Trumpeting Carnosaur MTG Card

Applies pressure and maintains hand superiority, impacting the flow of the game favorably. Instant speed flexibility allows surprising plays, adapting swiftly to in-game changes. Highly specific mana needs can limit deck diversity, best suited for green-centric decks.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost6
TypeCreature — Dinosaur
Abilities Discover,Trample
Power 7
Toughness 6

Text of card

Trample When Trumpeting Carnosaur enters the battlefield, discover 5. , Discard Trumpeting Carnosaur: It deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker.

Cards like Trumpeting Carnosaur

Trumpeting Carnosaur enters the fray as a notable combatant in the toolkit of creature cards suitable for aggressive MTG decks. Its resemblance to cards like Charging Monstrosaur is clear, both boasting significant power to pressure opponents early in the game. Nevertheless, Trumpeting Carnosaur steps forward with an advantageous trample ability, enabling it to push through defenses more effectively than its counterpart lacking this key trait.

When examining other dinosaurs, Raging Regisaur presents an intriguing parallel. It also allows for damage to be dealt upon attacking, but Trumpeting Carnosaur retains the upper hand with a more streamlined mana cost for its size and capability. Similarly, Frenzied Raptor stands in comparison with a comparable mana cost and penchant for aggression. However, what sets Trumpeting Carnosaur apart is its formidable combination of high power and trample which the Frenzied Raptor lacks, making it a more impactful choice on the battlefield for MTG players looking to dominate their opponents.

Delving into the value of these creatures, Trumpeting Carnosaur presents itself as a strong and efficient option for any player aiming to lead a dinosaur-heavy, aggressive strategy, thanks to its sheer force and tactical trample advantage.

Charging Monstrosaur - MTG Card versions
Raging Regisaur - MTG Card versions
Frenzied Raptor - MTG Card versions
Charging Monstrosaur - MTG Card versions
Raging Regisaur - MTG Card versions
Frenzied Raptor - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Trumpeting Carnosaur by color, type and mana cost

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Decks using this card

MTG decks using Trumpeting Carnosaur. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

Quintorius ComboQuintorius Combo PioneerQuintorius ComboPioneer Preliminary 2024-05-16 (1)
Rakdos ReanimatorRakdos Reanimator StandardRakdos ReanimatorStandard Challenge 64 2024-05-19
Gruul RampGruul Ramp StandardGruul RampStandard League 2024-05-18
CascadeCascade StandardCascadeStandard Challenge 32 2024-05-18 (1)
Gruul MidrangeGruul Midrange PioneerGruul MidrangePioneer Challenge 64 2024-05-18 (1)
URGURG StandardStandard League 2024-05-17

Card Pros

Card Advantage: One of the biggest benefits of Trumpeting Carnosaur is its potential to sway the battlefield in your favor. When played at the right moment, this dynamic dino can help you apply pressure while maintaining hand superiority.

Resource Acceleration: With this mighty reptile in play, each attack could potentially streamline your mana resources. This card can help outpace your opponent by allowing swift development of your board presence, setting the stage for more imposing threats.

Instant Speed: The real power of Trumpeting Carnosaur lies in its ability to operate on instant speed. This capability grants you the flexibility to surprise opponents, adapting to the fluid game state and making decisive moves when they least expect it.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Playing the Trumpeting Carnosaur might create a strategic setback as it necessitates the disposal of another card from your hand. This condition could deplete your hand, leaving you at a disadvantage, especially when your resources are already stretched thin throughout the game.

Specific Mana Cost: The Trumpeting Carnosaur’s mana cost is particularly color-intensive, requiring a significant amount of green mana. This can make it challenging to cast in multicolored decks, thereby restricting its inclusion to primarily green-based strategies where mana resources are less diversified.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a relatively steep summoning cost, deploying the Trumpeting Carnosaur to the battlefield comes at a premium. It competes with other four-mana creatures and spells which may offer higher impact or versatility. Players must weigh the opportunity cost of including it in their deck over other potential options.

Reasons to Include Trumpeting Carnosaur in Your Collection

Versatility: The Trumpeting Carnosaur can adapt to various deck styles, serving equally well as an early game beater or a late-game finisher. Its balance of cost and power makes it a reliable option for both aggressive and mid-range decks.

