Kazandu Tuskcaller MTG Card

Generates 3/3 tokens for sustained board presence and creature advantage. Strategic leveling provides flexibility, enhancing main phase decisions. Mana-intensive investment can delay immediate impact on the game.
Card setsReleased in 4 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
TypeCreature — Human Shaman
Abilities Level Up
Power 1
Toughness 1

Text of card

Level up (: Put a level counter on this. Level up only as a sorcery.) LEVEL 2-5 1/1 : Put a 3/3 green Elephant creature token onto the battlefield. LEVEL 6+ 1/1 : Put two 3/3 green Elephant creature tokens onto the battlefield.

Cards like Kazandu Tuskcaller

Kazandu Tuskcaller is an intriguing creature card that holds the potential to be a game-changer in Magic: The Gathering. When comparing it to other mana-efficient creature producers like Jade Mage, the Tuskcaller stands out with its ability to create larger token creatures. While Jade Mage can consistently generate 1/1 Saproling tokens, Kazandu Tuskcaller, upon reaching level 2, produces 3/3 Elephant tokens, offering a more substantial presence on the battlefield.

Another card worth mentioning is Llanowar Elves, a classic when it comes to mana ramp in green decks. Although not a direct producer of creatures, Llanowar Elves accelerates your mana pool allowing for swifter level ups of Kazandu Tuskcaller. Then we have Ant Queen, comparable due to its ability to churn out 1/1 Insect tokens without any level-up investment, though at a higher immediate mana cost and creating smaller creatures than a leveled-up Tuskcaller.

The strategic depth of creature cards in Magic: The Gathering is showcased when examining Kazandu Tuskcaller alongside its alternatives. It might not be the fastest token generator in the game, but its capacity to bring formidable creatures to the field can certainly tip the scales in a player’s favor.

Jade Mage - MTG Card versions
Llanowar Elves - MTG Card versions
Ant Queen - MTG Card versions
Jade Mage - MTG Card versions
Llanowar Elves - MTG Card versions
Ant Queen - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Leveling up this creature creates multiple 3/3 Green Elephant tokens, which can significantly outnumber your opponent’s creatures over time without losing cards from hand.

Resource Acceleration: Although not directly providing mana, the generated tokens can be crucial blockers or attackers, helping to maintain board presence and saving mana to deploy other spells.

Instant Speed: While Kazandu Tuskcaller itself doesn’t operate at instant speed, the flexibility in leveling it up allows for strategic timing during your main phases to best align with your turn plan and mana availability.

Card Cons

Specific Mana Cost: Kazandu Tuskcaller requires both green mana and generic mana to cast, which can sometimes restrict its inclusion to decks that can reliably produce green mana sources.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: To get any value from Kazandu Tuskcaller, a player must invest a minimum of six mana—two to cast and an additional four spread over two turns to level it up twice. This mana investment can be cumbersome when faster threats or responses are needed on the battlefield.

Discard Requirement: While Kazandu Tuskcaller does not have a discard requirement itself, its high mana investment means players may find themselves discarding at the end of the turn due to the seven-card hand limit after investing resources into leveling up the Tuskcaller.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Kazandu Tuskcaller offers a flexible role in decks focused on creature tokens and ramp strategies. Its ability to level up and eventually produce Elephant tokens can serve multiple deck themes.

Combo Potential: In combination with other cards that double token production or manipulate counters, Kazandu Tuskcaller can become a powerhouse, churning out an impactful board presence.

Meta-Relevance: Within metagames that favor long-term value and board development, Kazandu Tuskcaller shines by consistently offering creature token generation, which can tip the scales in grindy matches.

How to beat

Kazandu Tuskcaller presents a unique challenge in MTG due to its ability to accelerate the creation of formidable Elephant tokens as it levels up. This card can quickly turn the tide of a game if left unchecked. The key to overcoming this threat lies in timing and resource management. One strategy is to utilize removal spells early on to prevent the Tuskcaller from leveling up. Instant-speed removal such as Fatal Push or Path to Exile can be effective here, as they can interrupt your opponent’s plans before they establish a token foothold.

Another tactic is to employ counterspells, such as Mana Leak or Dovin’s Veto, targeting this potent level-up creature when it first hits the battlefield. This preemptive approach can save you from having to deal with an army of large tokens later on. Additionally, sweepers like Wrath of God or Supreme Verdict should be kept on hand for scenarios where the Tuskcaller has already enhanced the board with its powerful Elephant allies.

In summary, to successfully navigate the hurdles posed by Kazandu Tuskcaller, it is essential to prioritize it as a key threat and address it immediately with removal or countermeasures, thereby maintaining control of the game state and preventing your opponent from gaining the upper hand with their pachyderm producers.

BurnMana Recommendations

Emerging as a contender in your green-centered MTG decks, Kazandu Tuskcaller brings a unique blend of board advantage and strategic gameplay. When leveraged effectively, it has the potential to create a lasting impact in matches, especially in those that stretch into the later rounds. If you’re looking to harness the full potential of this versatile card, or if you’re curious about integrating it into your existing strategies, we’re here to unearth the insights you need. Explore the depths of your deck-building prowess and discover how to best utilize Kazandu Tuskcaller’s abilities to dominate the game. Dive deeper with us and enhance your MTG wisdom.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Kazandu Tuskcaller MTG card by a specific set like Rise of the Eldrazi and Commander 2013, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Kazandu Tuskcaller and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Kazandu Tuskcaller Magic the Gathering card was released in 4 different sets between 2010-04-23 and 2021-04-23. Illustrated by Mike Bierek.

12010-04-23Rise of the EldraziROE 1912003LevelerBlackMike Bierek
22013-11-01Commander 2013C13 1522003LevelerBlackMike Bierek
32017-06-09Commander AnthologyCMA 1212015LevelerBlackMike Bierek
42021-04-23Commander 2021C21 1962015LevelerBlackMike Bierek


Magic the Gathering formats where Kazandu Tuskcaller has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Kazandu Tuskcaller card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2010-06-15 A creature’s level is based on how many level counters it has on it, not how many times its level up ability has been activated or has resolved. If a leveler gets level counters due to some other effect (such as Clockspinning) or loses level counters for some reason (such as Vampire Hexmage), its level is changed accordingly.
2010-06-15 Effects that modify a leveler’s power or toughness, such as the effects of Giant Growth or Glorious Anthem, will apply to it no matter when they started to take effect. The same is true for counters that change the creature’s power or toughness (such as +1/+1 counters) and effects that switch its power and toughness.
2010-06-15 Effects that set a leveler’s power or toughness to a specific value, including the effects from a level symbol’s ability, apply in timestamp order. The timestamp of each level symbol’s ability is the same as the timestamp of the leveler itself, regardless of when the most recent level counter was put on it.
2010-06-15 If another creature becomes a copy of a leveler, all of the leveler’s printed abilities — including those represented by level symbols — are copied. The current characteristics of the leveler, and the number of level counters on it, are not. The abilities, power, and toughness of the copy will be determined based on how many level counters are on the copy.
2010-06-15 The abilities a leveler grants to itself don’t overwrite any other abilities it may have. In particular, they don’t overwrite the creature’s level up ability; it always has that.