Nema Siltlurker MTG Card

Unblockable under conditions, Nema Siltlurker can be a consistent force and assist in hand advantage strategies. Requires a card discard to play, which may reduce hand advantage and affect game momentum. Its specific mana cost and relatively high casting cost may limit deck-building flexibility and card performance.
Nema Siltlurker - Rise of the Eldrazi
Mana cost
Converted mana cost5
TypeCreature — Lizard
Set symbol
Set nameRise of the Eldrazi
Set codeROE
Power 3
Toughness 5
Illustred byWayne Reynolds

Cards like Nema Siltlurker

Nema Siltlurker holds a modest place among the vast creatures of Magic: The Gathering. As a blue elemental creature, it draws a parallel to other defensive creatures like Fog Bank. Both cards excel in deterring attacks, but Fog Bank offers the additional benefit of negating all damage with its ability, whereas Nema Siltlurker, while having greater power and toughness, lacks this feature.

When comparing Nema Siltlurker to Wall of Frost, a creature that freezes opposing creatures upon being blocked, we notice that Wall of Frost provides a strategic advantage in controlling enemy movements. Nema Siltlurker, albeit larger, does not offer this form of battlefield manipulation. Then there is Murmuring Phantasm, another creature famed for its defensive abilities. Though it stands strong with toughness equal to Nema Siltlurker, its lack of power makes it a less aggressive option.

In weighing the benefits of Nema Siltlurker and its kin, we see that it positions itself as an adequate choice for players seeking a balance between defense and offense. While not as intricate in its defensive capabilities as some, its straightforwardness can be appreciated in its own right within the realm of Magic: The Gathering.

Fog Bank - MTG Card versions
Wall of Frost - MTG Card versions
Murmuring Phantasm - MTG Card versions
Fog Bank - MTG Card versions
Wall of Frost - MTG Card versions
Murmuring Phantasm - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: The unique ability of Nema Siltlurker to remain unblockable under specific conditions can act as a consistent method of ensuring your hand stays full. Synergize this with drawing mechanisms to capitalize on its evasive nature.

Resource Acceleration: Although not directly impacting your mana pool, the Nema Siltlurker can pressure your opponent, potentially accelerating your board state advantage by forcing them to respond to its unblockable trait.

Instant Speed: While Nema Siltlurker itself isn’t an instant, it pairs well with spells at instant speed. This allows you to make strategic decisions during combat or at the end of an opponent’s turn, maintaining the element of surprise and maximizing the potential of your other instant-speed interactions.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: The Nema Siltlurker requires you to discard a card when you play it, which can set you back in terms of hand advantage. This trade-off is not always beneficial, especially in game scenarios where maintaining a full grip of cards could be critical.

Specific Mana Cost: Nema Siltlurker’s casting cost includes a specific mana symbol, which makes it less flexible in multi-colored decks. This can be particularly challenging in formats where mana fixing isn’t always reliable.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: At five mana for a creature with its stats, the cost-to-benefit ratio is not optimal. There are other creatures and spells available that could offer a stronger board presence or more impactful abilities for the same, if not lower, mana investment.

Reasons to Include Nema Siltlurker in Your Collection

Versatility: The adaptability of Nema Siltlurker allows it to slot into various decks, particularly those looking to capitalize on creature-based strategies or needing a solid blocker. Its ability to be morphed gives it an element of surprise and flexibility in gameplay.

Combo Potential: While not a traditional combo piece, Nema Siltlurker can work in tandem with cards that grant benefits from creature morphing or that count the number of creatures you control. It can be a small cog in a bigger machine within the right deck.

Meta-Relevance: In metagames where lower-cost creatures dominate, Nema Siltlurker isn’t always the star, but its value comes from being an unexpected roadblock. For blue or green decks that lack large creatures, it can serve as a beefy addition, possibly warding off aggressive strategies.

How to beat

Nema Siltlurker, while less renowned in the Magic: The Gathering landscape, holds its own with unique characteristics that can catch players off-guard. Fundamentally, this creature known for its Lurk ability, which may initially seem underwhelming, can become quite the obstacle on the battlefield. However, like all cards, there are strategies to overcome it.

To effectively combat Nema Siltlurker, it’s critical to understand its strengths and weaknesses. With substantial toughness, direct damage spells might not always be efficient. Instead, leveraging spells or abilities that can bypass its defenses, such as those that deal damage according to the number of cards in a player’s hand or those that reduce toughness instead of dealing damage, can be more effective. Additionally, since Nema Siltlurker may not be a frontline attacker or blocker, applying board-wide effects can neutralize its impact while also dealing with other threats simultaneously.

Ultimately, with thoughtful deck building and an awareness of the diverse tactics at your disposal, Nema Siltlurker becomes a manageable obstacle. Prioritizing flexibility and multi-purpose removals in your deck can assure you hold the upper hand against such specialized cards during a duel.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Nema Siltlurker MTG card by a specific set like Rise of the Eldrazi, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Nema Siltlurker and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Nema Siltlurker has restrictions
