Hidden Path MTG Card

Hidden Path heightens your gameplay with potent deck searching and surprise instant plays. Balancing its advantages requires careful management of resources and deck diversity. It’s a strategic addition for green-centric decks, but consider its casting cost.
Hidden Path - The Dark
Mana cost
Converted mana cost6
Set symbol
Set nameThe Dark
Set codeDRK
Illustred byRob Alexander

Text of card

All green creatures gain forestwalk.

"Where moments before we were lost beyond hope, the strange, floating lights showed us the way and restored our morale." —Vervamon the Elder

Cards like Hidden Path

Hidden Path stands as a unique enchantment within the vast collection of MTG cards, providing creatures you control with the ability to become unaffected by blocking. This characteristic echoes the effects found in Trailblazer’s Boots, which grants a single creature the ability to be unblockable as long as an opponent controls a land. Yet, while Trailblazer’s Boots is limited to a single creature and is an artifact, Hidden Path applies its unblocking trait across all your creatures, significantly heightening your board’s threat level.

Another akin card is Primal Rage, another enchantment within MTG that endows your creatures with trample. This is notably similar to Hidden Path as it affects multiple creatures, ensuring that no defender goes unscathed. However, while Primal Rage allows you to deal excess damage through blockers, Hidden Path bypasses them entirely, offering a more direct route to damage your opponents. Lastly, there’s Whisper Silk Cloak, which not only makes a creature unblockable but also provides shroud, ensuring protection from targeted spells or abilities, a powerful combination albeit limited to a single creature.

Evaluating these comparisons, Hidden Path can potentially alter the state of a game significantly, carving a clear route to victory by rendering an entire creature ensemble unblockable, a trait arguably unrivalled in terms of broad impact on the battleground.

Trailblazer's Boots - MTG Card versions
Primal Rage - MTG Card versions
Trailblazer's Boots - MTG Card versions
Primal Rage - MTG Card versions

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: The allure of uncovering the secrets of the Hidden Path lies in its invitation to delve into your deck, potentially revealing essential spells or creatures to tip the scales in your favor during complex match-ups.

Resource Acceleration: By untangling the mysteries of the Hidden Path, players can harness its latent power to surge ahead, unfurling a tapestry of mana that may enable casting of game-changing spells much sooner than expected.

Instant Speed: The ingenuity of the Hidden Path emerges when the time is ripe, allowing adepts to weave in optimal plays with the finesse of a carefully timed counterspell or a surprise creature, enhancing strategic depth and flexibility any point during a match.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Hidden Path demands that you discard another card to harness its effect. This requirement can place you at a disadvantage, especially in the late game where every card in your hand is crucial to maintaining board presence and strategy.

Specific Mana Cost: This card’s activation is bound to a specific combination of mana types, which might not align with all deck builds. Restricting its integration to decks that can produce both green and non-green mana, Hidden Path could be a challenging fit in a mono-green deck or color-restricted formats.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With its relatively steep casting cost, Hidden Path competes with a range of alternative spells and creatures. In the ever-evolving landscape of MTG, it’s important to evaluate whether its benefits justify the investment when other cards with lower mana requisites may offer similar advantages or greater flexibility.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Hidden Path grants your green creatures the ability to be unblockable, fitting seamlessly into decks that prioritize evasion and direct player damage. It’s a perfect addition to any green-based strategy that seeks a clear path to victory.

Combo Potential: The power of making creatures unblockable can be combined with cards that benefit from successful combat damage, such as those triggering card draw or direct effects upon hitting an opponent.

Meta-Relevance: In a game environment filled with creature-heavy decks, Hidden Path becomes a potent tool, allowing your creatures to bypass chump blockers and apply pressure where it counts. It’s a tactical choice for dealing with the battlefield gridlock.

How to beat

Confronting the unique mechanics of Hidden Path in MTG requires strategic planning. The card’s ability to grant all green creatures you control the ability to be unblockable is a significant advantage, particularly for decks that rely heavily on green creatures. Therefore, prioritizing the removal of Hidden Path from the battlefield is key. Enchantment removal spells in various colors offer a direct solution, with options like Disenchant, Naturalize, or even multicolored alternatives such as Mortify.

To mitigate the impact of Hidden Path, it’s advisable to maintain a versatile deck equipped with answers to various threats. Control decks that run counter spells can prevent Hidden Path from ever taking effect. Ensuring that your deck contains a balanced mix of removal, counter spells, and versatile threats allows you to adapt to situations where a Hidden Path might otherwise secure your opponent’s victory. Additionally, employing creatures with reach or those that can block multiple creatures can minimize the pressure from an opponent’s unblockable green creatures.

Ultimately, understanding the scope of Hidden Path’s influence on the game and having a prepared response is vital for turning the tides in your favor. A well-constructed deck with the appropriate countermeasures can overcome the challenge posed by this formidable enchantment.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Hidden Path MTG card by a specific set like The Dark, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Hidden Path and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Hidden Path has restrictions
