The Savant MTG Card

Offers significant card selection, improving the quality of your hand and setting up for combos. Accelerates resource management, allowing for impactful plays and a dominating board presence. Instant speed capability adds an element of surprise, enabling reactive and flexible play.
The Savant - Born of the Gods Hero's Path
Set symbol
Set nameBorn of the Gods Hero's Path
Set codeTHP2
Illustred byChuck Lukacs

Text of card

Exile The Savant: Tap all creatures your opponents control. Those creatures don't untap during their controllers' next untap steps.

Cards like The Savant

The Savant type of cards present a unique addition to the pool of abilities and effects in Magic: The Gathering. In this vein, we see a comparison with the likes of Augur of Bolas. Both cards provide strategic deck manipulation, but The Savant series might offer more targeted control depending on the specific card variations within its group. Whereas Augur of Bolas filters and searches for an instant or sorcery card, The Savant may offer a broader or more specialized scope, depending on its build.

Delving further, Snapcaster Mage echoes a resemblance. It provides an immediate advantage by offering past spells a second chance directly from the graveyard. The Savant, hinged on its particular abilities, might afford a different kind of utility in both long-term planning and immediate board impact. Then, there is Goblin Electromancer. While not directly shuffling or peeking into the deck, this creature reduces the cost of spells, a potent ability that indirectly amplifies the potential of what The Savant might bring to the table when optimizing spell-casting.

In sum, while assessing the spectrum of similar cards, The Savant can assert its position in the MTG landscape for players who value foresight and precision in orchestrating their plays, carving a niche that blends adaptability with tactical prowess.

Augur of Bolas - MTG Card versions
Snapcaster Mage - MTG Card versions
Goblin Electromancer - MTG Card versions
Augur of Bolas - MTG Card versions
Snapcaster Mage - MTG Card versions
Goblin Electromancer - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to The Savant by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: By providing the ability to sift through your deck and select the most useful cards, The Savant card can significantly increase the potential to draw into solutions or key pieces for combo executions. This type of card selection is integral in crafting the quality of cards in hand rather than just the quantity, placing you a step ahead in the duel.

Resource Acceleration: This magic card shines in ramping up your resources, giving you an edge by allowing for larger spells or multiple plays in a single turn. The additional resources can translate into a powerful board presence that can intimidate and overpower opponents before they have a chance to fully develop their strategy. A swift rise in resources can often be the deciding factor in taking control of the game.

Instant Speed: The capacity to play The Savant at instant speed offers strategic flexibility, keeping opponents guessing. You are free to react to the current state of play, adapt to unexpected moves, and maximize the value of each card by responding to an opponent’s actions during their turn. The surprise factor and the ability to disrupt or capitalize on an opponent’s turn grants you a tactical upper hand.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Playing The Savant often comes with a need to discard another card. This trade-off can deplete your hand, potentially putting you at a disadvantage, especially in games where card advantage is pivotal.

Specific Mana Cost: The Savant’s mana cost requires a precise combination of mana types. This demand can make the card less flexible to include in a multicolored deck that may struggle with generating the exact mana needed at critical moments.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: When evaluating the card’s overall effectiveness, The Savant’s mana cost is on the higher side. Considering other options available within the same mana range, it’s worth weighing whether this card offers enough value for its cost, as cheaper alternatives may provide similar or better benefits more efficiently.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: The Savant MTG card offers flexibility, seamlessly slotting into various deck builds. Its adaptable abilities make it a reliable choice for numerous strategies, enhancing overall deck performance.

Combo Potential: With its unique interactions, The Savant card can significantly bolster combos within your deck. Its synergy with other cards creates dynamic play sequences that can turn the tide of a game.

Meta-Relevance: As the gameplay environment constantly evolves, The Savant maintains a persistent relevance. It can match up well against prevalent deck types, proving to be a robust addition in competitive settings.

How to beat

The Savant is a card that can be a real head-scratcher to outmaneuver in a game of MTG. Known for its ability to provide card advantage and strategic depth, The Savant requires a well-thought-out strategy to counter effectively. To beat it, players need to focus on disrupting their opponent’s hand and board presence. Tactics like discard spells to force The Savant out of play before it can be utilized, or counter spells to negate its activation are crucial.

In addition, removal spells that target The Savant the moment it hits the battlefield can be effective. It’s also beneficial to apply pressure with early creatures to overwhelm an opponent before The Savant can turn the tide in their favor. If The Savant has already impacted the board, incorporate ways to shuffle it back into the library or exile it to negate its benefits. This multifaceted approach can help to mitigate the advantages The Savant brings to the table, swinging the momentum back in your favor.

While understanding your opponent’s game plan is pivotal, having a diverse range of responses ready is just as important. By countering The Savant directly or indirectly, you can secure your standing in the game and edge closer to victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase The Savant MTG card by a specific set like Born of the Gods Hero's Path, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the The Savant and other MTG cards:

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