Demon of Loathing MTG Card

Opponents must sacrifice a creature each time Demon of Loathing deals combat damage, diminishing their resources. The card’s triggered ability can indirectly clear the way for quicker wins by controlling opponents’ boards. High mana cost and specific mana requirements may restrict Demon of Loathing’s integration into diverse decks.
Card setsReleased in 3 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost7
TypeCreature — Demon
Abilities Flying,Trample
Power 7
Toughness 7

Text of card

Flying, trample Whenever Demon of Loathing deals combat damage to a player, that player sacrifices a creature.

Hatred is a potent ally, but an insatiable master.

Cards like Demon of Loathing

In the realm of high-powered creatures within Magic: The Gathering, Demon of Loathing stands as a formidable flyer. This demonic entity rivals other terrifying flyers like Shadowborn Demon, which also comes with a powerful removal effect upon entering the battlefield. However, Demon of Loathing pushes for more direct player interaction, since it forces the defending player to sacrifice an attacking creature, escalating the tension each time it attacks.

Another beastly comparison is with Lord of the Void, which also showcases the terrifying nature of black’s large flying demons. Lord of the Void, similar to the aggressive nature of Demon of Loathing, reels in bonus effects from combat, providing an exotic ability to exile cards from an opponent’s library and potentially also play them. The choice between these two behemoths might depend on your strategy: if harassment and sacrificial pressure is your game, Demon of Loathing is a mighty pick.

Finally, weighing these powerful black creatures against each other, Demon of Loathing levels the playing field with its unique yet universally threatening effect, positioning itself as a staple in the domain of aggressive MTG strategies. Therefore, it carves its niche quite distinctively within the echelon of black demons.

Shadowborn Demon - MTG Card versions
Lord of the Void - MTG Card versions
Shadowborn Demon - MTG Card versions
Lord of the Void - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: The formidable presence of Demon of Loathing on the battlefield poses a double-edged sword for your opponents. Each time this creature successfully deals combat damage to a player, that player sacrifices a creature, effectively stripping them of their resources while maintaining yours.

Resource Acceleration: Although it doesn’t directly generate mana or tokens, the sheer ability to remove potential blockers with its triggered ability can indirectly accelerate your resources by ensuring your other creatures get through or by keeping the opponent’s board clear, making way for a hastened victory.

Instant Speed: While the Demon itself doesn’t operate at instant speed, the dynamic it brings to the game demands instant-speed answers from your opponent. The threat of immediate and significant impact upon attacking nudges your opponents to hold up mana for removal or risk facing devastating consequences, potentially disrupting their tempo and plans.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: A challenging aspect of the Demon of Loathing is its ability that forces you to sacrifice a creature whenever it attacks. This demand can strain your resources, especially in decks that do not generate a wide board presence consistently.

Specific Mana Cost: Summoning this creature requires a specific combination of mana, which includes triple black mana. This can be limiting and hard to achieve, particularly in multi-colored decks that need exact mana balancing to operate smoothly.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a seven mana value to get Demon of Loathing onto the battlefield, it’s a heavy investment. This cost is notable when compared to other creatures that might hit the board sooner or offer immediate impact without further requirements.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Demon of Loathing offers the capability to act as both a game-ending threat and defensive stalwart. Its impressive stats make it a daunting presence on the battlefield, easily fitting into any deck strategy aiming to capitalize on high-powered creatures.

Combo Potential: With its ability to force opponents to sacrifice creatures whenever it deals combat damage, this demon enhances numerous combo opportunities. It synergizes well with cards and mechanics that benefit from opponent’s losses, like morbid triggers or the attrition-based strategies.

Meta-Relevance: In environments dominated by creature-heavy decks, Demon of Loathing can be a valuable asset. Its flying attribute means it can often evade ground-based defenses, making it relevant in matchups where board control is essential. Additionally, its forced sacrifice ability keeps opponent’s creature count low, potentially disrupting their game plan.

How to beat

The Demon of Loathing is a powerful adversary in MTG that can quickly become a nightmare for opponents, thanks to its formidable presence and game-altering abilities. Flying and trample make it a formidable threat in the air and difficult to block effectively. When dealing damage to a player, its triggered ability forces player to sacrifice a creature, escalating the potential for a swift defeat if not addressed properly.

Strategy is key when facing this daunting card. Swarming the battlefield with expendable creatures can help mitigate the loss incurred from its ability. Utilizing instant-speed removal spells right before the damage step can also prevent its ability from triggering. Moreover, enchantments like Pacifism or cards that revoke creature abilities can neutralize the Demon without requiring direct confrontation. Counterspells are an effective preemptive measure against it as well.

Ultimately, countering the Demon of Loathing demands quick and decisive action. Keeping removal ready, managing board state with care, and timing your spells for maximum impact can turn the tide of battle and ensure that this fearsome demon doesn’t loathe over your game plan.

BurnMana Recommendations

Summoning the Demon of Loathing into your MTG deck can decisively turn the tides of a duel. With its ability to dwindle an opponent’s forces each time it attacks, this demonic powerhouse carves a path towards victory. Whether your strategy is to intimidate with aerial superiority or to mastermind an indirect assault through creature attrition, this card offers a significant edge. We encourage players to assess their decks for synergies that amplify Demon of Loathing’s impact. Explore its potential, gauge its fit within various metas, and adapt your strategy to harness its destructive power. Dive deeper with us to refine your gameplay and make this formidable demon a cornerstone of your collection.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Demon of Loathing MTG card by a specific set like Theros Beyond Death and Arena Beginner Set, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Demon of Loathing and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Demon of Loathing Magic the Gathering card was released in 3 different sets between 2020-01-24 and 2022-10-14. Illustrated by Tomasz Jedruszek.

12020-01-24Theros Beyond DeathTHB 2922015NormalBlackTomasz Jedruszek
22020-08-13Arena Beginner SetANB 482015NormalBlackTomasz Jedruszek
32022-10-14Game Night: Free-for-AllGN3 452015NormalBlackTomasz Jedruszek


Magic the Gathering formats where Demon of Loathing has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Demon of Loathing card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2020-01-24 If a creature is dealt lethal damage at the same time that Demon of Loathing deals combat damage to its controller, that player can’t sacrifice that creature.