Eternal Witness MTG Card

Returning a card from your graveyard to hand offers unexpected game comebacks and strategic depth. Accelerates gameplay by reusing spells or creatures, maximizing your play options. Retrieves instants for surprise moves, bolstering your defences and strategy.
Card setsReleased in 24 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost3
TypeCreature — Human Shaman
Power 2
Toughness 1

Text of card

When Eternal Witness comes into play, you may return target card from your graveyard to your hand.

She remembers every word spoken, from the hero's oath to the baby's cry.

Cards like Eternal Witness

Eternal Witness is a significant powerhouse in the realm of Magic: The Gathering due to the versatile nature of its effects. It offers similar attributes to cards like Skullwinder, which also enables you to return a card from your graveyard to your hand. However, Eternal Witness possesses the added beet of not necessitating an opponent to return a card from their graveyard.

In comparison, Greenwarden of Murasa is another similar card. Though it executes a similar ability that allows for card return upon entering the battlefield or dying, it comes at a slightly steeper mana cost compared to Eternal Witness. Furthermore, Den Protector, another evocative card, also possesses the same reusable potential with its Megamorph ability.

An assessment brings clarity to the unique attributes that make Eternal Witness stand out amongst similar cards in the game. With its relatively lower cost and potent effect of unrestricted card return, it indeed is an enriching addition to the lineup of Magic: The Gathering cards.

Skullwinder - MTG Card versions
Greenwarden of Murasa - MTG Card versions
Den Protector - MTG Card versions
Skullwinder - MTG Card versions
Greenwarden of Murasa - MTG Card versions
Den Protector - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Eternal Witness by color, type and mana cost

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Decks using this card

MTG decks using Eternal Witness. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

UBRGUBRG LegacyLegacy League 2024-03-29
Sultai MidrangeSultai Midrange VintageSultai MidrangeVintage Challenge 32 2024-04-19
Bant ControlBant Control ModernBant ControlModern League 2024-04-05
Five-Color OmnathFive-Color Omnath Modern4/5c Omnath$10K RCQ - Modern - SCG CON Atlanta - Saturday - 9:00 am (Gold)
Bant MidrangeBant Midrange ModernBant Control$10K RCQ - Modern - SCG CON Atlanta - Saturday - 9:00 am (Gold)
Bant BlinkBant Blink ModernBlinkModern Challenge 64 2024-03-24
Selesnya ComboSelesnya Combo ModernDevoted Combo$10K RCQ - Modern - SCG CON Atlanta - Saturday - 9:00 am (Gold)
4c Omnath4c Omnath Modern4/5c OmnathModern League 2024-03-26
ZombiesZombies LegacyNic Fit*HALF PRICE FRIDAY* $1K - Legacy - SCG CON Atlanta - Friday - 1:30 pm
8-Rack8-Rack ModernDevoted Combo*HALF PRICE FRIDAY* $5K RCQ - Modern - SCG CON Atlanta - Friday - 1:00 pm

Card Pros

Card Advantage: The Eternal Witness Mtg Card really shines in the arena of card advantage. When played, this card allows a player to return a card from their graveyard to hand. This can turn the tide of a game, giving you the opportunity to relive your best moves or recover from a poorly played hand.

Resource Acceleration: Eternal Witness doesn’t create resources directly. However, by bringing cards back from your graveyard, it effectively gives you a second chance to utilize valuable spells or creatures that may have been discarded or destroyed. This potentially hastens your game plan and accelerates your board state.

Instant Speed: The advantage here is flexibility. While the Eternal Witness card is not an instant, it can easily retrieve one from your graveyard. This restores your ability to respond to threats or opportunities on your opponent’s turn with the right instant card. Get your counterspells or instant removals back in hand, adding another layer of unpredictability to your strategy.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Unlike some green cards that allow you to put cards from your graveyard back into your hand at no cost, Eternal Witness requires you to pay additional costs, such as discarding a card to facilitate the process. This can become a disadvantage, especially when experiencing a shortage of key cards.

Specific Mana Cost: The casting cost of Eternal Witness includes a green mana, which means it is not flexible for inclusion in decks that do not focus on forest mana. This may limit its usage on the battlefield, especially in decks that primarily focus on other mana colors.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a casting cost of three mana (two of any color and one specific green), Eternal Witness is comparatively more expensive than other similar green cards. Some other cards with useful green effects commonly have a lesser mana cost, making them potentially more efficient choices in certain scenarios.

Reasons to Include Eternal Witness in Your Collection

Versatility: Eternal Witness has a broad field of usability due to its inherent ability to restore any card from your graveyard to your hand. This makes it a desirable addition to a variety of decks, providing a safety net for key card recovery.

