Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign's Macuahuitl MTG Card

Unlock your deck’s potential with consistent card advantage from Idol of the Deep King. Expedite gameplay with Sovereign’s Macuahuitl, ramping up resources for a clear advantage. Instant speed aspects allow you to adapt plays strategically throughout the game.
Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign's Macuahuitl - The Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Mana cost
Converted mana cost3
Abilities Craft,Transform, Flash
Set symbol
Set nameThe Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Set codeLCI
Illustred byMatteo Bassini

Text of card

Flash When Idol of the Deep King enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to any target. Craft with artifact (, Exile this artifact, Exile another artifact you control or an artifact card from your graveyard: Return this card transformed under its owner's control. Craft only as a sorcery.)

Cards like Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign's Macuahuitl

In the depths of the game’s expansive library, Idol of the Deep King shines as a unique artifact that adept players can leverage for board control. It stands in line with other high-impact artifacts like Gilded Lotus, which provides a solid mana boost but doesn’t offer the same utility in manipulating opponents’ creatures. The Sovereign’s Macuahuitl, another facet of this card, echoes the versatility of equipments such as Sword of the Animist by accelerating land growth, though it does not provide an additional benefit of creature control.

Examining closer associates, the multifaceted nature of Whispering Madness echoes a similar dynamic to that of the Idol, offering card advantage paired with disruption. Despite its powerful effect, it doesn’t give the steady creature management the Idol does. Conversely, Manriki-Gusari, while also an equipment, can dismantle opponents’ gear but lacks the preemptive control offered by Sovereign’s Macuahuitl on the battlefield stage.

Stepping back to evaluate the offerings at the table, Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign’s Macuahuitl stands out with its capacity to sway the tide of combat while also setting up long-term advantages, marking its place as a multifunctional powerhouse for savvy collectors and strategists alike.

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Whispering Madness - MTG Card versions
Manriki-Gusari - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign's Macuahuitl by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Idol of the Deep King can be a key to unlocking the depths of your deck by providing consistent card draw, crucial for outmaneuvering opponents through sustained card flow.

Resource Acceleration: As for Sovereign’s Macuahuitl, this tool can expedite your gameplay by offering a fast track to ramping up your resources, giving you a lead in the arms race of mana.

Instant Speed: The flexibility offered by instant speed interaction cannot be overstated; these facets of Idol of the Deep King and Sovereign’s Macuahuitl allow strategic depth by adapting your plays to the most opportune moments during the battle.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign’s Macuahuitl necessitates discarding a card to activate certain abilities. Such a prerequisite could prove detrimental when you’re holding crucial spells or if your hand is already dwindling.

Specific Mana Cost: The mana cost of this card demands a dedicated investment in specific colors, which could restrict its inclusion to decks that can reliably produce the required mana types, potentially limiting its overall versatility.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a more substantial mana investment required to bring Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign’s Macuahuitl online, players might encounter situations where deploying this card isn’t the most mana-efficient move, particularly when compared to other options in the metagame that achieve similar or better effects at a lower cost.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign’s Macuahuitl showcases a dual nature that plays well in a variety of decks, thanks to its split card design. Whether you need a creature to apply pressure or an equipment to enhance your attacking forces, this card adapts to your current board state needs.

Combo Potential: With Idol of the Deep King’s ability to potentially draw you cards when you hit your opponent, it opens up avenues for card synergy and unexpected combos. On the flip side, Sovereign’s Macuahuitl can turn any creature into a significant threat, making it a keystone in strategies that revolve around equipped creatures.

Meta-Relevance: Keeping up with evolving metagames is crucial, and this card’s flexibility ensures it remains relevant. Whether you’re facing down control decks that give you time to set up a potent creature or aggro matchups where an enhanced attacker can turn the tides, this card has a place in the dynamic landscape of competitive play.

How to Beat

Confronting the Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign’s Macuahuitl duo can be quite the challenge in Magic: The Gathering. Idol of the Deep King offers a formidable defense mechanism, compelling any opponent to strategize carefully. To dismantle this defense, consider using targeted removal spells that can bypass its protection abilities. Artifact destruction cards also work wonders here, as they can directly target and eliminate the Idol from play.

Sovereign’s Macuahuitl, when flipped, becomes an aggressive equipment that boosts your creatures’ power tremendously. Preventative measures like counter spells are effective at ensuring this transformation never occurs. Should it become equipped, enchantment-based removal such as Disenchant can dislodge it quickly, mitigating the threat significantly. Furthermore, controlling the field with board wipes can reset an opponent’s progress, regardless of which side of the card they are utilizing.

When facing this MTG card, the key is to be proactive and responsive. Swiftly dealing with the Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign’s Macuahuitl before its effects dominate the battlefield allows for maintaining control and pacing of the game. Adaptability and strategic removal are your allies in this duel.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign's Macuahuitl MTG card by a specific set like The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign's Macuahuitl and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign's Macuahuitl has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign's Macuahuitl card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2023-11-10 Craft abilities are activated abilities with costs that have a mana component as well as an additional "materials" component.
2023-11-10 Craft abilities are written "Craft with
-ana]", which means "
-ana], Exile this permanent, Exile
-aterials] from among permanents you control and/or cards in your graveyard: Return this card to the battlefield transformed under its owner's control. Activate only as a sorcery."
2023-11-10 If a card that isn't a transforming double-faced card becomes a copy of a card with craft, it'll stay in exile if you activate the craft ability. It won't return to the battlefield.
2023-11-10 If the materials required include multiple objects, you may exile some of them from among permanents you control and the rest from among cards in your graveyard. You don't have to choose all permanents or all cards from your graveyard.
2023-11-10 The back faces of some cards with craft refer to cards "used to craft" it. This refers to the cards exiled as part of the cost of the craft ability of the front face. Those cards are considered to be "used to craft" that permanent as long as they remain exiled and the permanent remains on the battlefield, even if the permanent's controller changes or some of its characteristics change (because of a copy effect, for example.)
2023-11-10 You may exile tokens you control as part of the materials required. However, because they aren't cards and won't stay in exile, any abilities that refer to what you "used to craft" the back faces won't refer to anything.
Flash card art

Guide to Flash card ability

Explore the dynamic Flash ability in Magic: The Gathering (MTG), a feature that allows you to cast spells at lightning speed, often leaving your opponents reeling and your strategy several steps ahead. This versatile ability can turn the tide of a game, providing the element of surprise and tactical advantage. It places a premium on timing and foresight, transforming an ordinary deck into a formidable arsenal of instant threats and responses.