Triskaidekaphobia MTG Card

This card offers a unique win condition through the manipulation of life totals, expanding strategic gameplay avenues. It can indirectly influence board control by forcing opponents into difficult decisions and misplaying cards. Constant threat of altering one’s life total at instant speed means opponents must always play cautiously.
Card setsReleased in 5 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost4

Text of card

At the beginning of your upkeep, choose one — • Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player gains 1 life. • Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player loses 1 life.

Cards like Triskaidekaphobia

Triskaidekaphobia stands out in the realm of Magic: The Gathering as a unique enchantment type card with a quirky yet potent effect. Its close counterpart is Door to Nothingness, another card that offers a win condition based on a specific state of the game rather than traditional combat damage or accruing advantage over time. Both cards create alternative win conditions, but Door to Nothingness requires an outright mana diversity and investment to activate, whereas Triskaidekaphobia works passively and manipulates players’ life totals.

Examining the effects of Curse of the Bloody Tome offers another perspective. Although not a direct win condition, this enchantment provides an alternate route to victory through milling, potentially exhausting an opponent’s library. Triskaidekaphobia brings about a different kind of threat, focusing on life totals reaching the ominous number thirteen. Unlike Curse of the Bloody Tome, Triskaidekaphobia can affect both players, adding a layer of tension and strategy to the game.

In the broader context of Magic: The Gathering, while many enchantments propose alternate win conditions or impact gameplay significantly, Triskaidekaphobia’s distinctive approach to ending the game makes it a memorable and conversation-sparking card that can dictate the course of play with its life-total-centric victory trigger.

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Curse of the Bloody Tome - MTG Card versions
Door to Nothingness - MTG Card versions
Curse of the Bloody Tome - MTG Card versions

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Triskaidekaphobia offers a unique win condition by taking advantage of an often-overlooked resource: life totals. Instead of drawing more cards, it flips the script by leveraging life totals to pressure opponents, effectively creating psychological card advantage. It’s a card that can create a two-fold situation where your opponent must manage their board and their life, giving you an edge in strategic planning.

Resource Acceleration: While Triskaidekaphobia doesn’t directly accelerate your resources in the traditional sense, it can indirectly influence resource management. As opponents may be compelled to alter their play to avoid falling to 13 life, they are often forced into unfavorable trades or suboptimal plays, which can set you ahead in terms of board presence and available options.

Instant Speed: Although Triskaidekaphobia itself is an enchantment and operates on the upkeep trigger, its mere presence on the board allows you to act with the looming threat at instant speed. Opponents must be cautious about their life total at all times, particularly as their turn ends and yours begins. This constant vigilance can hinder their ability to efficiently plan their strategy, thus giving you an upper hand throughout the game.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Necessitates the removal of a card from your hand, which may not always be to your advantage, particularly if your hand is already depleted or the options available are essential to your strategy.

Specific Mana Cost: This card requires a precise blend of mana colors to cast, which means it could pose a challenge in multicolored decks or when your mana sources aren’t aligning properly.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a higher casting cost, this card competes with others at the same mana range that could provide immediate impact on the game, while it may take time before its conditions are met and it influences the board state.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Triskaidekaphobia is a unique addition to any MTG player’s collection, offering a quirky win condition that can fit into a variety of decks, particularly those that manipulate life totals.

Combo Potential: This card pairs well with effects that can adjust life totals on the fly. When combined with cards like Tree of Perdition, it can create a game-ending interaction that’s both unexpected and thrilling.

Meta-Relevance: In a meta where life gain and stabilization are prevalent, Triskaidekaphobia turns this on its head by making 13 life a risky proposition, adding a psychological layer to matches where every life point matters.

How to beat

Triskaidekaphobia stands out in the array of enchantments in Magic: The Gathering due to its unique win condition that plays upon the superstition of the number thirteen. This remarkable card has the potential to end games abruptly if a player’s life total is exactly thirteen. The pivotal strategy to handle Triskaidekaphobia is maintaining life total flexibility; ensuring your life total never falls precisely on the unlucky number.

Life gain or loss effects can serve as a safeguard against this enchantment. Implementing cards that can readily adjust life totals like Sun Droplet or spells such as Heroes’ Reunion can efficiently prevent the threat of a sudden loss due to Triskaidekaphobia. Furthermore, creature abilities that trigger life changes or instant spells that can interact with life totals at the end of an opponent’s turn will help circumvent the enchantment’s condition.

Ultimately, being mindful of your life total and having a contingency plan with life-modifying cards in your deck are essential tactics for overcoming the challenge posed by Triskaidekaphobia. Control over your own life points is the key to dismantling the fear—and the impact—of this ominous card.

BurnMana Recommendations

As you dive into the intricate world of MTG, Triskaidekaphobia is one of those cards that shakes up the game with its unique win condition. It’s a brain-teaser, challenging both you and your opponent to think outside of common strategies. Do you enjoy having an ace up your sleeve that your adversaries won’t see coming? Then it’s worth considering this card for your collection. Whether you’re climbing the ranks or just enjoying casual play, understanding and leveraging life totals can tip the scales in your favor. Join us for deeper insights and strategies that will help you harness the full potential of Triskaidekaphobia and turn the tide of your duels. Enhance your gameplay with our expert recommendations – your next victory could hinge on the number thirteen.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Triskaidekaphobia MTG card by a specific set like Shadows over Innistrad and Shadows over Innistrad Promos, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Triskaidekaphobia and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Triskaidekaphobia Magic the Gathering card was released in 5 different sets between 2016-04-08 and 2023-03-21. Illustrated by Willian Murai.

12016-04-08Shadows over InnistradSOI 1412015NormalBlackWillian Murai
22016-04-08Shadows over Innistrad PromosPSOI 141s2015NormalBlackWillian Murai
32018-03-16Masters 25A25 1102015NormalBlackWillian Murai
42022-12-02Jumpstart 2022J22 4792015NormalBlackWillian Murai
52023-03-21Shadows over Innistrad RemasteredSIR 1372015NormalBlackWillian Murai


Magic the Gathering formats where Triskaidekaphobia has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Triskaidekaphobia card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2018-03-16 If each player has 13 life as Triskaidekaphobia’s ability resolves, the game ends in a draw.
2018-03-16 If you choose Triskaidekaphobia’s second mode and begin to resolve it while an opponent’s life total is 13 and your life total is 1, that opponent will lose the game before you lose 1 life.
2018-03-16 In a Two-Headed Giant game, each team with 13 life loses the game, then each player on each team gains or loses 1 life, causing the team’s life total to go up or down by 2.
2018-03-16 You can choose a mode even if no player will lose the game. Players will still gain or lose life as appropriate.