Feywild Trickster MTG Card

Card offers additional draw opportunities and continuous token generation for a sustained board presence. Instant playability of the card provides a surprising strategic edge and adapts to the game’s flow. Mana cost and deck synergy considerations are pivotal for the Trickster’s optimal use and performance.
Feywild Trickster - Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
Mana cost
Converted mana cost3
TypeCreature — Gnome Warlock
Set symbol
Set nameAdventures in the Forgotten Realms
Set codeAFR
Power 2
Toughness 2
Illustred byIris Compiet

Text of card

Whenever you roll one or more dice, create a 1/1 blue Faerie Dragon creature token with flying.

Unlike most warlocks, those who make pacts with archfey are drawn to pranks and whimsy moreso than death and darkness.

Cards like Feywild Trickster

The Feywild Trickster stirs up the dynamics of MTG gameplay, reminiscent of other cards that leverage dice-rolling mechanics, such as Delina, Wild Mage. Unlike Delina’s repeatable creature creation potential, Feywild Trickster focuses on conjuring 1/1 blue Faerie Dragon creature tokens. Each dice roll meeting or exceeding certain thresholds equals more tokens fluttering onto the battlefield.

Comparing it to another faerie-artisan, Faerie Seer, Feywild Trickster doesn’t offer the scry ability. However, it compensates with an unpredictable and potentially higher yield of tokens. There’s also the playful and versatile Brazen Borrower, which provides immediate impact with its Petty Theft ability but doesn’t have the same sustained board presence potential through token creation that Feywild Trickster does.

Evaluating these cards, Feywild Trickster stands out with its unique blend of die-rolling fun and token creation. It may not guarantee the board impact of immediate spell resolution like Faerie Seer or Brazen Borrower, but it promises enchanting possibilities for those who favor chance and creature strategy in MTG gameplay.

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: With the Feywild Trickster, your deck gains an edge through the generation of additional draw opportunities. Each time you roll one or more dice – a common occurrence in certain MTG builds – the Trickster rewards you by letting you create a 1/1 blue Faerie Dragon creature token with flying. This token generation not only builds your board presence but also amplifies the potential for card advantage indirectly by overwhelming opponents with a flurry of evasive creatures.

Resource Acceleration: The Feywild Trickster stands as a formidable asset for boosting your resources. Blue is known for its subtle manipulations and the Trickster aligns perfectly with this philosophy. While it doesn’t directly produce mana or treasure, the value lies in its ability to offer repeatable token generation. This continuous creation of Faerie Dragons can be leveraged as blockers, attackers, or even fodder for various sacrificial effects, providing a consistent mechanism for staying ahead of the resource curve.

Instant Speed: Unleashing the Feywild Trickster at instant speed provides strategic versatility essential for game-winning tactics. Being capable of such quick deployment means you can adapt to the evolving state of play, catching adversaries off-guard and maximizing your turn cycles. This element of surprise, woven into the fabric of instant speed spells and abilities, can shift a game’s momentum in your favor, especially when tactically aligned with dice-rolling spells or abilities that further capitalize on the Trickster’s token-generating prowess.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Playing Feywild Trickster could sometimes put you in an uneasy spot due to its discard requirement. If your hand is already running thin on cards, having to shed another can put you at a strategic disadvantage. It forces you to weigh the benefits of the potential tokens against the immediate value of the cards you hold.

Specific Mana Cost: The Feywild Trickster demands a specific blend of mana, including both blue and any other color, to get onto the battlefield. If your deck isn’t running a majority of islands or isn’t set up for a smooth mana base, this might hinder your ability to play the card when you need it the most, thereby restricting its versatility.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Playing Feywild Trickster comes with a relatively steep mana cost. For three mana, this card must compete with other options in the same slot that could potentially offer more impactful immediate effects or play into your deck’s strategies more seamlessly. This could push the Feywild Trickster to the side in favor of more cost-effective creatures or spells that synchronize better with the overall game plan.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Feywild Trickster offers utility in a wide array of decks, shining in strategies that leverage casting multiple spells in a turn or leveraging creature-based tactics. Its ability to create 1/1 blue Faerie Dragon creature tokens adds to any deck’s board presence.

Combo Potential: This card’s synergy with instant and sorcery spells means it can easily become part of intricate combos. Casting noncreature spells not only brings creatures to the field but also sets the stage for powerful interactions with cards that care about flying creatures or token generation.

Meta-Relevance: In an environment where fast-paced decks are prevalent, Feywild Trickster steps up as a valuable asset. As the meta fluctuates, cards that offer token creation and indirectly increase spell counts can adapt and maintain their importance, ensuring your strategy remains both potent and flexible.

How to beat

The Feywild Trickster brings a whimsical yet potent force to the battlefield. Its ability to create a 1/1 blue Faerie Dragon creature token with flying whenever you roll one or more dice can be a thorn in the side of your opposition. When facing against this enigmatic card, your strategy should focus on actionable removals or containing its triggering effect. Spot removals such as Fatal Push or Path to Exile offer quick solutions to remove it from the field before it can accumulate advantage.

Moreover, disrupting the synergy is key. Playing cards that limit the number of spells your opponent can cast during their turn, like Rule of Law, can significantly reduce the Feywild Trickster’s opportunity to trigger dice rolls. Silencing it with a card like Hushbringer ensures that even if dice are rolled, the effect will be negated, providing a more permanent solution to the fairy menace. Whichever method you choose, timing your responses to prevent dragon token accumulation will swing the game back in your favor.

Lastly, it’s always worth remembering that the best way to counteract such a card is to keep pressure on your opponent, forcing them to defend rather than letting them build up their board with tokens. So stay proactive in your strategy, keep your removals at the ready, and the Feywild Trickster will be less of a nuisance and more of a fleeting fantasy.

BurnMana Recommendations

Dive deeper into the strategy-shaping world of MTG with our insights on the Feywild Trickster. Mastering this card could turn the tides of your games with a cascade of 1/1 blue Faerie Dragon creature tokens. Whether you’re tweaking existing decks or brewing new ones, understanding how to optimize the Trickster’s abilities is crucial. Expand your gameplay prowess and discover how to wield this card for maximum board impact. Harness the art of dice rolling and enrich your MTG experience. For advanced tactics, deck integration tips and more, join us and make the Feywild Trickster a cornerstone of your victories.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Feywild Trickster MTG card by a specific set like Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Feywild Trickster and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Feywild Trickster has restrictions
