Mayhem Devil MTG Card
Card sets | Released in 3 setsSee all |
Mana cost | |
Converted mana cost | 3 |
Rarity | Uncommon |
Type | Creature — Devil |
Power | 3 |
Toughness | 3 |
Text of card
Whenever a player sacrifices a permanent, Mayhem Devil deals 1 damage to any target.
Despite their stake in the city's survival, Rakdos cultists are loath to pass up any opportunity to sow chaos.
Cards like Mayhem Devil
Mayhem Devil has carved its niche as an impactful creature in the pantheon of Magic: The Gathering. Its ability to deal damage whenever a player sacrifices a permanent has made it a cornerstone in sacrifice-based strategies. Where it really shines is in decks that leverage a high volume of sacrifices for maximum effect.
Comparable in this unique role, we find creatures like Zulaport Cutthroat. Though it doesn’t damage any target as Mayhem Devil does, it offers a similar advantage by providing life drain effects each time a creature you control dies. Meanwhile, Judith, the Scourge Diva, can also retaliate whenever your nontoken creature dies, dealing damage to any target. Yet, Judith’s scope is limited compared to the flexible trigger of Mayhem Devil, which recognizes any type of sacrifice, not just death.
In dissecting these comparable cards, Mayhem Devil’s utility in a wide array of interactions stands out. Whether through clue tokens, fetch lands, or your creature’s strategic demise, Mayhem Devil ensures that every sacrifice within a match counts, confirming its esteemed position in decks centered around synergies with the act of sacrificing.
Cards similar to Mayhem Devil by color, type and mana cost
Decks using this card
MTG decks using Mayhem Devil. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.
# | Name | Format | Archetype | Event |
Rakdos Sacrifice | Pioneer | Rakdos Sacrifice | Pioneer Last Chance 2024-03-20 | |
Sacrifice | Modern | Sacrifice | Modern Challenge 64 2024-04-21 (1) | |
Mardu Sacrifice | Gladiator | Sword and Sandals Showdown: AM Week 13 2024 | ||
Decklist | Free form | Canadian Highlander for Duals - Underground Sea Guaranteed - Proxies Allowed |
Card Pros
Card Advantage: Mayhem Devil presents a unique opportunity for card advantage by punishing opponents whenever a player sacrifices a permanent. This ability potentially turns every sacrifice into a source of indirect card advantage, as it depletes the opponent’s resources or life total without costing extra cards from your hand.
Resource Acceleration: Often paired with cards that generate sacrificial tokens, Mayhem Devil works as a resource acceleration engine. This synergy can lead to an explosive increase in board presence, overwhelming opponents with rapid, incremental advantages.
Instant Speed: While Mayhem Devil itself is not an instant, it responds at instant speed to any sacrifice on the battlefield. This allows for reactive gameplay, strategically timing sacrifices to disrupt the opponent during their turn or in response to their actions.
Card Cons
Discard Requirement: Although Mayhem Devil doesn’t specifically require a discard to cast, its optimal use often involves other cards or abilities that do require discarding as a synergy to trigger its ability. This could potentially deplete a player’s hand when resources are better conserved for later turns.
Specific Mana Cost: Mayhem Devil’s casting cost includes both black and red mana, demanding a dedicated Rakdos mana base that could restrict deck-building choices, making it less versatile in multicolored formats where mana flexibility is key.
Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a casting cost of three mana, one might argue that Mayhem Devil sits at a higher mana bracket compared to other creatures with potentially more impactful immediate effects. In fast-paced games, this could potentially slow down the initial strategy for aggressive decks.
Reasons to Include Mayhem Devil in Your Collection
Versatility: Mayhem Devil is a unique creature that thrives in decks built around sacrificing permanents. Its ability to deal damage whenever a player sacrifices a permanent makes it a versatile inclusion in multiple archetypes such as Jund Sacrifice or Rakdos Aggro.
Combo Potential: This card shines in combinations with sacrifice engines like Cauldron Familiar and Witch’s Oven, enabling you to create a loop that can quickly deplete an opponent’s life total. The synergy it has with other cards enhances its role as a combo enabler in many decks.