Combo Potential: The ability to retrieve lost cards opens up tremendous possibilities for combo setups. Use Eternal Witness to bring back your powerful instants, sorceries, or other key cards and reset your game plan for a decisive victory.

Meta-Relevance: In a meta where interaction and resilience are vital, Eternal Witness shines. Its power to retrieve lost cards can turn the tides of battle and enable adaptation to evolving gameplay strategies. Its relevance is not just rooted in the present meta, but it’s a card of enduring significance in a variety of meta landscapes.

How to Beat

The Eternal Witness card is a standout among MTG spells for its ability to recur any card from your graveyard to your hand. The flexibility of recouping any card types gives Eternal Witness an edge, much like spells such as Noxious Revival. However, the uniqueness of Eternal Witness lies in the lack of life cost that other similar spells mandate.

In this context, it’s worth considering Grafdigger’s Cage, which stops cards from entering from the graveyard. Cheaper in mana cost, it also prevents such cards from recurring. Unlike Eternal Witness, Grafdigger’s Cage does not require green mana, thereby increasing its usability across decks. Similarly, Leyline of the Void is an efficient measure against card recurrence, completely exiling them instead. Although Leyline of the Void demands a much higher mana cost, its broad applicability surpasses Eternal Witness in some cases.

Summarizing, when comparing Eternal Witness with other MTG cards, it’s the unique non-life-cost benefit, flexibility, and recursion features that solidifies its desirability. However, potential counters like Grafdigger’s Cage and Leyline of the Void can thwart its effectiveness, keeping the gameplay dynamic and complex.

BurnMana Recommendations

If you’re looking to advance your gameplay with strategic card recovery, the Eternal Witness MTG card is a valuable asset for you. Its capability to reclaim any card from your graveyard maximizes your chances for a comeback, or to leverage those key plays once again. Elevate your deck with the potential to reset your strategies and adapt to the evolving battlefield. Interested in exploring the combos and strategic depth Eternal Witness can add to your deck? Get the insights and strategies you need to optimize your deck and outsmart your opponents by revisiting the classics. Dive in for more details and enhance your collection today.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Eternal Witness MTG card by a specific set like Magic Online Promos and Magic Online Promos, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Eternal Witness and other MTG cards:

BurnMana is an official partner of TCGPlayer
Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


The Eternal Witness Magic the Gathering card was released in 21 different sets between 2004-06-04 and 2024-06-14. Illustrated by 4 different artists.

12002-06-24Magic Online PromosPRM 314312003NormalBlackTerese Nielsen
22002-06-24Magic Online PromosPRM 1022732015NormalBlackKeith Garletts
32004-06-04Fifth Dawn5DN 862003NormalBlackTerese Nielsen
42004-09-01World Championship Decks 2004WC04 jn862003NormalGoldTerese Nielsen
52010-11-08Magic Online Theme DecksTD0 A702003NormalBlackTerese Nielsen
62011-06-17Commander 2011CMD 1522003NormalBlackTerese Nielsen
72012-09-07Duel Decks: Izzet vs. GolgariDDJ 552003NormalBlackTerese Nielsen
82013-06-07Modern MastersMMA 1442003NormalBlackTerese Nielsen
92015-11-13Commander 2015C15 1832015NormalBlackTerese Nielsen
102015-11-18Legendary Cube Prize PackPZ1 762015NormalBlackTerese Nielsen
112017-06-09Commander AnthologyCMA 1072015NormalBlackTerese Nielsen
122018-06-08Commander Anthology Volume IICM2 1362015NormalBlackTerese Nielsen
132018-12-07Ultimate MastersUMA 1632015NormalBlackChris Rahn
142019-11-07Mystery BoosterMB1 12002015NormalBlackChris Rahn
152019-12-02Secret Lair DropSLD 432015NormalBlackJoshua Howard
162020-09-26The ListPLST 5DN-862003NormalBlackTerese Nielsen
172020-09-26The ListPLST UMA-1632015NormalBlackChris Rahn
182020-11-20Commander LegendsCMR 4252015NormalBlackChris Rahn
192021-03-19Time Spiral RemasteredTSR 3611997NormalBlackChris Rahn
202021-09-24Midnight Hunt CommanderMIC 1382015NormalBlackChris Rahn
212022-07-08Double Masters 20222X2 3682015NormalBorderlessKeith Garletts
222022-07-08Double Masters 20222X2 1452015NormalBlackChris Rahn
232023-08-04Commander MastersCMM 2862015NormalBlackChris Rahn
242024-06-14Modern Horizons 3 CommanderM3C 2272015NormalBlackChris Rahn


Magic the Gathering formats where Eternal Witness has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Eternal Witness card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2021-03-19 If a resolving spell puts Eternal Witness onto the battlefield, Eternal Witness's ability can target that card if it's put into your graveyard as it resolves.