Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend MTG Card

Provides card advantage by delving into the library and directly translating into creature resources on the battlefield. Flexible transform ability at instant speed aligns with surprise tactics and versatile defense strategies. Demands careful resource management due to discard and mana requirements for optimal play efficiency.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
Abilities Mill,Transform

Text of card

, , Pay 1 life, Discard a card: Draw a card, mill a card, then put a ritual counter on Heirloom Mirror. Then if it has three or more ritual counters on it, remove them and transform it. Activate only as a sorcery.

"Speak my name thrice, and be rewarded."

Cards like Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend

Heirloom Mirror, entrenched in the atmospheric fabric of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, is a card that bears resemblance to transformative artifacts across Magic: The Gathering’s rich history. Touching upon the macabre nature of the set, this mirror has the unique ability to become the ominous Inherited Fiend after a sequence of successful uses. This concept echoes the mechanics of similar cards like Delver of Secrets, which flips into Insectile Aberration, underlining the theme of transformation through specific conditions — stat alteration herein through creature count instead of spells for a switch.

Another card sharing this duality is Elbrus, the Binding Blade, turning into the formidable Withengar Unbound, capturing the ‘weapon to creature’ metamorphosis with a kill-triggered change, as opposed to the self-milling of Heirloom Mirror. Additionally, Thraben Sentry, a creature that transmutes into Thraben Militia after another dies, draws parallels with our featured card’s condition-dependent evolution. Though each of these transformative elements is nuanced, the shared fabric of duality is hard to miss.

Examining the toolkit provided by these shape-shifters in the game, Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend acquires a distinctive standing with its self-sufficient flip mechanism, emboldening those who master the dance of card synergy and graveyard manipulation in Magic: The Gathering.

Cards similar to Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Heirloom Mirror allows a player to delve into their library, potentially drawing a creature card that provides a tactical edge. When it eventually transforms into Inherited Fiend, you’re granted access to an additional creature without spending a card from your hand.

Resource Acceleration: Inherited Fiend offers a powerful choice of discarding a card to accelerate your resources. This can be particularly useful when you have surplus lands or unnecessary cards in the later stages of the game, turning them into potential game-changers.

Instant Speed: The transform ability of Heirloom Mirror into Inherited Fiend can be activated at instant speed, allowing for surprise blockers or end-of-turn plays that can dramatically shift the tide of a match. This flexibility aligns perfectly with a strategy that keeps opponents guessing and defenses up.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Heirloom Mirror demands a card discard along with mana every turn for its activation. This can rapidly deplete your hand, potentially leaving you at a disadvantage if you’re unable to maintain a healthy card draw or if you’re discarding valuable cards that could be useful later in the game.

Specific Mana Cost: Activation of Heirloom Mirror requires a payment of two black mana, which could be restrictive for multicolored decks that might not consistently produce the necessary black mana, thus hindering this card’s utility across various deck types.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: To transform Heirloom Mirror into Inherited Fiend, a significant investment is needed not just in terms of mana but also in turns spent activating the card. In a format where tempo can be decisive, dedicating resources over several turns to transform a card can set you back, especially when facing decks designed for quick and aggressive plays.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend brings a level of adaptability that many collectors and players seek. It serves as both an early game draw engine and a late-game threat, which can seamlessly slot into various deck types and playstyles.

Combo Potential: This card offers a unique transformation ability that can be the cornerstone of powerful combo decks. With the right setup, flipping Heirloom Mirror into Inherited Fiend can be a game-changer, unlocking new lines of play and interactions with other cards.

Meta-Relevance: In a game environment where graveyard strategies and control decks are prevalent, Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend might be just the card to tip the scales in your favour. This dual-faced card is well-suited to respond to and exploit the dynamics of the current competitive scene.

How to beat Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend

Heirloom Mirror, which transforms into Inherited Fiend, poses an intriguing challenge for Magic: The Gathering players. This dual-faced card demands a strategic approach to prevent it from unleashing its full potential on the battlefield. The key lies in timing and disruption. By using removal spells on the mirror before it transforms, you eliminate the threat early. Counterspells are also effective in negating the mirror’s activation or the fiend’s arrival.

Graveyard hate is another potent strategy against Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend. By exiling cards from the opponent’s graveyard, you limit the resources needed to transform the mirror, keeping the fiend at bay. Additionally, instant-speed interaction allows you to respond to the transformation trigger, providing an opportunity to remove the threat before it can impact the game.

Ultimately, disrupting your opponent’s game plan is crucial. By maintaining control over the tempo and forcing your opponent to play around your potential answers, Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend becomes less daunting, and you stand a better chance of claiming victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend MTG card by a specific set like Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and Innistrad: Double Feature, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend and other MTG cards:

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The Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend Magic the Gathering card was released in 2 different sets between 2021-09-24 and 2022-01-28. Illustrated by Josh Hass.

12021-09-24Innistrad: Midnight HuntMID 1052015TransformBlackJosh Hass
22022-01-28Innistrad: Double FeatureDBL 1052015TransformBlackJosh Hass


Magic the Gathering formats where Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Heirloom Mirror // Inherited Fiend card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2021-09-24 Heirloom Mirror will still be tapped after it transforms into Inherited Fiend unless some other effect has untapped it.