Clearwater Pathway // Murkwater Pathway Carta MTG

Dual-faced nature of Murkwater Pathway allows for more dynamic and adaptable mana-base decisions during play. Instant playability enhances strategic depth, granting players finer control over their turn and surprise factor. While advantageous, Pathway’s color restrictions and lack of extra utility may deter its use in certain decks.
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Cartas similares a Clearwater Pathway // Murkwater Pathway

Murkwater Pathway is a versatile land card that finds parallels with other dual lands in Magic: The Gathering, prized for their ability to tap for two different color manas. Comparable to something like Hengegate Pathway, Murkwater Pathway offers flexibility without entering the battlefield tapped. However, it differs in the colors it provides, making it a strategic choice depending on deck needs.

Branching out to similar function but with a different mechanic, we can look to the card Temple of Epiphany. While it also supplies two colors of mana, it introduces a scrying ability upon entry. This can be a pivotal move for setting up future plays. Unlike Murkwater Pathway, though, Temple of Epiphany does come into play tapped, which can affect the pacing of your game.

Assessing these options, it’s clear that Murkwater Pathway’s immediate access to either black or blue mana upon landing makes it a powerful option for decks that require mana consistency without delay. While other dual lands deliver unique bonuses, the immediacy that Murkwater Pathway affords can be a significant advantage in fast-paced matches.

Temple of Epiphany - Carta Magic versões
Temple of Epiphany - Carta Magic versões

Cartas semelhantes a Clearwater Pathway // Murkwater Pathway por cor, tipo e custo de mana

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: The beauty of the Murkwater Pathway lies in its flexibility, offering two land options in one card. This lets players adapt to their mana needs without sacrificing card economy, effectively providing an advantage without losing hand resources.

Resource Acceleration: With resource acceleration at its core, this dual-faced card ensures that you can access different types of mana from a single land. It steers your game plan forward by enabling a wider range of spells earlier, thanks to its dual nature.

Instant Speed: Unlike spells, lands like Murkwater Pathway can be played at virtually any point in your turn, preserving the element of surprise. It’s akin to having an instant in land form, offering strategic depth as to when and how to deploy your mana resources.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Murkwater Pathway offers two color options, it lacks additional utility and may lead to strategic discards that could weaken your hand and impact your game plan.

Specific Mana Cost: This card provides only black or green mana, which can be restrictive. Decks that operate on a wider spectrum of mana colors might find this pathway limiting.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Though Murkwater Pathway does not have a mana cost itself, securing two different mana colors as compared to other dual lands may require higher initial mana investments, making your early game plays less flexible.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Murkwater Pathway provides unmatched flexibility in land choices, being a modal double-faced card. It enables players to choose between a black mana source on one side or a green source on the other, optimizing mana consistency in multicolored decks without loss of pace.

Combo Potential: As a seamless fit in multicolor decks, especially those utilizing graveyard strategies or landfall triggers, this card can be a linchpin for combo execution. It’s pivotal in enabling the seamless casting of spells that could turn the tide of play with both of its color resources.

Meta-Relevance: Given its ability to adapt to a player’s mana needs on the fly, Murkwater Pathway is particularly relevant in a meta that demands quick and efficient mana fixing. It supports a variety of strategies and archetypes active in the current gameplay environment.

How to Beat Murkwater Pathway

Within the strategic depths of Magic the Gathering, facing up against versatile mana sources like Murkwater Pathway can be tricky. This card allows for smooth mana fixing, being a modal double-faced land with the capability to tap for black or green mana. To effectively challenge this, prioritize hindering your opponent’s mana development.

Land destruction cards or strategies that inhibit land utilization can be effective. Consider running field disruption spells such as Ghost Quarter or Field of Ruin, which can directly target and eliminate key lands like Murkwater Pathway from play. Moreover, efficient land-counter spells like Daze or Mana Leak can prevent your opponent from establishing a stable mana base early in the game.

Keep in mind, disrupting your opponent’s mana flow can serve to delay their game plan, providing you with a strategic edge. In addition, keeping pressure on their resources can prevent them from executing powerful multicolor spells, keeping you ahead in the match. Ultimately, focusing on resource denial can be a powerful way to beat Murkwater Pathway and secure victory.

