Wurmcalling MTG Card

Buyback ability allows for continuous wurm token creation, sustaining board advantage over the opponent. Scalable mana cost makes Wurmcalling adaptable to various stages of the game, complementing ramp strategies. Instant speed casting offers strategic flexibility, making Wurmcalling a potent tactical play at any turn.
Wurmcalling - Time Spiral
Mana cost
Converted mana cost1
Abilities Buyback
Set symbol
Set nameTime Spiral
Set codeTSP
Illustred byJeff Easley

Text of card

Buyback (You may pay an additional as you play this spell. If you do, put this card into your hand as it resolves.) Put an X/X green Wurm creature token into play.

Cards like Wurmcalling

Wurmcalling is an intriguing spell that plants its roots in the fertile ground of creature creation within Magic: The Gathering. A sibling to other token-generating spells like Squirrel Nest, Wurmcalling brings to the table the ability to buyback—paying an additional cost to return the spell to your hand instead of the graveyard. While Squirrel Nest passively produces creatures, Wurmcalling demands more active investment of mana.

Like Wurmcalling, cards such as Kessig Wolf Run represent the green’s knack for ramping up the game. Both cards escalate in power with more mana at your disposal, but Kessig Wolf Run enhances creatures already on the battlefield, as opposed to Wurmcalling’s strategy of creating new ones. Another relative in this family is Entreat the Angels, capable of creating multiple creatures as well but working off a different axis with its miracle cost, offering a potentially sudden swarm of angels for a reduced cost under the right circumstances.

In weighing the merits of each, Wurmcalling stands out due to its flexible buyback feature, allowing repeated use and a steady stream of formidable wurm tokens that can turn the tide of a match in favor of the strategic and mana-rich player.

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Kessig Wolf Run - MTG Card versions
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Squirrel Nest - MTG Card versions
Kessig Wolf Run - MTG Card versions
Entreat the Angels - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Wurmcalling by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Wurmcalling boasts a unique feature of buyback, allowing players to repeatedly cast the spell to create multiple Wurm tokens. This mechanism offers a sustained method to augment your board presence and maintain card efficiency throughout the game.

Resource Acceleration: The scalable nature of Wurmcalling’s mana cost means that it pairs perfectly with ramp strategies. The ability to invest any amount of mana into X and potentially repeat this process in future turns ensures that the card adapts to both early game setups and late-game mana surpluses.

Instant Speed: Despite being a sorcery, ranking high in player’s toolkit due to the enormous flexibility of playing it whenever it suits your strategy best. Whether you’re filling the board with creatures during your turn or waiting to see how your opponent’s turn unfolds, Wurmcalling can be a tactical asset at any point in the match.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: One of the limitations of Wurmcalling is the lack of an inherent discard requirement. Although the absence of a discard is generally positive, it means the card does not facilitate any graveyard strategies or enablers for cards that could benefit from being in the graveyard, slightly narrowing its strategic use.

Specific Mana Cost: Wurmcalling requires a specific green mana investment, which can make it less flexible in decks that aren’t heavily green. Those playing multicolored or less mana-stable decks might find it challenging to reliably cast Wurmcalling when needed.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a base mana cost that can be deemed as high for its initial effect, players may find it less appealing early in the game. Other creature spells or token-generating cards could potentially provide a more immediate board presence or impact at a lower mana investment.

Reasons to Include Wurmcalling in Your Collection

Versatility: Wurmcalling offers a flexible solution for green decks seeking to scale their threats in sync with available mana. Its buyback feature means it can repeatedly create Wurm tokens as a recurring investment.

Combo Potential: Green decks often center around creature synergies, and Wurmcalling excels here. It fits naturally into strategies that benefit from creature token generation, from boosting Devotion counts to enabling sacrifice engines.

Meta-Relevance: In metas where board presence and creature advantage are key, Wurmcalling provides consistency. The ability to custom-tailor your creature production to match the game’s pace makes it a valuable asset against many deck archetypes.

How to beat Wurmcalling

Wurmcalling is a unique spell in the game of Magic: The Gathering that brings versatility and power to the battlefield by creating Wurm tokens. When facing such a card, it’s important to focus on removal of these tokens to stop the potential swarm. Cards such as Wrath of God or Damnation can sweep the battlefield clean, regardless of the size of the tokens. This tactic neutralizes the Wurmcalling advantage effectively.

Graveyard manipulation is another avenue to disrupt a Wurmcalling strategy. Since Wurmcalling has buyback, spells like Relic of Progenitus or Bojuka Bog can exile it from the game completely, thus preventing repetitive plays. On another front, countermagic remains a solid choice – countering a Wurmcalling without its buyback paid saves you future headaches.

Finally, taking control of the match’s tempo can hinder a Wurmcalling user. Quick, aggressive strategies can outpace the mana investment required for both casting Wurmcalling and paying its buyback cost, leading to a victory before the wurms become overwhelming. Keeping these tactics in mind, you can construct your deck in a manner that minimizes the impact of Wurmcalling and secures your success over this formidable card.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Wurmcalling MTG card by a specific set like Time Spiral, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Wurmcalling and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Wurmcalling has restrictions
