Hag of Twisted Visions MTG Card

Hag of Twisted Visions offers deck insight, guiding you to crucial card draws during key gameplay moments. It accelerates resource gathering, allowing for faster summoning of creatures and casting impactful spells. The card’s instant speed enhances reactive strategies, potentially disrupting your opponent’s plans stealthily.
Hag of Twisted Visions - Alchemy Horizons: Baldur's Gate
Mana cost
Converted mana cost3
TypeCreature — Hag Warlock
Abilities Scry
Set symbol
Set nameAlchemy Horizons: Baldur's Gate
Set codeHBG
Power 2
Toughness 2
Illustred byKonstantin Porubov

Text of card

At the beginning of your upkeep, scry 2.

Cards like Hag of Twisted Visions

Hag of Twisted Visions finds its place within the pantheon of creature cards that offer intricate strategic options in Magic: The Gathering. Sharing design space with cards like Merfolk Looter, which allows players to draw and then discard a card, Hag of Twisted Visions adds its unique spin with a sacrifice mechanism. With this, not only does it reinforce hand selection, but it also offers the advantage of being a creature on the battlefield.

Further into the comparison comes Aquamoeba, a creature that features a similar discard ability, albeit with the twist of altering its power and toughness. While it provides flexibility in combat scenarios, it does not match the Hag’s potential to sift through the deck. Then there’s Magus of the Bazaar, another creature that offers an amplified draw and discard effect while on the field. Although the Magus can handle a larger volume of cards, its activation does not come with the same potency as the Hag’s voluntary sacrifice condition, which can be more controllable and situationally beneficial.

Closely examining these cards reveals Hag of Twisted Visions as a unique blend of sacrificial power and deck manipulation, marking its own territory in the realm of MTG with its specific blend of abilities that cater to players looking for depth and flexibility in gameplay.

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Merfolk Looter - MTG Card versions
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Card Pros

Card Advantage: When you play Hag of Twisted Visions, it allows for an insightful interaction with your library, ensuring that the right cards are in your hand just when you need them. This can significantly tip the scales in your favor during the heat of play.

Resource Acceleration: This card is designed to be a boon for your resources. By manipulating your deck, it accelerates how swiftly you can summon powerful creatures and cast game-changing spells, paving the way to a swifter victory.

Instant Speed: Hag of Twisted Visions can be played at instant speed which is a strategic asset. This gives you the flexibility to react swiftly to your opponent’s moves, keeping them on their toes and giving you a chance to thwart their strategy undetected until the perfect moment.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Playing Hag of Twisted Visions might be challenging in scenarios where your hand is already depleted. The card’s demand to discard a card as part of its casting cost can be detrimental to your game strategy, potentially costing you valuable resources when you can least afford it.

Specific Mana Cost: One of the limitations for Hag of Twisted Visions is its specific mana requirement. The card requires a precise mix of mana colors to cast, which can restrict its integration into a wide variety of decks. Players running multicolor decks may find it harder to consistently have the right mana available, especially early in the game when mana sources are limited.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Another consideration for players is the relatively high mana cost associated with this card. When evaluating the cost against the benefits provided, it becomes apparent that there may be alternative cards that offer similar or better effects for less mana. This can lead to Hag of Twisted Visions being overlooked in favor of other options that provide a more economical impact on the game’s progression.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: The Hag of Twisted Visions is a flexible piece for any MTG collection, capable of finding a home in various deck archetypes. Its ability to disrupt your opponent’s hand while refilling your own makes it a valuable card in both aggressive and control strategies.

Combo Potential: This formidable witch is not just another creature — its synergies with discard and draw mechanics means it can be woven into combo decks, exploiting graveyard strategies or enabling reanimation tactics for a devastating impact on the game board.

Meta-Relevance: In an environment where information is king, Hag of Twisted Visions’ peek into an opponent’s hand gives you a critical edge. Its presence is especially pertinent in meta-games dominated by hand sculpting and resource denial, positioning it as a potent tool for gaining advantage.

How to beat

Hag of Twisted Visions is a unique creature that has made its way into the pools and libraries of Magic: The Gathering players. Those who face this bewildering card often seek strategies to counter its unsettling abilities. One effective approach is to utilize removal spells that can exile it from the game, thus preventing its ability from triggering. Swift responses such as Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares can dispatch the Hag before its controller gets the opportunity to capitalize on its strengths, such as forcing card disadvantage.

Control decks tend to possess a plethora of options for managing creatures like the Hag of Twisted Visions. Counterspells also prove to be valuable when dealing with her. Disallow and Absorb are excellent examples of spells that can impede the Hag as early as when she tries to enter the battlefield. This preemptive tactic can save a player from the subsequent complications that arise from her disruptive presence.

Securing dominance on the board is also key. Deploying creatures with power and toughness exceeding those of the Hag can help ensure that even if she manages to enter the fray, she’ll be easily overshadowed, thus limiting her impact on the game. Players can rely on both early game momentum and strategic long-term plays to outwit and surpass the challenges posed by Hag of Twisted Visions.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Hag of Twisted Visions MTG card by a specific set like Alchemy Horizons: Baldur's Gate, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Hag of Twisted Visions and other MTG cards:

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