Echo of Dusk MTG Card

Offering card advantage and resource acceleration, Echo of Dusk is a valuable asset in MTG. Instant speed play allows for tactical responses and game plan advancement during matches. The mana cost and discard requirement may limit its use, impacting deck inclusion decisions.
Echo of Dusk - The Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
TypeCreature — Vampire Spirit
Abilities Descend
Set symbol
Set nameThe Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Set codeLCI
Power 2
Toughness 2
Illustred byDomenico Cava

Text of card

Descend 4 — As long as there are four or more permanent cards in your graveyard, Echo of Dusk gets +1/+1 and has lifelink.

"It's a mournful fate, to remember so well the taste of blood yet be forever unable to drink." —Bartolomé del Presidio, director of the Queen's Bay Company

Cards like Echo of Dusk

Echo of Dusk is another intriguing card that takes its place among Magic: The Gathering’s roster of utility spells. It bears semblance to enchantments like Underworld Connections, which also serve the purpose of drawing extra cards. The key difference between these two lies in Echo of Dusk’s versatility that allows toggling between card advantage and life gain. Underworld Connections, however, is solely fixated on card drawing and does entail a continuous mana investment for its benefits.

When pondering similar mechanics, Twilight Prophet comes to mind. It also mixes card revelation with life gain but relies on the city’s blessing for activation, which can prove restrictive in the early game. Echo of Dusk isn’t burdened by such conditions. Additionally, we might assess Dark Confidant, a creature card with a similar reveal-and-draw mechanic. Dark Confidant is undeniably powerful for its consistent card advantage but is also riskier as it can inadvertently deplete the player’s life total.

Ultimately, Echo of Dusk offers flexible options for pilots who desire a more controlled approach to optimizing their hand and life total during a match, making it an admirable asset in MTG strategies that capitalize on versatility and long-term value.

Underworld Connections - MTG Card versions
Twilight Prophet - MTG Card versions
Dark Confidant - MTG Card versions
Underworld Connections - MTG Card versions
Twilight Prophet - MTG Card versions
Dark Confidant - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Echo of Dusk by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: When you think of increasing your hand’s options, the Echo of Dusk is a card that doesn’t disappoint. With its ability to have you draw cards while also thinning out the land from your deck, you’re effectively streamlining your path to the tools you need to outmaneuver opponents.

Resource Acceleration: Considered a boon for decks that need to ramp, Echo of Dusk can be a lynchpin. It provides an efficient way to shift the balance of resources in your favor, ensuring you can deploy threats ahead of schedule. This kind of acceleration can be crucial in edging out against the competition.

Instant Speed: The flexibility offered by Echo of Dusk’s instant speed cannot be overstated. The tactical advantage of reacting to your opponent’s moves by drawing into answers or simply advancing your game plan during their end step is a potent strategic layer that can make all the difference in tight matches.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Players using Echo of Dusk are faced with the drawback of having to discard a card. This condition can be particularly detrimental for those who need to maintain a full hand for strategic plays or to prevent running out of options later in the game.

Specific Mana Cost: Echo of Dusk comes with a very specific mana cost that might not seamlessly fit into every deck’s mana base. This stipulation can make it challenging for decks that aren’t tailored to accommodate such costs, potentially hampering its inclusion in diverse strategies.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With its mana value, Echo of Dusk might be seen as cost-inefficient compared to other alternatives. Players often compare the mana investment against the potential return, and Echo of Dusk must compete against a range of other cards that may provide a similar or better effect for less of an investment.

Reasons to Include Echo of Dusk in Your Collection

Versatility: Echo of Dusk offers a range of play options for any deck focused on utilizing the graveyard. Capable of being both an enabler and payoff for grave-based strategies, it’s a solid pick for various deck builds.

Combo Potential: This card has built-in synergy with mechanics like flashbacks, delirium, or threshold, allowing players to extract extra value from their graveyard. By facilitating powerful combos, it can turn the tide of a game in your favor.

Meta-Relevance: With graveyard manipulation being a persistent theme in competitive play, Echo of Dusk remains relevant. It can be a key component in decks designed to outmaneuver the current meta, as it interacts with one of the most dynamic zones in the game.

How to beat

Echo of Dusk presents a unique challenge on the battlefield, rounding out the collection of blue instants in Magic: The Gathering. Much like other blue spells focused on countering and control, Echo of Dusk can disrupt the flow of the game by returning creatures to their owner’s hand. This particular card requires a careful strategy to overcome, as it can be used to unsettle established boards and tempo.

To effectively combat Echo of Dusk, it’s advisable to bait out the spell with less crucial creatures first. This approach can help preserve your more impactful creatures and planeswalkers for later in the game. Furthermore, leveraging spells that protect your creatures from being targeted or having an abundance of low-cost creatures can diffuse the impact of Echo of Dusk. Additionally, cards that benefit from entering or leaving the battlefield can turn the tide, utilizing Echo of Dusk’s effect to your advantage instead of suffering from its temporary setback.

Against decks known for control strategies, it’s essential to maintain a steady pace and not overcommit to the board, thus reducing the impact of Echo of Dusk. Recognizing the key moments to play around this powerful instant can make all the difference in a match, ensuring your strategy remains uninterrupted.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Echo of Dusk MTG card by a specific set like The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Echo of Dusk and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Echo of Dusk has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Echo of Dusk card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2023-11-10 Cards with the ability word "descend N" have abilities that care if you have at least N permanent cards in your graveyard.
2023-11-10 Some descend triggered abilities include intervening "if" clauses (i.e. "if you have
-our or eight] permanent cards in your graveyard" in the middle of the ability). Each of these abilities checks your graveyard at the moment it would trigger to see if it does. If you don't have the required number of permanent cards in your graveyard at that time, the ability doesn't trigger at all. If it does trigger, it will check again as it tries to resolve. If you don't have the required number of permanent cards in your graveyard at that time, the ability won't resolve and none of its effects will happen.