Rusted Sentinel MTG Card

Rusted Sentinel’s indestructibility when tapped supports defense, providing consistent board presence. Its four mana 4/4 construct adds reliable muscle to artifact-focused decks, enhancing versatility. Effective counterplay includes artifact removals or board wipes targeting Rusted Sentinel’s strategic weaknesses.
Rusted Sentinel - Magic 2012
Mana cost
Converted mana cost4
TypeArtifact Creature — Golem
Set symbol
Set nameMagic 2012
Set codeM12
Power 3
Toughness 4
Illustred byJason Felix

Text of card

Rusted Sentinel enters the battlefield tapped.

It has to deliberate a moment on the best way to break your face.

Cards like Rusted Sentinel

Rusted Sentinel presents a unique option in the artifact creature category within the MTG universe. It can be compared to other self-tapping creatures such as Moltensteel Dragon, which also provides impressive power albeit with a different trade-off. Moltensteel Dragon requires life payment in addition to mana, for an increase in power, while Rusted Sentinel requires no such sacrifice, standing as a stoic defender or aggressor that simply comes onto the battlefield tapped.

Taking a closer look at similar cards, we also observe Phyrexian Juggernaut, which shares the trait of entering the battlefield tapped. However, Juggernaut carries the infect ability, capable of dealing damage in the form of -1/-1 counters, fundamentally altering the approach to combat. Meanwhile, Rusted Sentinel’s straightforward four power points stand plain, without additional effects yet reliable in a pinch.

Through comparison, Rusted Sentinel holds its ground as a reliable artifact creature with decent power and toughness. Its simplicity can be its strength in a deck that favors straightforward tactics, with the right strategy lending Sentinel an edge over its seemingly multifaceted contemporaries in MTG.

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Phyrexian Juggernaut - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Rusted Sentinel by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Though not a direct source of card draw, Rusted Sentinel’s indestructibility when tapped can be coordinated with tap-centric mechanics to set up defensive positions without losing board presence, effectively deterring opponents’ attacks and preserving your resources.

Resource Acceleration: Rusted Sentinel doesn’t inherently provide mana acceleration. However, its relatively low cost and durability can allow you to maintain a solid defense while developing your mana base or deploying other resource-accelerating cards without the fear of losing a creature to removal.

Instant Speed: Rusted Sentinel doesn’t operate at instant speed, but as an artifact creature, it can be synergized with cards that untap permanents or modify summoning conditions, offering potential utility during either player’s turn and complex strategic interactions.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Rusted Sentinel does not directly have a discard requirement, but its enter-the-battlefield tapped condition delays immediate use and could indirectly lead to card disadvantage if quicker solutions are needed.

Specific Mana Cost: This artifact creature requires four mana, one of which must be colorless. This specific requirement can slightly restrict deck-building options, particularly in formats where mana efficiency is crucial.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Rusted Sentinel costs four mana to cast, a significant investment for a creature with its stats and abilities. Many other creatures and artifacts in the same mana range offer more impactful abilities or better stats, providing a more substantial presence on the battlefield upon casting.

Reasons to Include Rusted Sentinel in Your Collection

Versatility: Rusted Sentinel is an artifact creature which means it can slide into numerous deck archetypes. It’s a reliable four-drop with a solid power/toughness ratio that can serve as both an offensive and defensive resource.

Combo Potential: As an artifact, it offers synergy with cards and strategies that interact with artifact permanents. With the right combination, it can contribute to artifact-centric combos or be a vital piece in enabling intricate plays.

Meta-Relevance: In game environments where artifact-based strategies are prominent, having Rusted Sentinel can offer you an edge. Its presence provides flexibility against various decks, making it a strategic choice for players aiming to adapt to shifting meta landscapes.

How to beat

Rusted Sentinel presents a unique challenge in the landscape of Magic: The Gathering cards. As a four-mana artifact creature, it stands out with its ability to enter the battlefield tapped, but its defensiveness is compensated by a solid 4/4 body. Taking down Rusted Sentinel calls for a strategic approach, targeting its weaknesses and capitalizing on its inability to impact the board immediately upon its arrival.

Artifacts and creature removals are key to dismantling the threat of Rusted Sentinel. Cards like Naturalize or Shattering Spree can handle it before it becomes a blocker or attacker on the following turns. In addition, tapping into the power of board control spells like Wrath of God to clear the field irrespective of the creature’s tap status also works effectively. The trick lies in anticipating the Sentinel’s arrival and being prepared with the right answers to neutralize its potential influence on your game strategy.

In essence, adapting your deck to include answers for tough artifact creatures like Rusted Sentinel will increase your resilience. Keep your removal spells ready, and balance your strategy between dealing with immediate threats and strategic long-term planning for powerful, potentially game-changing creatures.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Rusted Sentinel MTG card by a specific set like Magic 2012, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Rusted Sentinel and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Rusted Sentinel has restrictions