Onde comprar

Se você deseja comprar um cartão Clearwater Pathway // Murkwater Pathway MTG de um conjunto específico como Magic Online Promos and Secret Lair: Ultimate Edition, há diversas opções confiáveis a serem consideradas. Uma das principais fontes é a loja de jogos local, onde muitas vezes você pode encontrar boosters, cartas individuais e decks pré-construídos de conjuntos atuais e de alguns conjuntos anteriores. Eles geralmente oferecem o benefício adicional de uma comunidade onde você pode negociar com outros jogadores.

Para um inventário mais amplo, especialmente de conjuntos mais antigos, mercados on-line como TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom e Card Market oferecem seleções extensas e permitem que você pesquise cartas de conjuntos específicos. Grandes plataformas de comércio eletrônico, como eBay e Amazon, também têm listagens de vários vendedores, o que pode ser um bom lugar para procurar produtos lacrados e achados raros.

Além disso, o site oficial do Magic geralmente tem um localizador de lojas e listas de varejistas para encontrar a Wizards of the Produtos licenciados pela Costa. Lembre-se de verificar a autenticidade e a condição dos cartões ao comprar, especialmente de vendedores individuais em mercados maiores.

Abaixo está uma lista de alguns sites de lojas onde você pode comprar os Clearwater Pathway // Murkwater Pathway e outras cartas MTG:

BurnMana é parceiro oficial da TCGPlayer
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A carta Clearwater Pathway // Murkwater Pathway Magic the Gathering foi lançada em 5 expansões diferentes entre 2020-05-29 e 2023-05-08. Ilustrado por 3 artistas diferentes.

12002-06-24Magic Online PromosPRM 838582015Modal DFCPretaJohannes Voss
22020-05-29Secret Lair: Ultimate EditionSLU 152015Modal DFCSem bordaAlayna Danner
32020-09-25Zendikar RisingZNR 2862015Modal DFCSem bordaJohannes Voss
42020-09-25Zendikar RisingZNR 2602015Modal DFCPretaDaarken
52020-09-25Zendikar Rising PromosPZNR 260s2015Modal DFCPretaDaarken
62023-05-08From Cute to BrutePCTB 662015Modal DFCPretaDaarken


Magic the Gathering formats where Clearwater Pathway // Murkwater Pathway has restrictions


Regras e informações

O guia de referência para regras de cartas de Magic: The Gathering Clearwater Pathway // Murkwater Pathway fornece decisões oficiais, quaisquer erratas emitidas, bem como um registro de todas as modificações funcionais que ocorreram.

Data Texto
2020-09-25 A modal double-faced card can’t be transformed or be put onto the battlefield transformed. Ignore any instruction to transform a modal double-faced card or to put one onto the battlefield transformed.
2020-09-25 If an effect allows you to play a land or cast a spell from among a group of cards, you may play or cast a modal double-faced card with any face that fits the criteria of that effect.
2020-09-25 If an effect allows you to play a specific modal double-faced card, you may cast it as a spell or play it as a land, as determined by which face you choose to play. If an effect allows you to cast (rather than “play”) a specific modal double-faced card, you can’t play it as a land.
2020-09-25 If an effect instructs a player to choose a card name, the name of either face may be chosen. If that effect or a linked ability refers to a spell with the chosen name being cast and/or a land with the chosen name being played, it considers only the chosen name, not the other face’s name.
2020-09-25 If an effect puts a double-faced card onto the battlefield, it enters with its front face up. If that front face can’t be put onto the battlefield, it doesn’t enter the battlefield.
2020-09-25 In the Commander variant, a double-faced card’s color identity is determined by the mana costs and mana symbols in the rules text of both faces combined. If either face has a color indicator or basic land type, those are also considered.
2020-09-25 The mana value of a modal double-faced card is based on the characteristics of the face that’s being considered. On the stack and battlefield, consider whichever face is up. In all other zones, consider only the front face. This is different than how the mana value of a transforming double-faced card is determined.
2020-09-25 There is a single triangle icon in the top left corner of the front face. There is a double triangle icon in the top left corner of the back face.
2020-09-25 To determine whether it is legal to play a modal double-faced card, consider only the characteristics of the face you’re playing and ignore the other face’s characteristics.