Martyr of Bones MTG Card

Provides targeted graveyard control, disrupting opponent strategies and benefiting from reanimation synergies. Instant speed activation allows flexibility and timing plays, but requires card discard, a possible drawback. Valuable in graveyard-centric metas, but mana cost and color limitations may restrict its usage in diverse decks.
Martyr of Bones - Coldsnap
Mana cost
Converted mana cost1
TypeCreature — Human Wizard
Set symbol
Set nameColdsnap
Set codeCSP
Power 1
Toughness 1
Illustred byE. M. Gist

Text of card

, Reveal X black cards from your hand, Sacrifice Martyr of Bones: Remove up to X target cards in a single graveyard from the game.

Puppeteered by Heidar's icy hand, they were sacrificed to the Frost Marsh to raise Haakon's army.

Cards like Martyr of Bones

Martyr of Bones carves out a unique niche in the realm of graveyard manipulation within Magic: The Gathering. It shares thematic similarities with cards like Scrabbling Claws and Nihil Spellbomb, which also deal with exiling cards from graveyards. However, Martyr of Bones differentiates itself by granting this ability through a creature that can be deployed early in the game. Scrabbling Claws and Nihil Spellbomb, while not dependent on the battlefield’s situation, require mana investment to activate and don’t offer the potential chump blocking or attack that Martyr of Bones could provide.

Another card that enters the discourse is Relic of Progenitus. This artifact has the capability to continually chip away at graveyard contents and, ultimately, exile all of them with a final ability activation. In contrast, Martyr of Bones offers a selective one-time usage, which can be tactically decisive if timed correctly. The Martyr’s cost-effective nature and its synergy with decks that have snow mana capabilities further underline its strategic placement in certain MTG decks. Although it doesn’t have the persistent presence of Relic of Progenitus, its dual role as both a creature and graveyard hate accessory holds its own value.

In essence, Martyr of Bones presents an interesting option for players wishing to integrate graveyard control within a creature-focused strategy, holding its own in comparison to other single-use exiling spells and artifacts in Magic: The Gathering.

Scrabbling Claws - MTG Card versions
Nihil Spellbomb - MTG Card versions
Relic of Progenitus - MTG Card versions
Scrabbling Claws - MTG Card versions
Nihil Spellbomb - MTG Card versions
Relic of Progenitus - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Martyr of Bones by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Martyr of Bones offers the potential to excavate valuable creature cards from your graveyard, strategically filling it for synergistic plays or return mechanisms. By carefully selecting cards to sacrifice, you maintain control over your deck’s resources and pave the way for powerful resurrecting spells.

Resource Acceleration: Although Martyr of Bones doesn’t directly produce mana or Treasure tokens, its one-mana cost allows you to swiftly adapt your graveyard’s composition. This sets the stage for an accelerated use of reanimation spells that could lead to an early advantage.

Instant Speed: While Martyr of Bones itself is not an instant, its activated ability can be used at instant speed. This gives you the flexibility to disrupt your opponent’s plans during their turn by manipulating your graveyard in response to their actions.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Martyr of Bones requires a discard of another card to activate its ability. This can be a tactical disadvantage, particularly when your hand is already running low on cards, potentially leaving you with fewer options in subsequent turns.

Specific Mana Cost: This card necessitates black mana to play, which might not align with all deck strategies, particularly in multi-color decks where mana flexibility is key to casting a wide variety of spells.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Although Martyr of Bones itself has a low mana cost, the graveyard removal effect can be mana-intensive, especially when you want to exile multiple cards from an opponent’s graveyard. This cost can be inefficient when considering other graveyard hate options available at lower or no cost.

Reasons to Include Martyr of Bones in Your Collection

Versatility: Martyr of Bones offers a unique ability to selectively exile cards from graveyards. This capability allows it to slip into various deck archetypes, especially in formats where managing opposing graveyards is crucial for disrupting strategies.

Combo Potential: Due to its graveyard interaction, Martyr of Bones can serve as a cog in combo decks that aim to control both the battlefield and the graveyards. It can be well-combined with cards that care about the quantity of Snow mana or creatures entering and leaving play.

Meta-Relevance: In game environments where graveyard-based strategies are prevalent, Martyr of Bones shines by disrupting key plays. Its relevance rises in such metas, making it a smart inclusion for players looking to gain an edge against opponents relying on their graveyards.

How to beat

The Martyr of Bones can prove to be a tricky adversary on the battlefield, particularly for players relying on graveyard strategies in Magic: The Gathering. This card’s ability to exorcise creature cards directly from the graveyard means decks that utilize the graveyard as a resource must approach with caution. However, there are strategies to diminish the impact of Martyr of Bones. Effective timing, keeping a watchful eye on your graveyard’s configuration, and maintaining a reserve of instant-speed removal can turn the tide. Anticipating and removing the Martyr before its ability is activated ensures your pivotal creature cards remain a viable resource.

Controlled use of graveyard shuffling cards like Gaea’s Blessing or the strategic deployment of graveyard-hating cards like Relic of Progenitus ensures that your own graveyard isn’t left vulnerable to such targeted removal. Denying the activation of Martyr of Bones’ ability through countermagic or by applying pressure that forces your opponent to use resources elsewhere are also solid techniques. Remaining adaptable and one step ahead can neutralize Martyr of Bones, leaving your opponent holding a less threatening card.

Ultimately, while Martyr of Bones serves as a potential thorn in the side of graveyard-centric decks, understanding its strengths and limitations allows you to ensure it won’t disrupt your path to victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Martyr of Bones MTG card by a specific set like Coldsnap, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Martyr of Bones and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Martyr of Bones has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Martyr of Bones card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2006-07-15 A card that’s already revealed for another cost or because of an effect can be revealed to pay this cost.
2006-07-15 Each card that’s revealed to pay the cost remains revealed until the ability leaves the stack.
2006-07-15 If one of the cards that’s revealed to pay the cost leaves its owner’s hand before the ability resolves, it stops being revealed, but the value of X is not affected.