game-changing plays.

Meta-Relevance: Keeping an eye on the ever-shifting MTG meta is crucial, and Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels has shown promise in adapting to diverse competitive environments. Its potential in countering popular strategies makes it a valuable contender for inclusion in any collection aiming to stay ahead of the curve.

How to Beat

Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels is a card that can seem daunting at first glance due to its ability to amplify spell casting in your opponent’s deck. It functions by allowing them to essentially double the value of any instant or sorcery spells they play. However, there are effective strategies for mitigating its impact on the game.

To counteract Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels, disrupting your opponent’s hand and library is key. Use targeted discard spells to remove key instants and sorceries from their hand before they can be cast. Spells like Thoughtseize or Duress can be effective here. Alternatively, countering spells as they’re cast can prevent the doubling effect. For this purpose, efficient counter spells like Counterspell or Dovin’s Veto are invaluable. Moreover, because Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels is an enchantment itself, you should consider keeping enchantment removal in your sideboard. This could include options such as Naturalize or Disenchant, which can remove the Marvels from the battlefield before its effect can dominate the game.

In essence, the key to beating Ignacio of Myra’s Marvels lies in proactive control of the battlefield and your opponent’s hand. By preventing the setup or execution of their strategy, you diminish the card’s potential and protect your chances of securing victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Ignacio of Myra's Marvels MTG card by a specific set like Unfinity and Unfinity, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Ignacio of Myra's Marvels and other MTG cards:

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The Ignacio of Myra's Marvels Magic the Gathering card was released in 1 different sets between 2022-10-07 and 2022-10-07. Illustrated by 2 different artists.

12022-10-07UnfinityUNF 3982015NormalBlackGaboleps
22022-10-07UnfinityUNF 1122015NormalBlackGaboleps
32022-10-07UnfinityUNF 5012015NormalBlackDavid Semple
42022-10-07UnfinityUNF 2502015NormalBlackDavid Semple

Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Ignacio of Myra's Marvels card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2022-10-07 A book is any bound pages of writing, usually with a spine of some sort. Scrolls are not books. They are scrolls. See: Scroll.
2022-10-07 A bottle is a device intended to hold liquid or small objects. It is usually made of glass. Bottles typically have necks and are designed to pour their contents. The bottle may be empty, but it should clearly be designed to hold something.
2022-10-07 A fang is a tooth, typically longer than a creature’s other teeth, and typically used to puncture enemies, often to drink their blood. The presence of non-fang teeth is important to establish that what you see are fangs and the creature just doesn’t have very long teeth.
2022-10-07 A scroll is one or more pages or parchments, usually designed to be rolled up. Scrolls can be open or closed. Books are not scrolls. They are books. See: Book.
2022-10-07 A spear is the recommended serving size of pickle. It is also a pole with a pointed blade on one end. It is traditionally a weapon. For our purposes, the spear can be thrown (javelins are okay), as long the weapon’s general shape clearly implies spear. It can be sticking out of a body.
2022-10-07 A sword is a bladed weapon with a handle. If a creature is wearing a scabbard with a sword in it, and all you can see is the handle, that counts.
2022-10-07 Armor is a covering worn on the body to protect against damage. It is typically metal or leather, although it can be made from anything. It can’t be a natural part of the creature.
2022-10-07 Blood is a liquid, usually red, that comes from within a creature’s circulatory system. If the blood isn’t with its previous owner—say it’s in a pool on the floor—the previous owner doesn’t need to be in the art. The blood does need to contextually be blood. Red liquid in a goblet might not be blood. Red liquid in a goblet held by a vampire? Blood. Red anything at a wedding for a pair of ancient vampires? Take a wild guess.
2022-10-07 Fire is combustion or burning, whereby substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke. Fire is usually red, orange, or yellow, but it can be other colors. Note that being a hot thing doesn’t necessarily make something fire. Magma and lava, for example, are not inherently fire, although they may cause fire.
2022-10-07 If all players can’t agree on what’s in the art, you may consult an outside person for a final determination.
2022-10-07 Water is a liquid found in lakes, oceans, pools, wells, rivers, and glasses both half-empty and half-full. The liquid must contextually be water. Rain counts. Note that you must see the water. A well wouldn’t count if you couldn’t see the water inside, for example, even if the water is implied.