Meta-Relevance: With the evolving metagame that often features creature-centric strategies and the use of fetch lands, Mayhem Devil remains a relevant choice. It can affect board states significantly, punishing opponents for interacting with their own cards in a way that few other cards can.
How to beat
The Mayhem Devil card has become a noteworthy challenger on the battlefield in Magic: The Gathering. As a powerhouse in sacrifice-based strategies, Mayhem Devil can turn the tide of the game by dealing damage each time a player sacrifices a permanent. This ability is particularly potent in intense matches where resource management is key. Players can find the recurring damage to be a growing threat as the game advances and numerous permanents are sacrificed for various effects.
To secure an advantage against Mayhem Devil, players should consider strategies that minimize sacrificing permanents. This includes avoiding self-sacrifice mechanics or using creature destruction spells that don’t require sacrifice. Efficient removal spells can also sway the match in your favor by directly dealing with Mayhem Devil before its ability to inflict significant damage is realized. It’s essential to have a rapid response plan, as allowing Mayhem Devil to remain uncontested on the board for too long can quickly diminish your standing in the game. In essence, maintaining control over the frequency of sacrifices and neutralizing Mayhem Devil promptly can turn a potentially perilous situation into a manageable duel.
BurnMana Recommendations
Given the analysis of Mayhem Devil’s strengths and weaknesses, it becomes clear that this card holds a strategic position in any MTG player’s arsenal. With its ability to leverage sacrifice mechanics and deal with incremental damage, it’s an engine of disruption in the right deck. Keep in mind that it requires a specific mana base and synergistic partnerships to truly excel. If you’re intrigued by this dynamic card and keen on harnessing its full potential or combating it on the field, we encourage you to dive deeper. Learn more about fine-tuning your MTG strategies and bolstering your deck with Mayhem Devil for a gameplay experience that challenges and rewards both skill and creativity.
Where to buy
If you're looking to purchase Mayhem Devil MTG card by a specific set like War of the Spark and Ravnica Remastered, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.
For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.
Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.
Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Mayhem Devil and other MTG cards:
BurnMana is an official partner of TCGPlayer
- eBay
- Card Kingdom
- Card Market
- Star City Games
- CoolStuffInc
- MTG Mint Card
- Hareruya
- Troll and Toad
- ABU Games
- Card Hoarder Magic Online
- MTGO Traders Magic Online
See MTG Products
The Mayhem Devil Magic the Gathering card was released in 2 different sets between 2019-05-03 and 2024-01-12. Illustrated by Dmitry Burmak.
# | Released | Name | Code | Symbol | Number | Frame | Layout | Border | Artist |
1 | 2019-05-03 | War of the Spark | WAR | 204 | 2015 | Normal | Black | Dmitry Burmak | |
2 | 2024-01-12 | Ravnica Remastered | RVR | 199 | 2015 | Normal | Black | Dmitry Burmak | |
3 | 2024-01-12 | Ravnica Remastered | RVR | 374 | 1997 | Normal | Black | Dmitry Burmak |
Magic the Gathering formats where Mayhem Devil has restrictions
Format | Legality |
Historicbrawl | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Paupercommander | Restricted |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Commander | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Duel | Legal |
Explorer | Legal |
Timeless | Legal |
Rules and information
The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Mayhem Devil card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.
Date | Text |
2019-05-03 | A legendary permanent that is put into a graveyard because of the “legend rule” isn’t sacrificed. |
2019-05-03 | If a permanent is sacrificed to pay a cost of a spell or ability, Mayhem Devil’s ability will resolve before that spell or ability. Conversely, if a permanent is sacrificed during the resolution of a spell or ability, that spell or ability will finish resolving before Mayhem Devil’s ability is put onto the stack. |
2019-05-03 | If you sacrifice Mayhem Devil, its ability triggers. |
2019-05-03 | Mayhem Devil itself doesn’t allow any player to sacrifice any permanents. Its ability triggers whenever a player sacrifices a permanent because some other spell, ability, or cost instructed the player to do so. |
2019-05-03 | You control Mayhem Devil’s triggered ability and choose the target, no matter who sacrificed the permanent. |