Asalto // Violencia Carta MTG

Versatility from a single card, giving a choice between creature summoning or direct damage. Instant speed allows for flexible play, disrupting opponents or securing wins. Combo potential with other cards heightens strategic depth and effectiveness.
Colecciones da cartaLanzado en 4 coleccionesVer todos
El coste de maná
Costo de maná convertido5
RarezaPoco común

Texto de la carta

Assault deals 2 damage to target creature or player.

Cartas como Asalto // Violencia

Assault // Battery is a versatile split card in Magic: The Gathering that players often compare with other flexible damage or creature generating spells. Assault, capable of dealing damage directly to a target, is reminiscent of Lightning Bolt for its direct damage capability, albeit at a higher mana cost. However, Lightning Bolt doesn’t provide the alternative option to deploy a creature like Battery does.

In relation to Battery, the card is often weighed against cards like Call of the Herd. Both can put a significant creature on the board, but Battery offers the added flexibility of potentially being an instant damage spell if the situation calls for it. While Call of the Herd has the upside of flashback, allowing it to be used from the graveyard, it lacks the immediate impact and versatility that comes with a split card.

Assessing the utility and flexibility of Assault // Battery against its peers reveals the distinctive advantage of having a choice within one card. This feature can accommodate various in-game scenarios, making it a unique asset to the arsenal of MTG players looking for combined effects of creature play and burn strategies within the same card slot.

Lightning Bolt - Carta Magic versiones
Call of the Herd - Carta Magic versiones
Lightning Bolt - Carta Magic versiones
Call of the Herd - Carta Magic versiones

Cartas similares a Asalto // Violencia por color, tipo y coste de maná

Frenzied Tilling - Carta Magic versiones
Struggle // Survive - Carta Magic versiones
Escape to the Wilds - Carta Magic versiones
Steady Tortoise // Harried Dash - Carta Magic versiones
Last Night Together - Carta Magic versiones
Frenzied Tilling - Carta Magic versiones
Struggle // Survive - Carta Magic versiones
Escape to the Wilds - Carta Magic versiones
Steady Tortoise // Harried Dash - Carta Magic versiones
Last Night Together - Carta Magic versiones

Card Pros

Card Advantage: The versatility of Assault // Battery provides a significant edge in terms of card advantage. With the ability to choose between a creature and a direct damage effect, you effectively have two potential plays from a single card, maximizing your in-game resources.

Resource Acceleration: Battery, the green half of the card, places a 3/3 Elephant creature token onto the battlefield, which can rapidly escalate your board presence. This not only gives you a strong blocker or attacker but can work synergistically with other cards that benefit from creatures entering the battlefield.

Instant Speed: Assault, the red component, can be cast at instant speed, allowing you to adapt to the unfolding game by dealing damage during your opponent’s turn. This flexibility is a tactical advantage since it can disrupt your opponent’s strategy by removing key creatures or securing the game by directly damaging the opponent at the most opportune moment.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Assault // Battery does not have a direct discard requirement, it is part of the split card family. In certain cases, such as with mechanics that interact with discarding, it may not be as beneficial as a singular card would be.

Specific Mana Cost: Assault // Battery requires both green and red mana to utilize both halves of the card effectively. This requirement can restrict deck-building options, as you need to ensure a consistent mana base for both colors to play the card optimally.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: When examining the cost-effectiveness, Battery’s ability to create a 3/3 creature token for four mana can be considered high when compared to other creature token generation cards in MTG. This may make it less appealing for players looking for efficient ways to populate the board, especially in a mana-intensive format.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Assault // Battery offers flexibility in gameplay by being a split card. Players get to choose between a quick creature removal or generating a 3/3 creature token, adapting to the needs of the situation on the battlefield.

Combo Potential: The ability to create a creature token can synergize with strategies that capitalize on creature spells or token generation. Additionally, the direct damage aspect of Assault can be used in conjunction with damage doublers or other spells to amplify its impact.

Meta-Relevance: Due to its dual nature, this card can be especially powerful in the ever-shifting meta, providing answers to aggressive creatures or surprise blockers when needed. Its role can be crucial in both offensive and defensive scenarios, making it a valuable asset in various deck archetypes.

How to beat

The Assault // Battery card brings versatility to any player’s deck in Magic: The Gathering. It offers dual functionality—either you can dispatch a swift 3 damage with Assault or summon a 3/3 green Elephant creature token with Battery. This fusion of direct damage and board presence makes it a formidable card to face against.

Overcoming it requires strategic play. Prioritize removing the creature token quickly if your opponent opts for Battery, as it could bolster their defenses or lead to increased aggression. If facing Assault’s 3 damage, be mindful of your life total and have a plan for safeguarding your valuable creatures.

Counterspells are your best friend when dealing with such split cards; having one ready can neutralize either side of the card before it impacts the game. Efficient removal spells are also paramount, ideally able to deal with the creature token without a significant mana investment. Managing your resources efficiently and anticipating the duality of Assault // Battery will help tilt the match in your favor.

Donde comprar

Si estás buscando comprar una carta MTG Asalto // Violencia de un coleccione específico como Invasion and Time Spiral Timeshifted, existen varias opciones confiables que debes considerar. Una de las fuentes principales es tu tienda de juegos local, donde a menudo puedes encontrar paquetes de refuerzo, cartas individuales y mazos preconstruidos de colecciones actuales y pasadas. A menudo ofrecen el beneficio adicional de una comunidad donde puedes intercambiar con otros jugadores.

Para un inventario más amplio, particularmente de colecciones más antiguos, mercados en línea como TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom y Card Market ofrecen amplias selecciones y te permiten buscar cartas de colecciones específicos. Las plataformas de comercio electrónico más grandes como eBay y Amazon también tienen listados de varios vendedores, lo que puede ser un buen lugar para buscar productos sellados y hallazgos raros.

Además, el sitio oficial de Magic suele tener un localizador de tiendas y listas de minoristas para encontrar Wizards of the Productos con licencia costera. Recuerde comprobar la autenticidad y el estado de las cartas al comprarlas, especialmente a vendedores individuales en mercados más grandes.

A continuación se muestra una lista de algunos sitios web de tiendas donde puede comprar las Asalto // Violencia y otras cartas MTG:

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La carta Asalto // Violencia Magic the Gathering se lanzó en 4 colecciones diferentes entre 2000-10-02 y 2023-01-13. Ilustrado por Ben Thompson.

12000-10-02InvasionINV 2951997DividirNegraBen Thompson
22006-10-06Time Spiral TimeshiftedTSB 1061997DividirNegraBen Thompson
32009-09-04PlanechaseHOP 1032003DividirNegraBen Thompson
42023-01-13Dominaria RemasteredDMR 2102015DividirNegraBen Thompson


Formatos de Magic the Gathering donde Asalto // Violencia tiene restricciones
