Swashbuckler's Whip MTG Card

Boosts card efficiency through drawing with equipped creature’s combat successes, increasing hand options. Accelerates mana resources, enabling faster casting of impactful spells in your MTG strategy. Provides instant speed casting, allowing for strategic reactionary plays and flexible equipping.
Swashbuckler's Whip - The Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Mana cost
Converted mana cost1
TypeArtifact — Equipment
Abilities Discover,Equip
Set symbol
Set nameThe Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Set codeLCI
Illustred byIrina Nordsol

Text of card

Equipped creature has reach, ", : Tap target artifact or creature," and ", : Discover 10." (Exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a nonland card with mana value 10 or less. Cast it without paying its mana cost or put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom in a random order.) Equip

Cards like Swashbuckler's Whip

Swashbuckler’s Whip carves out its niche in the array of equipment in Magic: The Gathering. It can be likened to the likes of Captain’s Hook, providing a boost to a creature’s power as well as additional benefits. Swashbuckler’s Whip offers a unique upside of possibly untapping all creatures you control, a potent swing in your favor during combat. This contrasts with Captain’s Hook which grants menace but lacks a battlefield-wide impact.

Another comparable equipment is Prying Blade, which also resonates with the pirate theme. Prying Blade, much like Swashbuckler’s Whip, supports an aggressive strategy by generating Treasure tokens, but Swashbuckler’s Whip pushes the envelope by potentially unleashing multiple attacks within the same turn given the right conditions. Unlike Swashbuckler’s Whip, the Prying Blade is less impactful in terms of altering the state of the board.

When examining their place amongst MTG equipment, Swashbuckler’s Whip can certainly stand out for its potential to change the course of a game through its unique untapping ability, rewarding tactical play and aggressive strategies.

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Prying Blade - MTG Card versions
Captain's Hook - MTG Card versions
Prying Blade - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Swashbuckler's Whip by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Swashbuckler’s Whip offers a unique approach to getting ahead in card efficiency. With the ability to attach to creatures, each successful combat hit by the equipped creature can potentially lead to drawing extra cards, fueling your hand and options as the game progresses.

Resource Acceleration: This MTG card does more than just boost a creature’s stats; it propels your mana resources as well. By potentially enabling you to draw into further resource-generating cards or lands swiftly, the Whip accelerates your resource pool, paving the way to cast more influential spells sooner than your adversary.

Instant Speed: Although Equip abilities generally require sorcery speed, the initial cast of Swashbuckler’s Whip is at instant speed, thus allowing you to adapt to the evolving game state. This flexibility lets you keep mana available for reactionary plays or surprises, balancing defense with the anticipation of equipping a mighty creature on your next turn.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: The activation of Swashbuckler’s Whip comes with the price of discarding a card. For players already grappling with a dwindling hand, this can compound the challenge, creating a situation where you’re sacrificing valuable resources for an effect that might not always justify the loss.

Specific Mana Cost: Equipping a creature with Swashbuckler’s Whip requires a specific arrangement of mana, including red mana. This can make it a tricky fit for multicolored decks that may not always have the red mana readily available at the moment it’s needed, thus reducing its flexibility.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With the Whip’s mana cost being on the higher end for its type of effect, deck builders might hesitate to include it when more efficient alternatives are available. Considering the rapid pace of many games, having to allocate more mana can slow down your overall strategy, which can be a significant drawback in faster play formats or against decks that prioritize speed.

Reasons to Include Swashbuckler’s Whip in Your Collection

Versatility: Swashbuckler’s Whip is a solid addition to any deck looking to enhance its offensive capabilities. It can be equipped to a variety of creatures, immediately boosting their attack and often making them a bigger threat on the board.

Combo Potential: With its ability to give creatures first strike, this artifact can seamlessly integrate into strategies focused on combat tricks or synergize with cards that capitalize on improved combat phases. It complements decks built around creatures with already present evasive abilities.

Meta-Relevance: Swashbuckler’s Whip can shore up aggressive strategies in a meta that’s focused on creature-based combat. It helps your creatures win battles and survive, which can be particularly important in a closely contested game environment.

How to beat

Swashbuckler’s Whip, a niche yet potent equipment from the world of Magic the Gathering, can be a real game-changer when utilized effectively. It’s not just a tool for boosting your creatures’ offensive capabilities, but a means to control the flow of combat. Similar cards, like Fireshrieker, grant double strike, while Specter’s Shroud focuses on hand disruption. Yet, Swashbuckler’s Whip combines aggression with the strategic aspect of forcing the opponent’s creatures to block, potentially upsetting well-laid defenses.

To outmaneuver Swashbuckler’s Whip, consider cards that bypass or neutralize equipment, such as Naturalize, which can directly destroy it. If that’s not an option, prioritize controlling combat through combat tricks and instant-speed removals like Doom Blade or Path to Exile, which can disrupt the Whip’s forced blocking strategy. Additionally, cards with abilities like Shroud or protection from artifacts can effectively ignore the Whip’s impact, rendering equipped creatures significantly less threatening.

As a player facing off against Swashbuckler’s Whip, your goal is to stymie your opponent’s strategy through preparedness and adaptability, whether that means destroying the equipment, circumventing its effects, or outwitting the forced blocking mechanic.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Swashbuckler's Whip MTG card by a specific set like The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Swashbuckler's Whip and other MTG cards:

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Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


Magic the Gathering formats where Swashbuckler's Whip has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Swashbuckler's Whip card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2023-11-10 "Discover N" means "Exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a nonland card with mana value N or less. That card is the "discovered" card. You may cast that card without paying its mana cost if the resulting spell's mana value is less than or equal to N. If you don't cast it, put that card into your hand. Put the remaining exiled cards on the bottom of your library in a random order."
2023-11-10 A spell's mana value is determined only by its mana cost. Ignore any alternative costs, additional costs, cost increases, or cost reductions.
2023-11-10 If the discovered card has in its mana cost, you must choose 0 as the value of X when casting it without paying its mana cost.
2023-11-10 If you can't cast the discovered card (perhaps because there are no legal targets for the spell), you'll put it into your hand.
2023-11-10 If you cast a spell "without paying its mana cost", you can't choose to cast it for any alternative costs. You can, however, pay additional costs. If the spell has any mandatory additional costs, you must pay those to cast it.
2023-11-10 If you discover an adventurer card, split card, or modal double-faced card, you might be able to cast that card with either set of characteristics depending on the effect's discover value. For example, if you discover 4 and reveal Galvanic Giant (an adventurer card from Wilds of Eldraine with a mana value of 4), you could cast Galvanic Giant, but not Storm Reading (its Adventure, which has a mana value of 7). If you discover 7 and reveal Galvanic Giant, you could cast either Galvanic Giant or Storm Reading.
2023-11-10 Some spells and abilities that cause you to discover may require targets. If each target chosen is an illegal target as that spell or ability tries to resolve, it won't resolve and you won't discover.
2023-11-10 The mana value of a split card is determined by the combined mana cost of its two halves. If discover allows you to cast a split card, you may cast either half (as long as its mana value is less than or equal to the effect's discover value) but not both halves.
2023-11-10 When you discover, you must exile cards. The only optional part of the ability is whether you cast the exiled card or put it into your hand.
2023-11-10 You exile the cards face up. All players will be able to see them.