Disputa na Nevasca Carta MTG

Offers potential card advantage by enabling targeted creature removal while maintaining board presence. Encourages resource acceleration through its synergy with snow permanents, empowering offensive strategies. Demands precise timing as a sorcery, reinforcing strategic planning for maximum game impact.
ExpansõesLançada em 2 expansõesVer todas
Custo de mana
Custo convertido de mana1
TipoFeitiço da Neve
Habilidades Fight

Texto da carta

Escolha uma criatura alvo que você controla e uma criatura alvo que você não controla. Se você controla três permanentes da neve ou mais, a criatura que você controla recebe +1/+0 e ganha indestrutível até o final do turno. Em seguida, aquelas criaturas lutam uma com a outra. (Cada uma causa dano igual ao seu poder à outra.)

Cartas similares a Disputa na Nevasca

Blizzard Brawl adds strategic depth to the suite of creature combat tricks in Magic: The Gathering. It’s akin to other spells like Prey Upon that enable two creatures to fight, a clear parallel in function. Still, Blizzard Brawl offers a distinctive feature with the potential to not only initiate a fight but also provide your creature with a power boost and indestructible if you control three or more snow permanents, setting it apart from its counterpart.

Another card that resonates with the same vein is the spell Frost Bite, providing direct damage based on the number of snow permanents you control. Although not a fight mechanic, it’s a relevant comparison for players looking for snow synergy. Rabid Bite also emerges as a comparable card, permitting a one-sided fight to prevent your creature from taking damage. Yet, it lacks the additional protection or snow-related bonuses that Blizzard Brawl presents.

Examining the tactical advantages and unique interactions, Blizzard Brawl secures its position among creature interaction spells in Magic: The Gathering. Its snow dependency adds a layer of intricacy that can be leveraged for significant battlefield impact.

Prey Upon - Carta Magic versões
Frost Bite - Carta Magic versões
Rabid Bite - Carta Magic versões
Prey Upon - Carta Magic versões
Frost Bite - Carta Magic versões
Rabid Bite - Carta Magic versões

Cartas semelhantes a Disputa na Nevasca por cor, tipo e custo de mana

Hurricane - Carta Magic versões
Stream of Life - Carta Magic versões
Metamorphosis - Carta Magic versões
Winter Blast - Carta Magic versões
Sylvan Tutor - Carta Magic versões
Fruition - Carta Magic versões
Salvage - Carta Magic versões
Rofellos's Gift - Carta Magic versões
Thrive - Carta Magic versões
Chatter of the Squirrel - Carta Magic versões
Dwell on the Past - Carta Magic versões
Insist - Carta Magic versões
Primal Might - Carta Magic versões
Scale Up - Carta Magic versões
Glimpse of Nature - Carta Magic versões
Ancient Stirrings - Carta Magic versões
Gelatinous Genesis - Carta Magic versões
Corrosive Gale - Carta Magic versões
Prey Upon - Carta Magic versões
Slime Molding - Carta Magic versões
Hurricane - Carta Magic versões
Stream of Life - Carta Magic versões
Metamorphosis - Carta Magic versões
Winter Blast - Carta Magic versões
Sylvan Tutor - Carta Magic versões
Fruition - Carta Magic versões
Salvage - Carta Magic versões
Rofellos's Gift - Carta Magic versões
Thrive - Carta Magic versões
Chatter of the Squirrel - Carta Magic versões
Dwell on the Past - Carta Magic versões
Insist - Carta Magic versões
Primal Might - Carta Magic versões
Scale Up - Carta Magic versões
Glimpse of Nature - Carta Magic versões
Ancient Stirrings - Carta Magic versões
Gelatinous Genesis - Carta Magic versões
Corrosive Gale - Carta Magic versões
Prey Upon - Carta Magic versões
Slime Molding - Carta Magic versões

Decks que usam a carta

Decks de MTG usando Disputa na Nevasca. Aprofunde-se na estratégia dos decks, cartas de sideboard, listar ideias e exportar para jogar na ARENA ou MOL.

Mono-Green StompyMono-Green Stompy GladiatorGladiator Team Unified League
Gruul StompyGruul Stompy GladiatorGladiator Team Unified League
Gruul MidrangeGruul Midrange GladiatorSword and Sandals Showdown: AM Week 06 2024
Mono-Green RampMono-Green Ramp GladiatorGladiator Team Unified League
Simic TempoSimic Tempo GladiatorGladiator Team Unified League

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Blizzard Brawl provides strategic one-on-one creature combat facilitating potentially favorable board state changes, potentially removing a key threat while retaining your own powerful creature.

Resource Acceleration: The spell’s synergy with snow permanents can turn Blizzard Brawl into a low-cost yet potent removal option, paving the way for resource acceleration by clearing the board of blockers and opening a path for your attackers.

Instant Speed: While Blizzard Brawl does not function at instant speed, its sorcery speed demands careful planning, encouraging strategic play. Utilizing it at the optimum moment can dramatically shift the momentum of the game in your favor.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Initiating the Blizzard Brawl card effect requires players to remove a card from your hand, potentially delimiting strategic resources or valuable plays in tight game scenarios.

Specific Mana Cost: Blizzard Brawl mandates a precise mana alignment, needing at least one green mana which may not synergize well with decks that don’t heavily feature green or multicolor flexibility.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: The card’s cost demands a notable investment of four mana. Players might find themselves choosing between the immediate board impact of Blizzard Brawl and other options that could provide more versatile solutions or lower-cost alternatives.

Reasons to Include Blizzard Brawl in Your Collection

Versatility: Blizzard Brawl shines in decks that capitalize on creatures and power boosts. This spell allows your creatures to take out key threats by turning a simple creature into an unexpected powerhouse for a turn. Its ability to be slotted into any deck with substantial green presence makes it a flexible addition to your arsenal.

