Steel Squirrel MTG Card

Offers card filtering for strategic deck searching, which is crucial in maintaining a resource advantage. Enables instant-speed interactions, presenting a versatile response in fast-paced matches. Its ability to grow makes it a potential game-changer in long, drawn-out battles.
Steel Squirrel - Unstable
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
TypeArtifact Creature — Squirrel
Set symbol
Set nameUnstable
Set codeUST
Power 1
Toughness 1
Illustred byCarl Critchlow
Un-set :-)This card is part of an Un-set

Text of card

Whenever you roll a 5 or higher on a die, Steel Squirrel gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is the result. : Roll a six-sided die.

Q: Where does a mechanical squirrel hide its nuts? A: In a bolt hole.

Cards like Steel Squirrel

The Steel Squirrel MTG card is a quirky yet potent artifact creature card that adds an unconventional strategy to gameplay. Its ability to scale with the number of artifact tokens you create sets it apart from other creature cards. Comparing it to something like Myr Sire, which also thrives in artifact-centric decks, Steel Squirrel can become a much larger threat if the board is set up correctly. Myr Sire offers consistent value by leaving behind an artifact creature token upon death, yet Steel Squirrel has the potential for more dynamic play.

Similar comparisons can be made with Hangarback Walker, which also scales with the game, growing larger with time and leaving behind several artifact creature tokens. The versatility of Hangarback Walker is apparent, able to defensively block multiple threats over time, but Steel Squirrel can be a more immediate offensive force under the right conditions. Lastly, Scrapyard Recombiner can fetch key construct creatures but lacks the direct attack scaling that makes Steel Squirrel unique in MTG.

Ultimately, Steel Squirrel offers MTG players a distinctive choice. It might not always be the go-to option when compared with other artifact creature cards, but its potential for rapid power growth makes it a card that can catch opponents by surprise and become a game-changing asset when played strategically.

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Scrapyard Recombiner - MTG Card versions
Myr Sire - MTG Card versions
Hangarback Walker - MTG Card versions
Scrapyard Recombiner - MTG Card versions

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: The Steel Squirrel offers a consistent mechanism for card filtering, helping players dig through their deck to find essential cards and maintain a steady flow of resources throughout the match.

Resource Acceleration: By generating energy counters, Steel Squirrel can function as a source of resource acceleration. Its ability to convert counters into tangible board presence can be pivotal in ramping up your game strategy.

Instant Speed: Although Steel Squirrel itself is not an instant, it interacts favorably with instant-speed spells and abilities. Its capacity to be activated whenever you have priority means that it can efficiently respond to your opponent’s moves or end-of-turn scenarios, making it a flexible companion in fast-paced duels.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Steel Squirrel needs an artifact card to be discarded in order to activate its abilities. This can deplete your hand quickly, potentially leaving you with fewer options as the game progresses.

Specific Mana Cost: With a mana setup that requires both generic and green mana, Steel Squirrel may not seamlessly integrate into multi-colored decks, possibly restricting its versatility across various strategies.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Although its abilities can be impactful, Steel Squirrel comes with a mana cost that is arguably steep for its base stats and abilities. This can make it challenging to justify its inclusion over other cards that may have a more immediate or powerful effect on the game state for the same or less mana investment.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Steel Squirrel is a unique card that can easily find a home in any artifact-centric deck. Its ability to accrue +1/+1 counters not only makes it a growing threat but also a robust defender in a pinch.

Combo Potential: This card excels in combos, particularly in decks that can untap creatures or utilize counters. Pair it with doubling effects or proliferate mechanics and watch the Steel Squirrel become a formidable presence on the board.

Meta-Relevance: The current meta that favors long games and incremental advantages makes Steel Squirrel a subtle yet impactful choice. As games draw out, it only becomes larger and more threatening, aligning well with strategies that capitalize on time and resource management.

How to beat

Steel Squirrel can be a quirky challenge on the battlefield with its artifact synergy and potential for growth in Magic: The Gathering. This creature gets stronger as you use abilities that involve the use of energy counters. What sets it apart is its flexibility, as it can increase in power during both your turn and your opponent’s turn, making it a versatile threat.

To effectively counter Steel Squirrel, removal spells that can target artifacts are key. Shatter effects or naturalize abilities that specifically destroy artifacts can take the Squirrel down before it becomes too large of a threat. Board wipes are also effective, removing the Squirrel regardless of how many counters it has amassed. Moreover, keeping energy counter generation in check can prevent the Squirrel from reaching its full potential — disabling abilities that produce energy counters or removing creatures and artifacts that do so will hamstring Steel Squirrel’s capability to swell in size.

Ultimately, confronting Steel Squirrel with prompt responses will inhibit it from becoming an insurmountable threat. It’s critical to disrupt the energy counter mechanics it relies on and to remove it from the field before it can accumulate too much power and become a significant problem.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Steel Squirrel MTG card by a specific set like Unstable, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Steel Squirrel and other MTG cards:

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Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Steel Squirrel card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2018-01-19 Steel Squirrel can get bonuses larger than +6/+6 due to modified six-sided die rolls or d20s.
2018-01-19 The die roll caused by Steel Squirrel’s activated ability doesn’t have any effect itself, but other abilities (including Steel Squirrel’s first ability) may care about the roll.