Immortal Obligation MTG Card

Immortal Obligation provides card advantage with threat removal and card draw at instant speed. Its specific mana cost and discard requirement can pose deckbuilding and timing challenges. The card’s versatility and combo potential make it a compelling pick for certain MTG decks.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
Abilities Goad

Text of card

Return target creature card from an opponent's graveyard to the battlefield under their control with a duty counter on it. For as long as that creature has a duty counter on it, it is goaded, can't attack you or a permanent you control, and can't block creatures you control.

Death is no reprieve from an Orzhov debt.

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Immortal Obligation can offer players significant card advantage. By using this card, you’re able to potentially remove a threat from the battlefield while simultaneously drawing a card, keeping your hand full and ready to respond to future challenges.

Resource Acceleration: Although Immortal Obligation does not directly generate mana or produce Treasure tokens, its ability to handle opposing creatures can save resources in the long term. By efficiently dealing with threats, you conserve the mana and cards that might have been spent on multiple spells or combat interactions.

Instant Speed: The most striking feature of Immortal Obligation is its instant speed. This allows a player to wait until the most opportune moment to act, whether that’s during an opponent’s attack phase, in response to another spell, or at the end of an opponent’s turn, maximizing tactical flexibility and surprise.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Activating Immortal Obligation requires the player to discard a card. This can serve as a setback, particularly in game stages where maintaining hand advantage is critical.

Specific Mana Cost: Immortal Obligation demands two black mana in its casting cost, which could potentially restrict its integration into multi-color decks that struggle with strict mana alignments.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: The card bears a notable mana load in its casting cost, which may be interpreted as steep for its effects when lined up against other options available in the current MTG card pool.

Reasons to Include Immortal Obligation in Your Collection

Versatility: Immortal Obligation provides a unique blend of defensive and offensive capabilities, making it a solid addition to a variety of decks. This card has the potential not only to remove threats on the battlefield but also to advance your board state by bringing creatures back into play.

Combo Potential: This card can synergize well with strategies that rely on creature death triggers or graveyard play. Its ability to recur creatues can be exploited in multiple combo setups, enhancing decks that work with enter-the-battlefield effects or sacrifice outlets.

Meta-Relevance: Should the current meta emphasise creature-based strategies or graveyard interactions, Immortal Obligation’s capability to disrupt opponents while recurving your creatures can make it a game-changer, perfectly positioned to exploit prevalent battlefield trends.

How to beat

Immortal Obligation is a tactical element in MTG that calls for strategic maneuvering. To effectively counter this card, one must prioritize efficient removal spells or abilities that can exile it from the graveyard. Since the card’s strength lies in its ability to return to the battlefield, cutting off access to the graveyard hampers its resilience. Another approach is to control the board and maintain a commanding presence, rendering the recurring creature less impactful.

Utilizing counterspells upon its initial cast also negates the card’s advantage. This preemptive move ensures that it never hits the field in the first place. Additionally, playing cards with graveyard hate, such as scavenging effects, can remove Immortal Obligation before it has the chance to execute its intended purpose. Keep watch for opportunities during gameplay where these strategies can be applied to maintain dominance over opponents employing Immortal Obligation.

Lastly, adaptability is crucial; modifying your deck to face the meta where Immortal Obligation is prevalent can give you the upper hand. By considering these tactics, players can forge a plan to subdue the resilience of Immortal Obligation and keep the battlefield in their favor.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Immortal Obligation MTG card by a specific set like Murders at Karlov Manor Commander and Murders at Karlov Manor Commander, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Immortal Obligation and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Immortal Obligation Magic the Gathering card was released in 1 different sets between 2024-02-09 and 2024-02-09. Illustrated by Nino Vecia.

12024-02-09Murders at Karlov Manor CommanderMKC 3212015NormalBlackNino Vecia
22024-02-09Murders at Karlov Manor CommanderMKC 102015NormalBlackNino Vecia


Magic the Gathering formats where Immortal Obligation has restrictions
