Plant MTG Card

Plant cards offer card advantage, resource acceleration, and instant-speed play, enhancing strategic flexibility. Cons include discard requirements, specific mana costs, and sometimes higher mana costs compared to other creatures. They hold a crucial role, providing versatility, combo potential, and can be pivotal based on the meta-game.
Card setsReleased in 18 setsSee all
TypeToken Creature — Plant
Power 0
Toughness 1

Cards like Plant

Within the verdant realms of MTG, Plant cards often take root as subtle but strategic elements on the battlefield. Among them, Avenger of Zendikar stands tall, embodying the essence of Plant prowess, much like this [THEME] does in its unique way. The [THEME], while not as widely celebrated as the Avenger, shares the thematic role of plant growth. Where the Avenger excels through creating a field of Plant tokens, our [THEME] weaves its magic by bolstering the board with sturdy Plant creatures and potential buffs to your green ecosystem.

Another photosynthesizer among the ranks is Wall of Blossoms, an understated defender that offers card draw upon entry to the fray, akin to the utility presented by the [THEME]. Verdant Force, a classic, encapsulates the spirit of sustained growth, generating tokens with every upkeep, making it a formidable comparison point to the [THEME]’s capacity for generating long-term advantages. Yet, unlike the [THEME], Verdant Force demands a greater mana investment, showcasing a trade-off between immediate impact and enduring presence.

Each Plant card in MTG weaves its tale of growth and guardianship, with the [THEME] being a prime specimen. Its ability to synergize and establish a fortified green domain renders it a valuable and underrated asset in matches that favor the patient cultivator’s strategy.

Avenger of Zendikar - MTG Card versions
Wall of Blossoms - MTG Card versions
Verdant Force - MTG Card versions
Avenger of Zendikar - MTG Card versions
Wall of Blossoms - MTG Card versions
Verdant Force - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: A Plant MTG card often provides card advantage through mechanisms like overgrowth, allowing you to draw additional cards when certain conditions on the battlefield are met. This could bolster your hand, giving you more options to react to the game’s developments.

Resource Acceleration: Plant cards can accelerate your resources by tapping into nature’s bounty, such as producing additional mana or enabling land fetch capabilities. This inherently boosts your potential to cast more formidable spells or deploy larger creatures ahead of the normal curve.

Instant Speed: Some Plant cards can be used at instant speed, offering strategic flexibility to disrupt an opponent’s turn. Timing can be critical, and instant-speed spells let you create surprise blockers, trigger abilities, or cast effects that could alter the course of the game when your opponent least expects it.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Many plant cards in MTG ask players to discard another card to activate certain abilities or to cast them. This can be a significant downside, especially if you’re in a scenario where your hand already lacks options.

Specific Mana Cost: Several plant cards require green mana, which means they might not fit seamlessly into multi-colored decks that are not focused on green mana production. This limitation can hinder deck diversity and strategic flexibility.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Plants in the MTG universe can sometimes come at a higher mana cost due to their potential to synergize with other cards and create powerful effects. Unfortunately, this makes them susceptible to faster, more aggressive decks that can exploit the slower pace.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Plant cards in MTG often offer a wide range of strategic advantages, fitting seamlessly into green-focused ramp decks, token strategies, and even wall defensive tactics. Their ability to synergize with earthy themes means they can be a solid choice in multiple deck builds.

Combo Potential: Many Plant cards can generate combos with cards that benefit from creature tokens or that gain power from the number of creatures you control. They work well with proliferate mechanics or with enchantments that enhance each plant’s abilities.

Meta-Relevance: Depending on the current meta-game, Plant cards can be unexpectedly powerful. With their resilience and ability to obstruct aggressive strategies, they can create a substantial presence on the battlefield and often shift the tide in games dominated by creature-based strategies.

How to Beat

Plant cards in Magic: The Gathering often rely on growth mechanics, synergizing with +1/+1 counters or benefiting from landfall triggers. To overcome Plant MTG cards, it’s prudent to prevent their growth or exploit their initial state of low power and toughness. Board wipes and removal spells are usually effective at keeping Plant tokens and creatures in check before they can overrun your defenses. Cards like Wrath of God or Doom Blade are potent tools for quickly clearing the board or removing key Plant creatures.

Another strategy is to target the specific synergy Plants have with lands. Land destruction or cards preventing land triggering like Aven Mindcensor can handicap a Plant deck’s performance. Also, since many Plants are not particularly powerful in the early game, applying pressure with an aggressive deck can prove successful. By the time the Plant player stabilizes, it might be too late for them. By thwarting their establishment or by taking advantage of their growth period, Plant cards can be effectively managed or beaten in MTG.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Plant MTG card by a specific set like Worldwake and Duel Decks: Zendikar vs. Eldrazi, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Plant and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Plant Magic the Gathering card was released in 17 different sets between 2010-02-05 and 2024-06-14. Illustrated by 5 different artists.

12010-02-05WorldwakeWWK 52003TokenBlackDaren Bader
22015-08-28Duel Decks: Zendikar vs. EldraziDDP 802015TokenBlackDaren Bader
32015-10-02Battle for ZendikarBFZ 102015TokenBlackSam Burley
42016-01-22Oath of the GatewatchOGW 112015TokenBlackDaren Bader
52016-09-02Duel Decks: Nissa vs. Ob NixilisDDR 752015TokenBlackDaren Bader
62016-11-25Planechase AnthologyPCA 182015TokenBlackDaren Bader
72017-09-29IxalanXLN 62015TokenBlackFlorian de Gesincourt
82018-08-09Commander 2018C18 172015TokenBlackDaren Bader
92019-08-23Commander 2019C19 172015TokenBlackSam Burley
102020-08-07Double Masters2XM 162015TokenBlackDaren Bader
112020-09-25Zendikar RisingZNR 82015TokenBlackJakub Kasper
122020-11-20Commander LegendsCMR 212015TokenBlackDaren Bader
132022-02-18Neon Dynasty CommanderNEC 92015TokenBlackJakub Kasper
142022-04-29New Capenna CommanderNCC 272015TokenBlackDaren Bader
152024-02-09Murders at Karlov ManorMKM 92015TokenBlackMadeline Boni
162024-04-19Outlaws of Thunder Junction CommanderOTC 192015TokenBlackJakub Kasper
172024-06-14Modern Horizons 3MH3 262015TokenBlackDaren Bader
182024-06-14Modern Horizons 3MH3 422015TokenBlackDaren Bader