Contact Other Plane MTG Card

Provides card advantage and strategic foresight through scrying and drawing up to three cards. Instant speed utility enables tactical responses in versatile gameplay situations. The requirement to discard and its specific mana cost can be limiting factors to consider.
Card setsReleased in 3 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost4
Abilities Scry

Text of card

Roll a d20. 1—9 | Draw two cards. 10—19 | Scry 2, then draw two cards. 20 | Scry 3, then draw three cards.

Cards like Contact Other Plane

Contact Other Plane adds a twist to Magic: The Gathering’s array of card drawing spells. Like the iconic four-mana Blue card draw spell, Divination, Contact Other Plane allows a player to draw cards. The distinguishing factor lies in its integration of the roll-a-die mechanic, which adds a variable outcome. Unlike the consistent two-card advantage offered by Divination, Contact Other Plane invites a game of chance where the number of cards and the information acquired can vary.

Drawing comparisons with other chance-based card spells, we see a kinship with Risk Factor. Though Risk Factor is a Red spell that also leverages choice and unpredictability, its approach is more direct, offering damage or card draw based on an opponent’s crucial decision. In essence, while Contact Other Plane involves the game’s inherent luck element, Risk Factor puts the onus on the opponent to manifest its effect. Another similar spell is Arcane Denial, which provides card drawn for both the caster and the opponent but lacks the element of chance and strategy that rolling a die can introduce.

Ultimately, within the landscape of card drawing spells in Magic: The Gathering, Contact Other Plane stands out with its blend of suspense and potential card advantage, making it an intriguing choice for players who are willing to embrace the unknown in their strategic planning.

Divination - MTG Card versions
Risk Factor - MTG Card versions
Arcane Denial - MTG Card versions
Divination - MTG Card versions
Risk Factor - MTG Card versions
Arcane Denial - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Contact Other Plane by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: With Contact Other Plane, you delve into your library’s depths to potentially draw three cards. This gives you an edge by refilling your hand and increasing your options.

Resource Acceleration: This spell is more than just drawing cards—it encourages strategic gameplay by allowing you to roleplay a die roll. Rolling high can result in an acceleration of resources by scrying and preparing your next moves ahead of time.

Instant Speed: The ability to cast Contact Other Plane at instant speed provides you the flexibility to adapt to the board state. Use it at the end of your opponent’s turn to maximize efficiency or in response to actions that demand an immediate answer, demonstrating both its utility and tactical advantage.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Contact Other Plane necessitates the discard of a card if the second option is chosen from its dice roll mechanic. Having to lose another card from your hand can be detrimental, particularly when your hand is scarce or the decision-making is critical.

Specific Mana Cost: This Instant requires both blue and generic mana, which can sometimes be restrictive. Decks not tuned to generate blue mana efficiently may face challenges in casting this spell, making it less versatile in multi-colored or color-heavy decks.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a mana cost set at four, including two blue mana, Contact Other Plane is competing in a mana range where players might expect more impactful spells or permanents. This could potentially curb its inclusion in favour of lower cost alternatives that provide card advantage or similar effects with less investment.

Reasons to Include Contact Other Plane in Your Collection

Versatility: Contact Other Plane is a flexible card that can be slotted into various blue or multicolor decks. Its ability to provide card advantage and potential card selection by scrying makes it a powerful inclusion for control and tempo strategies.

Combo Potential: Players looking for synergies with spells that trigger upon drawing or casting instants will find Contact Other Plane a valuable addition. Its instant speed enables surprise moves and interaction during an opponent’s turn.

Meta-Relevance: With its balance of cost-effectiveness and utility, Contact Other Plane maintains relevance in diverse metagames. It allows players to keep pace with opponents by refilling their hand, potentially leading to game-changing moments.

