Cloudhoof Kirin MTG Card

Cloudhoof Kirin excels in card cycling, making each spirit or arcane spell cast more potent. Enables instant speed interaction, disrupting opponents unpredictably during their turn. Demands deck specialization to overcome its discard requirement and specific mana cost.
Cloudhoof Kirin - Saviors of Kamigawa
Mana cost
Converted mana cost5
TypeLegendary Creature — Kirin Spirit
Abilities Flying,Mill
Set symbol
Set nameSaviors of Kamigawa
Set codeSOK
Power 4
Toughness 4
Illustred byRandy Gallegos

Text of card

Flying Whenever you play a Spirit or Arcane spell, you may put the top X cards of target player's library into his or her graveyard, where X is that spell's converted mana cost.

Cards like Cloudhoof Kirin

Cloudhoof Kirin is a unique creature in MTG that stands out among spirit cards. It’s often compared to other spirits like Patron of the Moon which, similar to Cloudhoof Kirin, leverages the arcane spells for an effect. However, Cloudhoof Kirin allows its controller to mill cards from the opponent’s library, providing a distinct strategic edge in a mill-focused deck that Patron of the Moon does not.

Examining Kami of the Crescent Moon, another card that influences draw mechanics, we see a stark difference. Kami of the Crescent Moon facilitates card draw for all players each turn, while Cloudhoof Kirin focuses more on a targeted milling approach via casting arcane spells—promoting a different manner of interacting with the opponent’s deck. Finally, there’s He Who Hungers, a spirit that creates hand disruption rather than affecting the library directly like Cloudhoof Kirin.

Assessing these comparisons, Cloudhoof Kirin proves to be a compelling choice for players who aim to integrate arcane spells within their game strategy while controlling opponents’ options by targeting their library directly. This ability, coupled with flying for evasion, makes Cloudhoof Kirin a card with a specific, yet potent, role in MTG.

Patron of the Moon - MTG Card versions
Kami of the Crescent Moon - MTG Card versions
He Who Hungers - MTG Card versions
Patron of the Moon - MTG Card versions
Kami of the Crescent Moon - MTG Card versions
He Who Hungers - MTG Card versions

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Cloudhoof Kirin specializes in leveraging the use of spirit and arcane cards to not only apply pressure but also to offer consistent card cycling, enhancing your hand with every spirit or arcane spell cast.

Resource Acceleration: This unique creature may not generate mana or tokens, but it accelerates your resource pool by turning each spirit or arcane spell into a potential draw engine, translating into more options and a swifter deck flow with every turn.

Instant Speed: While Cloudhoof Kirin itself isn’t an instant, its triggered ability shines when paired with cards that can be played at instant speed. This synergy allows Cloudhoof Kirin to potentially disrupt the opponent’s strategy mid-combat or at the end of their turn, making your plays unpredictable and more difficult to counter.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: The card ability of Cloudhoof Kirin requires you to discard a Spirit card or Arcane spell. This might deplete your hand and reduce your options later in the game, especially if your deck is not specifically tailored to repeatedly take advantage of this effect.

Specific Mana Cost: Cloudhoof Kirin’s mana cost demands one white mana and four others. This specific cost might be challenging to meet early in the game or in multicolored decks that do not prioritize white mana sources. It potentially restricts the card’s inclusion to mono-white or spirit-focused decks.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: At a total cost of five mana to cast, Cloudhoof Kirin can be considered expensive for its stats and effect. This mana could alternatively be spent on creatures with immediate board presence or spells that have a more significant and direct impact on gameplay.

Reasons to Include Cloudhoof Kirin in Your Collection

Versatility: Cloudhoof Kirin is adaptable to a variety of deck builds, particular those that are centered around spirit or arcane mechanics. Its ability to convert noncreature spells into direct library milling offers a unique approach for players seeking alternative win conditions.

Combo Potential: This card has incredible synergies with decks that utilize a high density of arcane spells. Each spell cast can quickly deplete an opponent’s library, pairing well with effects that retrieve or recur spells from your graveyard to maximize impact.

Meta-Relevance: With graveyard-focused strategies frequently seen in the meta, Cloudhoof Kirin offers a means to disrupt these strategies by directly targeting the opponent’s deck, potentially putting crucial resources out of reach and giving you an edge during play.

How to Beat Cloudhoof Kirin

Cloudhoof Kirin presents a unique challenge in MTG, with its capacity to leverage ‘Spirits or Arcane’ spells to mill your opponent. To effectively counteract this evasive creature, it’s essential to disrupt its synergy-driven mechanic. Cards that counter spells, like Negate or Cancel, can stop Cloudhoof Kirin’s triggered ability in its tracks, providing a moment of respite and preventing the mill effect.

Removal spells are another avenue to undermine this creature’s impact. Efficient removal such as Path to Exile or Fatal Push can deal with Cloudhoof Kirin before its ability becomes a recurring problem. Additionally, employing graveyard recursion strategies undermines the purpose of milling, allowing you to benefit from what is discarded. Cards like Eternal Witness or Pulmonic Sliver turn the tables, granting you access to the cards Cloudhoof Kirin seeks to exploit against you.

In summary, while Cloudhoof Kirin can pose a definite threat if left unchecked, there are multiple strategies to ground it. Be preemptive with counterspells, reactive with targeted removal, or employ strategic resilience with graveyard manipulation. This multifaceted approach will help maintain control over the match and nullify Cloudhoof Kirin’s potential impact on the game.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Cloudhoof Kirin MTG card by a specific set like Saviors of Kamigawa, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Cloudhoof Kirin and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Cloudhoof Kirin has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Cloudhoof Kirin card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2005-06-01 If the Spirit or Arcane spell has in the mana cost, then you use the value of on the stack. For example, Shining Shoal costs . If you choose X = 2, then Shining Shoal’s mana value is 4. Shining Shoal also has an ability that says “You may exile a white card with mana value X from your hand rather than pay Shining Shoal’s mana cost”; if you choose to pay the alternative cost and exile a card with mana value 2, then X is 2 while Shining Shoal is on the stack and its mana value is 4.