Vampire Interloper MTG Card
Card sets | Released in 4 setsSee all |
Mana cost | |
Converted mana cost | 2 |
Rarity | Common |
Type | Creature — Vampire Scout |
Abilities | Flying |
Power | 2 |
Toughness | 1 |
Text of card
Flying Vampire Interloper can't block.
He listens to every heartbeat, deciding which one of hundreds he will stop.
Cards like Vampire Interloper
Vampire Interloper serves as a flying menace among creature cards in Magic: The Gathering. It bears resemblance to cards like Sanguine Spy which also offers a flying ability at a low cost. Yet, the Interloper is set apart due to its inability to block, trading defensive capabilities for an evasive offensive stance. Sanguine Spy lacks the menace ability, but doesn’t come with the blocking restriction, allowing for more versatile play.
Another peer in flying menaces is the Thieving Sprite. With its ability to force opponents to discard upon entering the battlefield, it provides an additional layer of disruption while sharing the same mana cost as Vampire Interloper. However, without the menace attribute, the Sprite doesn’t always guarantee damage to an opponent in the same way the Interloper can with its evasion. Conversely, Falkenrath Reaver presents a solid comparison in stats, although lacking both flying and menace, it is not hindered by an inability to block.
Comparing these creatures highlights Vampire Interloper’s unique position as an aggressive two-drop with strong evasion, carving its own niche in decks focused on relentless aerial combat and maintaining pressure on opponents in Magic: The Gathering.
Cards similar to Vampire Interloper by color, type and mana cost
Card Pros
Card Advantage: Even though Vampire Interloper doesn’t provide direct card draw, it influences the battlefield from early turns. As a 2/1 flyer, it can apply pressure and chip away at an opponent’s life total, providing a form of virtual card advantage by demanding an answer from the opponent, or it will steadily deplete their resources in the form of life points.
Resource Acceleration: One key benefit is the card’s efficient mana cost. At just two mana, Vampire Interloper slides smoothly into your curve, accelerating your board presence without monopolizing invaluable mana resources. This leaves you with ample opportunity to deploy additional threats or hold up mana for reactions.
Instant Speed: While not an instant itself, Vampire Interloper pairs well with instant-speed interaction. Deploy it early and keep your mana open to disrupt opponents with removal or counters during their turn, leveraging the threat of your evasive creature while still playing reactively to maintain control of the game.
Card Cons
Discard Requirement: While the Vampire Interloper carries no discard requirement, it does present other restrictions that can affect deck performance. For example, its inability to block can be a significant disadvantage in games where board control and defense are crucial.
Specific Mana Cost: The Vampire Interloper’s casting cost demands a black mana, which ties it exclusively to black or black-inclusive multicolor decks, potentially limiting its versatility in a player’s collection. Those running outside these colors will be unable to harness its power.
Comparatively High Mana Cost: Although it costs only two mana, the reach of this particular vampire can be undercut by other two-drops in the category. There are creatures available at the same mana point that provide additional value or versatility without the drawback of being unable to block.
Reasons to Include Vampire Interloper in Your Collection
Versatility: Vampire Interloper has the advantage of being a low-cost flying creature, which makes it a flexible addition to various deck builds. Its ability to evade ground blockers allows it to chip in for consistent damage or serve as an effective blocker against other flying creatures.
Combo Potential: Its Vampire type aligns with numerous tribal synergies and can enhance decks that capitalize on creature type-based buffs or abilities. Pairing Vampire Interloper with cards that bolster vampire strengths can lead to formidable combo possibilities.
Meta-Relevance: Considering the speed and aggression of certain meta-games, Vampire Interloper’s evasion and tribal links may give you the edge needed to outpace control decks or apply pressure in early turns against slower strategies.
How to Beat
Vampire Interloper presents an agile threat on the battlefield, soaring over defenders with its evasion ability. Comparable to other evasive creatures in MTG such as Mist-Cloaked Herald, Vampire Interloper offers a touch more power, though it can’t block. The key to overcoming this vampire lies in its inherent limitations.
Strategies vary, but effective tactics include removal spells that don’t rely on targeting blockers, such as Shock or Fatal Push, thereby bypassing its inability to block. Similarly, mass removal spells like Wrath of God can clear the board irrespective of flying capabilities. For those who prefer not to use spells, creatures with Reach or those that can be afforded flying can intercept this menace without engaging in direct combat on the ground.
Ultimately, Vampire Interloper is a test of preparedness, pushing players to incorporate versatile response options in their decks. Just as with any MTG card, a well-rounded strategy that accounts for both offense and defense is essential in maximizing your potential for victory. Hence, it isn’t the mere presence of Vampire Interloper that dictates the course of a game, but rather how one adapts and responds to such agile threats.
Where to buy
If you're looking to purchase Vampire Interloper MTG card by a specific set like Innistrad and Explorers of Ixalan, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.
For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.
Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.
Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Vampire Interloper and other MTG cards:
BurnMana is an official partner of TCGPlayer
- eBay
- Card Kingdom
- Card Market
- Star City Games
- CoolStuffInc
- MTG Mint Card
- Hareruya
- Troll and Toad
- ABU Games
- Card Hoarder Magic Online
- MTGO Traders Magic Online
See MTG Products
The Vampire Interloper Magic the Gathering card was released in 4 different sets between 2011-09-30 and 2022-01-28. Illustrated by James Ryman.
# | Released | Name | Code | Symbol | Number | Frame | Layout | Border | Artist |
1 | 2011-09-30 | Innistrad | ISD | 123 | 2003 | Normal | Black | James Ryman | |
2 | 2017-11-24 | Explorers of Ixalan | E02 | 22 | 2015 | Normal | Black | James Ryman | |
3 | 2021-09-24 | Innistrad: Midnight Hunt | MID | 125 | 2015 | Normal | Black | James Ryman | |
4 | 2022-01-28 | Innistrad: Double Feature | DBL | 125 | 2015 | Normal | Black | James Ryman |
Magic the Gathering formats where Vampire Interloper has restrictions
Format | Legality |
Standard | Legal |
Historicbrawl | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Paupercommander | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Commander | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Future | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Duel | Legal |
Explorer | Legal |
Brawl | Legal |
Penny | Legal |
Timeless | Legal |