Sifter of Skulls MTG Card

The card provides steady card advantage by generating tokens after creature deaths. Eldrazi Scions from Sifter of Skulls enable resource acceleration and flexibility. Integrating Sifter of Skulls in decks boosts strategy with its token-producing mechanic.
Card setsReleased in 3 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost4
TypeCreature — Eldrazi
Abilities Devoid
Power 4
Toughness 3

Text of card

Devoid (This card has no color.) Whenever another nontoken creature you control dies, create a 1/1 colorless Eldrazi Scion creature token. It has "Sacrifice this creature: Add ." ( represents colorless mana.)

Cards like Sifter of Skulls

Sifter of Skulls holds its ground in the array of powerful creature effects in Magic: The Gathering. Its closest counterpart is Pawn of Ulamog, which exhibits a similar ability to create tokens upon creature death. However, Sifter of Skulls differs by generating colorless Eldrazi Scion tokens, which can be sacrificed for mana, directly influencing your ability to cast spells quicker.

Compelling similarly to Sifter of Skulls is the renowned card Pitiless Plunderer. Even though it doesn’t provide token creatures that can be sacrificed for mana, it produces Treasure tokens whenever another creature you control dies, offering an alternative method for ramping up your resources. Blood Artist takes another angle, rewarding you with life gain and life loss effects instead of tangible tokens, but it still capitalizes on the death of creatures. While Blood Artist offers a more passive approach, Sifter of Skulls shines with its proactive mana ramp potential.

Overall, while there are various options to explore when building around creature death triggers, Sifter of Skulls is undeniably significant for decks relying on swiftly generating mana to deploy threats and respond quickly to the evolving battlefield dynamics.

Pawn of Ulamog - MTG Card versions
Pitiless Plunderer - MTG Card versions
Blood Artist - MTG Card versions
Pawn of Ulamog - MTG Card versions
Pitiless Plunderer - MTG Card versions
Blood Artist - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: The Sifter of Skulls plays a significant role in decks focused on creature sacrifice strategies, as it creates a 1/1 colorless Eldrazi Scion creature token whenever another nontoken creature you control dies. This ability provides a continuous stream of tokens that can either be used as blockers or fodder for further sacrificial benefits, thus maintaining a steady card advantage on the battlefield.

Resource Acceleration: The Eldrazi Scion tokens produced by Sifter of Skulls come with the inherent ability to be sacrificed for mana, offering a convenient and immediate source of resource acceleration. Whether it’s ramping up to a game-changing spell or enabling complex multi-spells turns, this card ensures you have the resources to advance your gameplay efficiently.

Instant Speed: While Sifter of Skulls itself doesn’t operate at instant speed, the generated Eldrazi Scion tokens can be sacrificed for mana at any time. This flexibility allows players to remain adaptable, using the tokens to activate abilities or cast spells during an opponent’s turn, keeping them constantly on their toes and ready to respond to threats or opportunities as they arise.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Sifter of Skulls doesn’t directly require discarding, it necessitates creature sacrifices to trigger its ability. This can be quite the setback if you’re unable to sustain a steady flow of creatures to the battlefield.

Specific Mana Cost: Sifter of Skulls comes with a casting cost that requires both colorless and black mana. Its specific requirement for generic and black mana means it may not seamlessly fit into decks that are not dedicated to these colors.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Having to invest four mana to summon the Sifter of Skulls can be a costly endeavor. For this mana investment, you may find alternative creatures or spells that provide immediate impact or value without the need for a recurring sacrifice mechanic to be present.

Reasons to Include Sifter of Skulls in Your Collection

Versatility: Sifter of Skulls offers great flexibility for deck builders. This card can slide into various decks, primarily ones focused on creature strategies or exploiting death triggers. Its ability to generate Eldrazi Scions can be utilized as chump blockers, mana acceleration, or as fodder for sacrificial abilities.

Combo Potential: Known to synergize well with sacrifice-themed decks, Sifter of Skulls can become a key component in establishing dominant board states or fueling powerful combos. It works exceptionally well with cards that have recurrence or persist effects, essentially turning every creature death into an opportunity.

Meta-Relevance: In a game where board presence and resource management can pivot the tide of battle, a card like Sifter of Skulls maintains its relevance. It thrives in environments where creatures are plentiful and the grind to out-value opponents is pivotal. By ensuring a steady stream of Scions, it keeps you a step ahead in the resource game.

How to beat Sifter of Skulls

Sifter of Skulls is an intriguing presence in MTG, known for its ability to generate Eldrazi Scion tokens whenever another nontoken creature you control dies. This card can rapidly escalate the board state, making it a pivotal part of strategies centered around creature sacrifice and token generation. Despite its potency, overcoming this card on the battlefield is definitely possible.

One strategy is to use removal spells that exile rather than destroy. Since Sifter of Skulls’ ability triggers upon a creature’s death, sending it to exile bypasses this mechanism altogether. Cards like Path to Exile are effective tools in this regard. Another approach would be to use graveyard manipulation. If you can control the graveyard, you can stop the card from functioning at optimal efficiency. Cards that prevent creatures from entering the graveyard upon death, like Grafdigger’s Cage, can significantly impair the Sifter of Skulls’ effectiveness.

Lastly, focusing on winning the tempo game can outrun a Sifter of Skulls strategy. By playing more swiftly and putting pressure on your opponent, they have less time to set up and leverage the card’s benefits. Swift aggression can often disrupt the synergies that cards like the Sifter of Skulls are meant to enhance, paving the way for victory.

BurnMana Recommendations

Deciphering MTG strategies can be like putting together the pieces of a complex puzzle. With Sifter of Skulls, you unlock a piece that can be pivotal in creature-based and sacrifice-focused decks. This card’s potential to churn out Eldrazi Scions is invaluable, providing not just a stream of blockers but a reserve of mana acceleration. However, every card has its counter, and mastering the art of disruption is just as crucial. From graveyard manipulation to tempo plays, ensuring you know how to both utilize and thwart cards like Sifter of Skulls can make all the difference. Delve deeper into strategy-building with us and fortify your MTG prowess for your next clash on the planes.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Sifter of Skulls MTG card by a specific set like Oath of the Gatewatch Promos and Oath of the Gatewatch, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Sifter of Skulls and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Sifter of Skulls Magic the Gathering card was released in 3 different sets between 2016-01-22 and 2024-06-14. Illustrated by Slawomir Maniak.

12016-01-22Oath of the Gatewatch PromosPOGW 77s2015NormalBlackSlawomir Maniak
22016-01-22Oath of the GatewatchOGW 772015NormalBlackSlawomir Maniak
32024-06-14Modern Horizons 3 CommanderM3C 2032015NormalBlackSlawomir Maniak


Magic the Gathering formats where Sifter of Skulls has restrictions