Combo Potential: With the ability to potentially gain trample or other combat enhancements in certain deck builds, the Trumpeting Carnosaur can work in synergy with cards that buff creatures or alter combat outcomes, amplifying its impact on the battlefield.

Meta-Relevance: Given the right environment where smaller creatures dominate and combat tricks are key, the Trumpeting Carnosaur can play a pivotal role. It can break through stalemates and serve as a counter against decks that rely on generating numerous smaller blockers.

How to beat

Trumpeting Carnosaur brings a unique challenge to the battlefields of Magic: The Gathering. With its potential to become a dynamic force under the right conditions, players often look for strategies to tackle this imposing dinosaur. One effective approach is to control the board with removal spells, such as Doom Blade for black decks or Path to Exile for those wielding white, taking it out before it has the chance to stomp over your defenses.

Another strategy is to limit the Carnosaur’s impact through creature-based tactics. Utilizing creatures with deathtouch, like Gifted Aetherborn, or creating a strong defensive lineup with high toughness can deter attacks or ensure that if the Carnosaur charges, it won’t survive the encounter. Counter spells also play a critical role for blue mages, countering the dinosaur before it even touches the battlefield, ensuring that its trumpeting call is never sounded.

Overcoming this prehistoric threat requires a blend of timely removal, strategic counters, and a solid defense. By adopting these tactics, players stand a good chance of subduing the Trumpeting Carnosaur, maintaining control of the game’s pace and preserving their life total while navigating their way towards victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Trumpeting Carnosaur MTG card by a specific set like The Lost Caverns of Ixalan and The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Trumpeting Carnosaur and other MTG cards:

BurnMana is an official partner of TCGPlayer
Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


The Trumpeting Carnosaur Magic the Gathering card was released in 1 different sets between 2023-11-17 and 2023-11-17. Illustrated by 2 different artists.

12023-11-17The Lost Caverns of IxalanLCI 1712015NormalBlackLars Grant-West
22023-11-17The Lost Caverns of IxalanLCI 3242015NormalBorderlessSidharth Chaturvedi


Magic the Gathering formats where Trumpeting Carnosaur has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Trumpeting Carnosaur card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2023-11-10 "Discover N" means "Exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a nonland card with mana value N or less. That card is the "discovered" card. You may cast that card without paying its mana cost if the resulting spell's mana value is less than or equal to N. If you don't cast it, put that card into your hand. Put the remaining exiled cards on the bottom of your library in a random order."
2023-11-10 A spell's mana value is determined only by its mana cost. Ignore any alternative costs, additional costs, cost increases, or cost reductions.
2023-11-10 If the discovered card has in its mana cost, you must choose 0 as the value of X when casting it without paying its mana cost.
2023-11-10 If you can't cast the discovered card (perhaps because there are no legal targets for the spell), you'll put it into your hand.
2023-11-10 If you cast a spell "without paying its mana cost", you can't choose to cast it for any alternative costs. You can, however, pay additional costs. If the spell has any mandatory additional costs, you must pay those to cast it.
2023-11-10 If you discover an adventurer card, split card, or modal double-faced card, you might be able to cast that card with either set of characteristics depending on the effect's discover value. For example, if you discover 4 and reveal Galvanic Giant (an adventurer card from Wilds of Eldraine with a mana value of 4), you could cast Galvanic Giant, but not Storm Reading (its Adventure, which has a mana value of 7). If you discover 7 and reveal Galvanic Giant, you could cast either Galvanic Giant or Storm Reading.
2023-11-10 Some spells and abilities that cause you to discover may require targets. If each target chosen is an illegal target as that spell or ability tries to resolve, it won't resolve and you won't discover.
2023-11-10 The mana value of a split card is determined by the combined mana cost of its two halves. If discover allows you to cast a split card, you may cast either half (as long as its mana value is less than or equal to the effect's discover value) but not both halves.
2023-11-10 When you discover, you must exile cards. The only optional part of the ability is whether you cast the exiled card or put it into your hand.
2023-11-10 You exile the cards face up. All players will be able to see them.