Dross Ripper MTG Card

Its scalable power can offer surprising card advantage by taxing opponents’ removal resources. Flexible mana cost and instant speed ability enhance combat versatility and trickery. High mana cost and specific color requirements can limit deck integration and strategy.
Dross Ripper - Mirrodin Besieged
Mana cost
Converted mana cost4
TypeArtifact Creature — Phyrexian Dog
Set symbol
Set nameMirrodin Besieged
Set codeMBS
Power 3
Toughness 3
Illustred byDavid Rapoza

Text of card

: Dross Ripper gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

"Such a creation serves no purpose other than exterminating every one of us." —Sadra Alic, Neurok strategist

Cards like Dross Ripper

Dross Ripper is an intriguing artifact creature in Magic: The Gathering, fitting into the subsection of artifact creatures with the ability to become a formidable force on the battlefield. When evaluated against its counterparts, Rust Scarab stands out due to its inability to be countered by blue spells and the capacity to destroy enchantments when blocked. Meanwhile, Triskelion provides direct damage and versatile distribution of that damage across multiple targets.

Another analog is Pentavus, which also delves into the counter mechanism but offers token generation, allowing for a more strategic deployment of creatures for both offensive and defensive tactics. A crucial difference is the mana investment required to initiate these abilities; where Dross Ripper demands less upfront cost for its power boost but lacks the token generation.

In sum, while Dross Ripper does not come with the added versatility of counter distribution or token creation like Pentavus, its place in a deck could be secured by its efficient cost-to-power ratio and robustness in straightforward combat scenarios within MTG’s complex ecosystem of artifact creatures.

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Triskelion - MTG Card versions
Pentavus - MTG Card versions
Rust Scarab - MTG Card versions
Triskelion - MTG Card versions
Pentavus - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Dross Ripper by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Dross Ripper may not provide direct card draw, but as a scalable threat, it has the potential to demand multiple cards from your opponent to handle it, indirectly providing card advantage. As you level up Dross Ripper, it transitions from a simple creature to a formidable force, potentially eating up your opponent’s removal spells.

Resource Acceleration: While Dross Ripper doesn’t generate additional resources in the traditional sense, its {Phyrexian mana} cost allows for flexible payment options, giving you a form of resource acceleration by saving your colored mana for other spells in your turn.

Instant Speed: Although Dross Ripper operates at sorcery speed, its ability to increase its power and toughness can be activated at instant speed. This allows for unexpected combat tricks during an opponent’s turn, keeping them always guessing and potentially misallocating their resources during crucial battle phases.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: The Dross Ripper requires you to discard a card to initiate its power-boosting ability. This can deplete your hand, putting you at a disadvantage, especially if your strategy relies on having a variety of options available.

Specific Mana Cost: This artifact creature comes with a specific mana cost, which can hinder its inclusion in multicolor decks. The requirement of black mana restricts its versatility and may not align well with decks that can’t consistently produce that color.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: For its base stats and abilities, the Dross Ripper has a relatively high mana cost. There are cards with a similar cost that could potentially provide immediate impact or have better synergies with a broader range of deck types.

Reasons to Include Dross Ripper in Your Collection

Versatility: Dross Ripper is a flexible addition to any MTG deck that appreciates adaptable creatures. With its ability to increase its power, it can adapt to different game situations, serving as both an offensive and defensive asset.

Combo Potential: The power-up ability of this creature can synergize with various strategies that value +1/+1 counters. Pair it with proliferate mechanics or with cards that give bonuses for high-power creatures to unlock its full potential.

Meta-Relevance: In a meta where toughness and staying power are key, Dross Ripper stands out. Its scalability ensures that it can compete with other substantial creatures, maintaining its relevance in evolving game environments.

How to beat Dross Ripper

Dross Ripper, a formidable artifact creature in the world of Magic: The Gathering, may appear daunting with its ability to swell in power for each mana invested into it. Faced with such a resilient threat, one must turn to efficient removal strategies that can neutralize it before it gains momentum. Direct removal spells like Doom Blade or Path to Exile offer a swift response to an unleashed Dross Ripper. If such spells aren’t at your disposal, board wipes such as Day of Judgment or wrath-type effects can handle Dross Ripper regardless of its size.

Another effective approach is to avoid the race to overpower and instead employ de-buffing tactics. Cards like Pacifism can render Dross Ripper harmless without having to remove it from the battlefield. Countermagic, although reactive, can also ensure that Dross Ripper never becomes a threat to begin with, with spells like Counterspell or Dissipate at your service. The key is anticipation and preparedness—knowing when to neutralize threats like Dross Ripper before they spiral out of control is crucial for maintaining the upper hand in MTG.

In sum, while formidable in its scalability, Dross Ripper can be outmaneuvered by quick removal, debilitating enchantments, or timely countermagic, demonstrating the depth and versatility to be found in Magic: The Gathering’s strategic gameplay.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Dross Ripper MTG card by a specific set like Mirrodin Besieged, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Dross Ripper and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Dross Ripper has restrictions
