Tuktuk the Returned Carta MTG

Tuktuk the Returned excels in generating card advantage with its token creation ability. The card can activate abilities at instant speed for surprise plays and flexibility. Resource acceleration is a notable strength, with additional creatures aiding battlefield presence.
Colecciones da cartaLanzado en 4 coleccionesVer todos
TipoToken Artifact Creature — Goblin Golem
Fuerza 5
Tenacidad 5

Texto de la carta

Tuktuk the Returned is legendary.

Cartas como Tuktuk the Returned

Tuktuk the Returned has a unique presence within MTG as part of the legendary creature lineup. It shares similarities with cards such as Endless Cockroaches and Reassembling Skeleton, which also return to the battlefield or hand after being destroyed. However, Tuktuk the Returned distinguishes itself with the circumstance of its revival – it springs back only if it was a token when it died. Endless Cockroaches return to the owner’s hand, ensuring a persistent threat, while Reassembling Skeleton’s return is guaranteed by paying a mana cost, providing a reliable blocker.

Another comparable card is Bloodsoaked Champion, which returns to the battlefield from the graveyard by fulfilling the raid condition. This attribute gives the card recurring potential, yet it doesn’t offer the indestructible token that Tuktuk the Returned becomes after resurrection. Phoenix of Ash is also a contender with its ability to escape from the graveyard, bringing with it additional power in the form of counters and flying speed, contrasting with Tuktuk’s singular reanimation as a token.

Ultimately, Tuktuk the Returned holds its own niche by reincarnating as an indestructible token, a trait that while restrictive, imbues it with the resilience that few counterparts possess, adding strategic depth and endurance in various MTG gameplay scenarios.

Endless Cockroaches - Carta Magic versiones
Reassembling Skeleton - Carta Magic versiones
Bloodsoaked Champion - Carta Magic versiones
Phoenix of Ash - Carta Magic versiones
Endless Cockroaches - Carta Magic versiones
Reassembling Skeleton - Carta Magic versiones
Bloodsoaked Champion - Carta Magic versiones
Phoenix of Ash - Carta Magic versiones

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Tuktuk the Returned stands out by consistently generating card advantage. Once it makes its way onto the battlefield, its ability can significantly sway the game in your favor. This advantage grows with each golem token you create, placing more pressure on your opponent.

Resource Acceleration: A key strength is its impact on resource acceleration. By providing additional creatures, Tuktuk the Returned helps bolster your army and potentially adds value by interacting with other cards or abilities that benefit from having numerous creatures on the field.

Instant Speed: This card comes with an ability that can be activated at instant speed, offering strategic flexibility. It allows you to surprise your opponent, respond to threats in a pinch, or simply adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of an MTG game with ease.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Tapping into the potential of Tuktuk the Returned requires players to discard another card, a move that may be costly when your hand is already running thin. This prerequisite puts a dent in your card advantage and may force difficult decisions.

Specific Mana Cost: Summoning Tuktuk the Returned comes with a specific mana cost that necessitates a commitment to red mana. This limits its compatibility to decks that are heavy in red or are able to generate diverse mana efficiently. If you’re running a multicolor deck, you might find it challenging to meet this particular cost especially early in the game.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: The investment to get Tuktuk the Returned on the field is not insignificant. With a mana cost that is on the higher end of the spectrum, it competes with other potential plays that could provide immediate impact or greater value. Players may find more versatile or lower-cost alternatives when building their deck.

Reasons to Include Tuktuk the Returned in Your Collection

Versatility: Tuktuk the Returned offers great flexibility for various deck archetypes. As a reanimated creature token, it can synergize with strategies that revolve around sacrifice, graveyard manipulation, or creature re-animation, making it a fitting piece in a wide range of decks.

Combo Potential: With Tuktuk the Returned’s ability to hit the battlefield after its progenitor, Tuktuk the Explorer, is destroyed, it enables combo plays where sacrificing creatures can be beneficial. It works well in decks that capitalize on death triggers and artifact synergies.

Meta-Relevance: In a game environment where creature-based strategies prevail, Tuktuk the Returned can serve as a resilient threat that returns even after being dealt with. It can help maintain board presence, vital against control decks that aim to clear the battlefield.

How to beat

Tuktuk the Returned presents a unique challenge on the battlefield. This creature card, resurrected as an artifact Golem, sports impressive resilience. As part of your strategy against this formidable card, consider using removal spells that specifically target artifacts. Spells such as Shatter or Naturalize are excellent choices to remove Tuktuk the Returned from play quickly and efficiently. Moreover, since Tuktuk is also classified as a creature, general creature removal spells like Doom Blade or Path to Exile are equally effective. Keep in mind, though, that since Tuktuk the Returned emerges from the death of Tuktuk the Explorer, avoiding killing Tuktuk the Explorer with a spell might sometimes be the smarter play, as it prevents Tuktuk the Returned from entering the battlefield in the first place. Key is to manage your removal resources wisely, as timing is critical in a game of MTG.

If you have the ability to manipulate graveyards, cards such as Bojuka Bog or Relic of Progenitus can preemptively counteract the resurgence of Tuktuk the Returned. This layered approach to your MTG gameplay can enhance your tactics against regeneration cards and other persistent threats.

Ultimately, the versatility and adaptability of your deck against such dynamic threats will influence your success in MTG matches. Considering individual card strengths and weaknesses ensures a more prepared and competitive deck build when facing any opponent.

Donde comprar

Si estás buscando comprar una carta MTG Tuktuk the Returned de un coleccione específico como Rise of the Eldrazi and Commander 2014, existen varias opciones confiables que debes considerar. Una de las fuentes principales es tu tienda de juegos local, donde a menudo puedes encontrar paquetes de refuerzo, cartas individuales y mazos preconstruidos de colecciones actuales y pasadas. A menudo ofrecen el beneficio adicional de una comunidad donde puedes intercambiar con otros jugadores.

Para un inventario más amplio, particularmente de colecciones más antiguos, mercados en línea como TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom y Card Market ofrecen amplias selecciones y te permiten buscar cartas de colecciones específicos. Las plataformas de comercio electrónico más grandes como eBay y Amazon también tienen listados de varios vendedores, lo que puede ser un buen lugar para buscar productos sellados y hallazgos raros.

Además, el sitio oficial de Magic suele tener un localizador de tiendas y listas de minoristas para encontrar Wizards of the Productos con licencia costera. Recuerde comprobar la autenticidad y el estado de las cartas al comprarlas, especialmente a vendedores individuales en mercados más grandes.

A continuación se muestra una lista de algunos sitios web de tiendas donde puede comprar las Tuktuk the Returned y otras cartas MTG:

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La carta Tuktuk the Returned Magic the Gathering se lanzó en 4 colecciones diferentes entre 2010-04-23 y 2020-08-07. Ilustrado por Franz Vohwinkel.

12010-04-23Rise of the EldraziROE 52003SimbólicoNegraFranz Vohwinkel
22014-11-07Commander 2014C14 312015SimbólicoNegraFranz Vohwinkel
32018-06-08Commander Anthology Volume IICM2 152015SimbólicoNegraFranz Vohwinkel
42020-08-07Double Masters2XM 282015SimbólicoNegraFranz Vohwinkel