Zoyowa's Justice MTG Card

Zoyowa’s Justice increases hand options and strategic flexibility with its card advantage feature. It allows for preemptive plays thanks to its resource acceleration, enhancing your board’s resilience. Instant speed capability offers surprise disruption, tilting battles in your favor during pivotal moments.
Zoyowa's Justice - The Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
Set symbol
Set nameThe Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Set codeLCI
Illustred byNestor Ossandon Leal

Text of card

The owner of target artifact or creature with mana value 1 or greater shuffles it into their library. Then that player discovers X, where X is its mana value. (They exile cards from the top of their library until they exile a nonland card with that mana value or less. They cast it without paying its mana cost or put it into their hand. They put the rest on the bottom in a random order.)

Cards like Zoyowa's Justice

In the diverse realm of buff spells in MTG, Zoyowa’s Justice adds an interesting option for players seeking to fortify their creatures. Its closest relatives could be cards like Heroic Intervention, which provides a robust safeguard by granting creatures indestructible for a turn. However, Zoyowa’s Justice offers a distinctive dual benefit, not only boosting toughness but tossing in vigilance to keep creatures combat-ready.

Another peer is Make a Stand, which also renders creatures more durable with indestructible. While it doesn’t boost toughness as Zoyowa’s Justice does, it elevates their power, potentially leading to lethal strikes. Unbreakable Formation is another similar spell that throws indestructible into the mix, with the bonus effect during the main phase to bolster your creatures with a permanent +1/+1 counter.

Ultimately, in MTG, choosing the right card depends on the tactical context. Zoyowa’s Justice stands out among these options when the strategy leans towards defensive maneuvers without compromising an aggressive board presence due to its unique combination of toughness increase and vigilance endowment.

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Make a Stand - MTG Card versions
Unbreakable Formation - MTG Card versions
Heroic Intervention - MTG Card versions
Make a Stand - MTG Card versions
Unbreakable Formation - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Zoyowa's Justice by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Zoyowa’s Justice engenders a significant shift in hand dynamics by granting the caster an unexpected influx of new options, keeping you well-stocked in the ongoing strategy faceoff.

Resource Acceleration: Accelerate your mana availability, granting you the leverage to execute game-changing plays ahead of schedule, facilitating a more aggressive or defensively robust board presence.

Instant Speed: The flexibility of instant-speed interaction allows Zoyowa’s Justice to be a formidable play during the heat of battle, providing the element of surprise and the potential to disrupt opponents’ calculations at critical junctures.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Zoyowa’s Justice requires a card discard to activate certain abilities, putting you at a potential card disadvantage if your hand is already depleted.

Specific Mana Cost: This card demands a precise combination of mana, including white, which might not seamlessly fit into a multicolored or non-white-centric deck strategy.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With its mana cost, players might find it challenging to cast Zoyowa’s Justice in the early game, and there are alternative cards that might provide similar effects for less mana investment.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Zoyowa’s Justice is a flexible card that can be slotted into numerous deck archetypes. Its ability to perform multiple functions means you can tailor strategies around its unique attributes, aligning well with various gameplay styles.

Combo Potential: Whether enhancing spell-based synergies or bolstering your defensive capabilities, Zoyowa’s Justice adds layers to your in-game tactics. Its potential to impact the board significantly when combined with other complimentary pieces can lead to powerful and game-winning interactions.

Meta-Relevance: Being tuned into the shifting demands of the current game environment, Zoyowa’s Justice could be a crucial and timely addition to your deck. Its interaction with prevalent archetypes ensures it remains a pertinent choice in competitive play.

How to beat

Zoyowa’s Justice stands out in the realm of MTG control cards, presenting a challenge with its ability to disrupt opponent strategies and maintain board control. Its effective use in stabilizing gameplay and turning the tides cannot be understated. However, overcoming this captivating card is not beyond reach. Adaptability is key—consider cards that grant you hexproof or utilize spells that safeguard your hand, playing around Zoyowa’s Justice’s capacity to derail your plays.

Another strategy involves prioritizing the development of a diverse and resilient board state that can endure the effects of Zoyowa’s Justice. Cards with indestructible or persist qualities can outlast the potential sweep or targeted removal. Additionally, playing instant-speed spells can effectively counteract the timing advantages that Zoyowa’s Justice could otherwise exploit, keeping your game plan fluid and responsive.

To summarize, while Zoyowa’s Justice can be a potent component in control decks, it’s not insurmountable. A well-thought-out approach that includes protective measures, maintaining card advantage, and fostering a hardy board presence can provide the necessary edge to triumph over this formidable card, preserving your strategy and ultimately leading you to victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Zoyowa's Justice MTG card by a specific set like The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Zoyowa's Justice and other MTG cards:

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Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


Magic the Gathering formats where Zoyowa's Justice has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Zoyowa's Justice card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2023-11-10 "Discover N" means "Exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a nonland card with mana value N or less. That card is the "discovered" card. You may cast that card without paying its mana cost if the resulting spell's mana value is less than or equal to N. If you don't cast it, put that card into your hand. Put the remaining exiled cards on the bottom of your library in a random order."
2023-11-10 A spell's mana value is determined only by its mana cost. Ignore any alternative costs, additional costs, cost increases, or cost reductions.
2023-11-10 If the discovered card has in its mana cost, you must choose 0 as the value of X when casting it without paying its mana cost.
2023-11-10 If the target artifact or creature has X in its mana cost, that X is 0 when determining its mana value.
2023-11-10 If you can't cast the discovered card (perhaps because there are no legal targets for the spell), you'll put it into your hand.
2023-11-10 If you cast a spell "without paying its mana cost", you can't choose to cast it for any alternative costs. You can, however, pay additional costs. If the spell has any mandatory additional costs, you must pay those to cast it.
2023-11-10 If you discover an adventurer card, split card, or modal double-faced card, you might be able to cast that card with either set of characteristics depending on the effect's discover value. For example, if you discover 4 and reveal Galvanic Giant (an adventurer card from Wilds of Eldraine with a mana value of 4), you could cast Galvanic Giant, but not Storm Reading (its Adventure, which has a mana value of 7). If you discover 7 and reveal Galvanic Giant, you could cast either Galvanic Giant or Storm Reading.
2023-11-10 Some spells and abilities that cause you to discover may require targets. If each target chosen is an illegal target as that spell or ability tries to resolve, it won't resolve and you won't discover.
2023-11-10 The mana value of a split card is determined by the combined mana cost of its two halves. If discover allows you to cast a split card, you may cast either half (as long as its mana value is less than or equal to the effect's discover value) but not both halves.
2023-11-10 When you discover, you must exile cards. The only optional part of the ability is whether you cast the exiled card or put it into your hand.
2023-11-10 You exile the cards face up. All players will be able to see them.