Stonework Packbeast MTG Card

Provides crucial color flexibility, aiding in consistent spell casting especially in multicolored or Limited decks. Its changeling trait and mana filtering ability can be a linchpin for tribal synergies and combo engines. Despite its modest stats, the Packbeast is a strategic wildcard with meta-game adaptability.
Stonework Packbeast - Zendikar Rising
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
TypeArtifact Creature — Beast
Set symbol
Set nameZendikar Rising
Set codeZNR
Power 2
Toughness 1
Illustred byDmitry Burmak

Text of card

Stonework Packbeast is also a Cleric, Rogue, Warrior, and Wizard. : Add one mana of any color.

It will happily carry home your treasure or drag you back to civilization, as circumstances demand.

Cards like Stonework Packbeast

Stonework Packbeast is a versatile utility creature in MTG, reminiscent of cards like Pilgrim’s Eye and Skittering Surveyor. Like Pilgrim’s Eye, the Packbeast helps players fix their mana, though it doesn’t fetch a land to your hand. In contrast, Skittering Surveyor offers a similar land search ability, but Stonework Packbeast’s strength lies in its capacity to become any creature type, making it an important piece in decks that capitalize on type synergies.

Another comparable card is Universal Automaton, which also boasts a changeling ability, allowing it to adapt to various creature types. While the Automaton is cost-efficient, it lacks the mana-filtering capability that makes Stonework Packbeast so valuable in multi-colored decks. Lastly, Farhaven Elf is a creature that fetches a land directly into play. However, it’s locked to a specific creature type, whereas Stonework Packbeast’s all-encompassing nature makes it a more flexible ally.

Each of these cards bring something special to the table, yet Stonework Packbeast’s adaptability and amenability with tribe strategies ensure its place as a notably resourceful choice in a diverse range of MTG decks.

Pilgrim's Eye - MTG Card versions
Skittering Surveyor - MTG Card versions
Universal Automaton - MTG Card versions
Farhaven Elf - MTG Card versions
Pilgrim's Eye - MTG Card versions
Skittering Surveyor - MTG Card versions
Universal Automaton - MTG Card versions
Farhaven Elf - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Stonework Packbeast by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: The Stonework Packbeast serves as a Swiss army knife in any MTG deck. Although it doesn’t draw cards directly, its versatile nature allows players to effectively manage their hand by ensuring they are not hindered by color availability, making every draw that bit more valuable.

Resource Acceleration: While the Packbeast doesn’t produce additional mana, it acts as a bridge for multi-colored decks by smoothing over mana needs. This kind of color fixing can be particularly important in formats like Commander or Limited, where consistent access to all necessary colors can often make or break a game.

Instant Speed: Despite not being an instant itself, Stonework Packbeast indirectly promotes instant speed play. As a mana fixer, it allows for more flexible mana bases that can effectively cast spell at instant speed. This can lead to more strategic and responsive gameplay, as players can adjust their plays to the evolving state of the match.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Stonework Packbeast offers a degree of flexibility, it lacks any in-built card advantage mechanics. Utilizing its mana filtering ability requires you to still adhere to any discard obligations from other cards, putting strain on your hand if not managed carefully.

Specific Mana Cost: Despite its colorless nature and role as a mana fixer, the Packbeast demands two specific mana to cast — one generic and one of any color. This could potentially slow down your early game if your mana sources aren’t appropriately diverse.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: As a two-mana creature, its stats are modest and the mana-filtration benefit might not always justify the slot in a deck — especially given other two-drop creatures or mana rocks potentially offer greater impact or cost efficiency. Opting for the Packbeast demands a deliberate strategic choice, as its advantages are nuanced and context-dependent.

Reasons to Include Stonework Packbeast in Your Collection

Versatility: Stonework Packbeast is a utility player in the world of MTG. Its ability to operate as any basic land type makes it an excellent fixer in multicolor decks. This color flexibility can be crucial for casting spells on time, especially in Limited formats where mana consistency is key.

Combo Potential: As a changeling, the Packbeast has every creature type, meaning it can fill in gaps for tribal synergies or enable combos that require specific creature types. Additionally, its second ability allows you to draw from its ability to filter mana, enabling various engine setups.

Meta-Relevance: Ever tuned in to the shifting sands of the meta-game, the Packbeast’s adaptability makes it a wise choice for sideboards and main decks alike. It can be particularly potent in environments where creature types are leveraged for bonuses or where efficient mana usage can outpace your opponents.

How to beat

Stonework Packbeast presents a unique challenge as an adaptable creature in Magic: The Gathering. Its innate ability to represent any creature type makes it a versatile piece on the battlefield, often slipping through the cracks when building around tribal synergies. Additionally, its mana filtering capability allows players to smooth out their mana curve and cast spells that may otherwise be difficult to play due to color restrictions.

To counteract the utilities that Stonework Packbeast brings to the table, removal is key. Since it is not a high-toughness creature, straightforward removal spells like Shock or Fatal Push can easily dispatch it before its abilities become too disruptive. Board wipes are also effective, as they can clear it along with any other creatures it might be supporting.

Timing is crucial when dealing with Stonework Packbeast. Interrupting its abilities before they become impactful ensures that you maintain tempo and prevent your opponent from leveraging their mana base or tribal strategies. Focus on denying the advantages it provides, and you’ll dismantle the support it offers to your opponent’s strategy.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Stonework Packbeast MTG card by a specific set like Zendikar Rising, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Stonework Packbeast and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Stonework Packbeast has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Stonework Packbeast card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2020-09-25 The ability that adds creature types to Stonework Packbeast applies in all zones, not just the battlefield.