Atrocious Experiment MTG Card

Gaining card advantage by strategically choosing from the top of your deck enhances your ability to execute plays. Converting creatures into resources quickly escalates your board presence and can tip the scales mid-game. Having the flexibility to react with instant speed plays allows for greater control and unpredictability in matches.
Atrocious Experiment - Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate
Mana cost
Converted mana cost3
Abilities Mill
Set symbol
Set nameCommander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate
Set codeCLB
Illustred bySUZHIHUI

Text of card

Target player mills two cards, draws two cards, and loses 2 life. (To mill a card, a player puts the top card of their library into their graveyard.)

There is no line Jon Irenicus would not cross to regain his lost immortality.

Unpacking Atrocious Experiment’s Uniqueness

Atrocious Experiment is an intriguing entry in the roster of MTG’s creature cards with self-sacrificing mechanics. While it parallels cards like Altar’s Reap, which requires sacrificing a creature for two card gains, Atrocious Experiment dives deeper into strategic depth by including life gain on top of the card draw—showcasing MTG’s penchant for multi-faceted card abilities.

Cards like Atrocious Experiment

Delving into the world of MTG self-sacrifice strategy, Atrocious Experiment shares a conceptual space with cards such as Village Rites, offering the same cost and instant speed for sacrificing a creature in exchange for two new cards. However, Atrocious Experiment pushes the envelope by providing an additional life point for each creature sacrificed—enhancing survivability within the game.

Costly Plunder is another notable comparison, mimicking the creature or artifact sacrifice for two cards at the same mana value. Nonetheless, it lacks the life-gain feature that gives Atrocious Experiment an advantageous twist. Bone Splinters also enters the fray, allowing players to destroy a creature at the expense of one of their own, but it stops short of the card draw that Atrocious Experiment gracefully provides.

Through examining these comparisons, Atrocious Experiment emerges as a potent choice for players who value both card advantage and life stability, confirming its distinct place in MTG’s strategic card pool.

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Altar's Reap - MTG Card versions
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Bone Splinters - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Atrocious Experiment by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Atrocious Experiment goes beyond just adding cards to your hand; it dives further into your deck by letting you look at the top two cards, then pick one to keep. This selection process reinforces your strategies by drawing you closer to the critical pieces you need for the victory.

Resource Acceleration: When you manage to play Atrocious Experiment, it doesn’t just grant you card selection—it can potentially turn any creature on the board into a new resource. Sacrificing a creature for the greater good of your strategy could catapult your game plan forward at a surprising speed.

Instant Speed: The ability to play Atrocious Experiment at instant speed offers a tactical advantage. You’re not limited to your own turn, enabling reactive plays in response to your opponent’s moves—whether it’s during their end step or in the midst of combat. This flexibility can often catch your opponent off guard and shift the game in your favor.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Atrocious Experiment demands the discard of a card as an extra cost to play it. This makes it a risky pick when you’re playing with a lean hand and can set you back if you lose a crucial piece from your arsenal.

Specific Mana Cost: Atrocious Experiment comes with a unique mana cost necessitating both black and red mana. This dual demand can be challenging for decks that don’t run on this color pair, effectively narrowing its applicability across diverse play styles.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With an investment of four mana to unleash its potential, Atrocious Experiment enters the fray as a sizeable commitment. There are alternative cards that may yield similar benefits for less, giving players reason to evaluate their deck’s efficiency before including this card.

Reasons to Include Atrocious Experiment in Your Collection

Versatility: Atrocious Experiment offers diversity in its application, fitting seamlessly into a variety of deck archetypes. It can be a boon for decks that capitalize on self-mill strategies or reanimation tactics.

Combo Potential: This card holds the capability to synergize with graveyard mechanics, enabling combinations that can turn the tide of the game by using discarded cards as strategic resources or fodder for other abilities.

Meta-Relevance: Given the shift towards graveyard-centric strategies in recent MTG meta, Atrocious Experiment proves to be a relevant choice. It adapts well to the current competitive landscape, making it a substantial addition to decks that thrive in this environment.

How to Beat

Atrocious Experiment is an intriguing card that can present challenges on the battlefield. Players utilizing this card benefit from being able to sacrifice a creature to potentially draw numerous cards while also placing pressure on opponents through its life-draining ability. Although it can be a powerful asset, there are strategies to effectively counteract it.

One of the key tactics to vanquish Atrocious Experiment hinges on timing. Interacting with it on the stack before its effect resolves is critical. Using countermagic like Negate or Disallow can halt the Experiment in its tracks. Alternatively, removing the creature targeted for the Experiment’s ability with removal spells or bouncing it back to the player’s hand are potent ways to thwart the action and preserve your life total.

It’s essential to manage the state of the board proactively. Keeping the opponent’s creature count low and denying them the fodder for the Experiment can massively cripple its effectiveness. Utilizing graveyard interaction cards to remove targets preemptively can also be a strong counteractive measure.

Adapting to Atrocious Experiment requires a mindful approach to the game. By employing these strategies and maintaining control of the game’s pace, you can neutralize Atrocious Experiment and keep it from tipping the scales in your adversary’s favor.

BurnMana Recommendations

MTG is a realm where strategy and adaptation are crucial for every duel. Atrocious Experiment is a card that epitomizes the balance between risk and reward, offering a robust set of pros that can significantly improve your gameplay. From leveraging instant speed moves to accelerating your resources, this card can be the keystone to victory. It also carves out its unique niche with its multi-faceted mechanics in today’s meta. Absorbing the depth of Atrocious Experiment’s capabilities and how to overcome it is key to mastering your matches. Elevate your deck and broaden your MTG expertise—delve into the world of Atrocious Experiment with us.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Atrocious Experiment MTG card by a specific set like Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Atrocious Experiment and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Atrocious Experiment has restrictions