Combo Potential: This card also pairs well with strategies that benefit from having creatures with high power. It works especially well in decks that are heavy on +1/+1 counters, or in combination with cards designed to protect valuable creatures, as it allows you to pick and win battles on your terms.

Meta-Relevance: Given its capacity to tilt creature matchups in your favor for a very low mana cost, Blizzard Brawl holds a significant place in the current meta. Creature-heavy decks and those looking for effective removal options will find Blizzard Brawl a cost-efficient and effective tool for maintaining board control.

How to beat

The Blizzard Brawl spell in Magic: The Gathering introduces a strategic layer to creature battles. Known for its ability to effectively tip the scales in combat by granting a creature a power boost and indestructibility for the turn, Blizzard Brawl has quickly become a staple in any deck that leverages snow permanents. To counteract this spell, players need to think about timing and the types of cards that can disrupt this advantage. Spells that can remove the creature before Blizzard Brawl resolves, such as instant-speed removals or counterspells, can prevent the fight from happening at all.

Additionally, utilizing mechanics like hexproof or protection from green can ensure your creatures remain unaffected by such confrontations. Moreover, since Blizzard Brawl requires at least three snow permanents for its full effect, managing opponents’ snow lands through land destruction or utilizing cards that restrict the type of mana that can be used might reduce its impact. In essence, knowing when to neutralize the opponent’s creatures and understanding the setup Blizzard Brawl requires are key in mastering how to beat this potent green sorcery.

BurnMana Recommendations

Dive into the strategic nuances of Blizzard Brawl and refine your MTG gameplay. Discover how this green sorcery can be a game-changer by selectively removing opponents’ threats, potentially swinging the match in your favor. Embrace the challenges of mana alignment and become adept at timing your plays to maximize this card’s potential. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the battlefield, integrating Blizzard Brawl into your deck can offer you an edge against the competition. Sharpen your deck-building skills and elevate your understanding of match dynamics with us. Expand your MTG horizons by tapping into the full power of Blizzard Brawl.

Onde comprar

Se você deseja comprar um cartão Blizzard Brawl // Blizzard Brawl MTG de um conjunto específico como Kaldheim Art Series and Kaldheim, há diversas opções confiáveis a serem consideradas. Uma das principais fontes é a loja de jogos local, onde muitas vezes você pode encontrar boosters, cartas individuais e decks pré-construídos de conjuntos atuais e de alguns conjuntos anteriores. Eles geralmente oferecem o benefício adicional de uma comunidade onde você pode negociar com outros jogadores.

Para um inventário mais amplo, especialmente de conjuntos mais antigos, mercados on-line como TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom e Card Market oferecem seleções extensas e permitem que você pesquise cartas de conjuntos específicos. Grandes plataformas de comércio eletrônico, como eBay e Amazon, também têm listagens de vários vendedores, o que pode ser um bom lugar para procurar produtos lacrados e achados raros.

Além disso, o site oficial do Magic geralmente tem um localizador de lojas e listas de varejistas para encontrar a Wizards of the Produtos licenciados pela Costa. Lembre-se de verificar a autenticidade e a condição dos cartões ao comprar, especialmente de vendedores individuais em mercados maiores.

Abaixo está uma lista de alguns sites de lojas onde você pode comprar os Blizzard Brawl // Blizzard Brawl e outras cartas MTG:

BurnMana é parceiro oficial da TCGPlayer
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A carta Blizzard Brawl // Blizzard Brawl Magic the Gathering foi lançada em 2 expansões diferentes entre 2021-02-05 e 2021-02-05. Ilustrado por Manuel Castañón.

12021-02-05Kaldheim Art SeriesAKHM 412015Série de arteSem bordaManuel Castañón
22021-02-05KaldheimKHM 1622015NormalPretaManuel Castañón


Magic the Gathering formats where Disputa na Nevasca has restrictions


Regras e informações

O guia de referência para regras de cartas de Magic: The Gathering Disputa na Nevasca fornece decisões oficiais, quaisquer erratas emitidas, bem como um registro de todas as modificações funcionais que ocorreram.

Data Texto
2021-02-05 Check whether you control three or more snow permanents as Blizzard Brawl is resolving to see if the target creature you control gets +1/+0 and gains indestructible. That creature will still fight even if it doesn’t get those bonuses.
2021-02-05 If either target is an illegal target as Blizzard Brawl tries to resolve, neither creature will fight and no damage will be dealt.
2021-02-05 If the creature you control is still a legal target as Blizzard Brawl tries to resolve but the target creature you don’t control isn’t, the creature you control will still get the bonuses until end of turn.
2021-02-05 Snow is a supertype, not a card type. It has no rules meaning or function by itself, but spells and abilities may refer to it.
2021-02-05 Snow isn’t a type of mana. If an effect says you may spend mana as though it were any type, you can’t pay for {S} using mana that wasn’t produced by a snow source.
2021-02-05 Some cards have additional effects for each {S} spent to cast them. You can cast these spells even if you don’t spend any snow mana to cast them; their additional effects simply won’t do anything.
2021-02-05 The Kaldheim set doesn’t have any cards with mana costs that include {S}, but some previous sets do. If an effect says such a spell costs less to cast, that reduction doesn’t apply to any {S} costs. This is also true for activated abilities that include {S} in their activation costs and effects that reduce those costs.
2021-02-05 The {S} symbol is a generic mana symbol. It represents a cost that can be paid by one mana that was produced by a snow source. That mana can be any color or colorless.
2021-02-05 You can’t cast Blizzard Brawl unless you choose both a creature you control and one you don’t control as targets.