How to beat

Contact Other Plane is an intriguing blue instant for MTG players looking to dig deeper into their decks. Casting it allows you to roll a twenty-sided die and then draw cards based on the result, possibly even peeking at the top few cards of your library. To counteract this advantage, players should consider strategies that limit the card’s effectiveness.

Efficient counterspells like Negate or Dispel can thwart Contact Other Plane before it resolves, ensuring your opponent doesn’t get ahead in card advantage. Another approach is to apply pressure early in the game, forcing the blue mage to hold mana for defense rather than investing in their card advantage engine. Graveyard-based disruption, such as Bojuka Bog or Tormod’s Crypt, can also reduce the value of Contact Other Plane by removing potential targets it may interact with.

Understanding the tempo and knowing when to challenge your opponent’s plays are key to overcoming cards like Contact Other Plane. It’s a reminder that in MTG, timing and strategy are just as important as the strength of the spells you cast.

BurnMana Recommendations

As avid MTG players, we recognize the thrill of enhancing a deck with dynamic cards like Contact Other Plane. This card is a hidden gem for deck builders looking to infuse versatility and an element of surprise in their gameplay. With its potential to swing the game by drawing multiple cards at once and its compatibility with various blue-based strategies, it’s an instant that can truly make a difference at critical moments. If you’re eager to explore the depths of your library and seize the opportunity for an advantage, we highly recommend considering Contact Other Plane for your collection. To delve deeper into its strategic uses and become adept at wielding its power, connect with us and expand your MTG prowess.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Contact Other Plane MTG card by a specific set like Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Contact Other Plane and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Contact Other Plane Magic the Gathering card was released in 3 different sets between 2021-07-23 and 2022-07-07. Illustrated by Alix Branwyn.

12021-07-23Adventures in the Forgotten RealmsAFR 522015NormalBlackAlix Branwyn
22022-06-10Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's GateCLB 622015NormalBlackAlix Branwyn
32022-07-07Alchemy Horizons: Baldur's GateHBG 1142015NormalBlackAlix Branwyn


Magic the Gathering formats where Contact Other Plane has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Contact Other Plane card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2021-07-23 An ability that tells you to roll a die will also specify what to do with the result of that roll. Most often, this is in the form of a “results table” in the card text.
2021-07-23 An effect that says “choose a target, then roll a d20” or similar still uses the normal process of putting an ability on the stack and resolving it. Choosing targets is part of putting the ability on the stack and rolling the d20 happens later, as the ability resolves.
2021-07-23 Dice are identified by the number of faces each one has. For example, a d20 is a twenty-sided die.
2021-07-23 Dice used must have equally likely outcomes and the roll must be fair. Although physical dice are recommended, digital substitutes are allowed, provided they have the same number of equally likely outcomes as specified in the original roll instruction.
2021-07-23 Some abilities, like that of Pixie Guide and Barbarian Class, replace rolling a die with rolling extra dice and ignoring the lowest roll. The ignored rolls are not considered for the effect that instructed you to roll a die, and do not cause abilities to trigger. For all intents and purposes, once you determine which dice count, any extra dice were never rolled.
2021-07-23 Some effects instruct you to roll again. This uses the same number and type of dice as the original roll, and that roll will use the same set of possible outcomes.
2021-07-23 Some effects may modify the result of a die roll. This may be part of the instruction to roll a die or it may come from other cards. Anything that references the “result” of a die roll is looking for the result after these modifications. Anything that is looking for the “natural result” is looking for the number shown on the face of the die before these modifications.
2021-07-23 The instruction to roll a die and the effect that occurs because of the result are all part of the same ability. Players do not get the chance to respond to the ability after knowing the result of the roll.
2021-07-23 Tournament events have more specific rules regarding dice and die-rolling. For more information, please see the most recent version of the Magic Tournament Rules at
2021-07-23 While playing Planechase, rolling the planar die will cause any ability that triggers whenever a player rolls one or more dice to trigger. However, any effect that refers to a numerical result will ignore the rolling of the planar die.