Death's Presence MTG Card

Death’s Presence enables dynamic power shifts, turning creature losses into gains for others. It excels in decks that make use of +1/+1 counters, enhancing their long-term performance. Combating it requires exile effects, enchantment removal or avoiding creature deaths.
Card setsReleased in 4 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost6

Text of card

Whenever a creature you control dies, put X +1/+1 counters on target creature you control, where X is the power of the creature that died.

"We traffic in flesh, not souls. Still, it's a shame to let anything go to waste." —Cevraya, Golgari shaman

Cards like Death's Presence

Death’s Presence is an intriguing enchantment in MTG that stands out for its ability to harness the power of fallen creatures. When you compare it to other cards like Primal Vigor, the similarities begin to surface as both enchantments enhance creature abilities. However, Death’s Presence specifically excels in accumulating and transferring +1/+1 counters, turning any creature’s demise into a valuable asset for its comrades on the battlefield.

Parallel Lives also shares the limelight in generating an abundance of tokens, but Death’s Presence takes a unique turn by directly influencing the might of existing creatures rather than focusing on token multiplication. Then there’s Doubling Season, a fan favorite, which doubles the effects of counters and tokens, yet it differs from Death’s Presence as it doesn’t allow for the tactical redistribution of counters after a creature’s death.

When evaluating the strategic depth of various growth-centric cards, Death’s Presence proves valuable in decks that are built around synergies with +1/+1 counters, and creature longevity, ensuring that each creature’s impact is felt even beyond the grave.

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Doubling Season - MTG Card versions
Primal Vigor - MTG Card versions
Parallel Lives - MTG Card versions
Doubling Season - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Death's Presence by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Death’s Presence is a tremendous engine for card advantage in the right deck. When your creatures die, you’re essentially converting them into power for another creature on the battlefield. This ongoing cycle of transferring +1/+1 counters can mean you’re effectively drawing into additional power without having to play more cards from your hand.

Resource Acceleration: This enchantment can act as a form of resource acceleration in creature-centric decks. As it helps beef up your surviving creatures after trades or removal, it’s like adding additional resources to the board without having to invest any more mana or turns. This makes your deck faster and more resilient, as you are using the same resources for greater effects.

Instant Speed: While Death’s Presence itself doesn’t operate at instant speed, it can drastically alter the board at instant speed during combat or in response to removal. Your creatures getting stronger as a result of instant-speed interaction from your opponent ensures that you keep a solid presence on the board even through the most turbulent battles.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Death’s Presence does not have a discard requirement itself, its inherent synergy with creature-heavy strategies could indirectly compel players to discard cards, especially when trying to get creatures onto the battlefield to make the most of its ability.

Specific Mana Cost: Death’s Presence requires a mix of generic and green mana, specifically costing one green and five generic mana. This can be somewhat restrictive as it necessitates a significant amount of green resources, potentially making it difficult to play in multicolored or off-theme decks.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a total cost of six mana to get this enchantment onto the field, players may find it challenging to cast it early in the game. When comparing it to other cards within the same mana range, one might argue that there are alternatives that either come into play sooner or provide immediate impact without the need for a setup.

Reasons to Include Death’s Presence in Your Collection

Versatility: Death’s Presence is a card that easily slots into numerous deck archetypes that focus on creature strategies. Its ability to redistribute +1/+1 counters makes it a formidable addition for Green decks looking to capitalize on creature synergies.

Combo Potential: This enchantment shines in decks with sacrifice themes, where you can deliberately send creatures to the graveyard to bolster another creature’s power. It pairs well with cards that have persist or undying abilities, effectively creating an ever-growing threat.

Meta-Relevance: As the MTG scene oscillates, heavyweight creatures and counters become more prominent. Death’s Presence finds its place boosting your board presence after a board wipe or combat, ensuring your side of the field remains a threat even in the face of adversity.

How to beat

Death’s Presence is an enchantment that magnifies the strength of creatures as they leave the battlefield, converting their power into growth for another creature. Though this can seem daunting to overcome, certain strategies are effective in mitigating its impact. For starters, cards that exile creatures instead of destroying them can bypass the enchantment’s ability, such as Path to Exile or Silent Gravestone which prevent the card from utilizing the graveyard as a resource. Another approach is focusing on removal or counter spells for the enchantment itself like Naturalize or Negate, thus eliminating the threat before it takes hold. Additionally, preventing creatures from dying in the first place, through board wipes like Wrath of God or the preventative measures of Ghostly Prison, can neutralize Death’s Presence’s ability to enhance your opponent’s creatures. Tackling this powerful enchantment requires foresight and a toolbox of answers to break its influence over the board.

BurnMana Recommendations

If you’ve appreciated the strategic depth and resilience that Death’s Presence brings to your MTG games, there’s a vast landscape of knowledge and tactics still to be discovered. For deck builders eyeing to maximize their creature’s impact, Death’s Presence is a keystone for any green-centric arsenal. Integrating such cards can elevate not just the power of individual creatures but the synergy of your deck as a whole. Join us as we explore the intricate strategies and deck-building tips to harness the full potential of your collection. Together we will explore new combos, fine-tune your decks, and help you stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic world of MTG. Dive deeper with us, and let’s craft your path to victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Death's Presence MTG card by a specific set like Return to Ravnica and Midnight Hunt Commander, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Death's Presence and other MTG cards:

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Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


The Death's Presence Magic the Gathering card was released in 3 different sets between 2012-10-05 and 2022-10-07. Illustrated by 2 different artists.

12012-10-05Return to RavnicaRTR 1212003NormalBlackRyan Barger
22021-09-24Midnight Hunt CommanderMIC 1372015NormalBlackRyan Barger
32022-10-07Warhammer 40,000 Commander40K 212★2015NormalBlackJosu Hernaiz
42022-10-07Warhammer 40,000 Commander40K 2122015NormalBlackJosu Hernaiz


Magic the Gathering formats where Death's Presence has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Death's Presence card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2012-10-01 X is the power of that creature as it last existed on the battlefield.