Witch's Cauldron MTG Card

Witch’s Cauldron grants card draw at instant speed, leveraging creature sacrifice for deck momentum. Its synergistic potential can accelerate resources in decks built around creature-sacrifice mechanics. Cost and color specificity can limit deck inclusion, favoring black mana or versatile mana bases.
Card setsReleased in 3 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost1

Text of card

, , Sacrifice a creature: You gain 1 life and draw a card.

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Cards like Witch's Cauldron

Witch’s Cauldron offers a unique twist to MTG’s array of sac-outlet cards. A notable parallel can be drawn to Viscera Seer, which also serves as a free sacrifice outlet. While Viscera Seer allows scrying to reorder the library, Witch’s Cauldron presents the benefit of drawing a card at the expense of a creature. This additional step can be a game-changer in decks that thrive on card advantage.

Altar’s Reap shares a similar space, enabling a player to sacrifice a creature as a means to draw cards. However, unlike Witch’s Cauldron that can be used multiple times as long as you have creatures to sacrifice, Altar’s Reap is a one-off instant with an additional cost of mana. Another comparable card is Skirsdag High Priest, which transforms a creature sacrifice into a potent demon token. While it doesn’t directly replace itself with card draw, the produced token could be strategically more valuable depending on the board state.

Each of these cards offers its distinct advantages in creature-focused strategies. Witch’s Cauldron stands out for its repeatability and no mana requirement for the draw, aligning well with decks aiming for continuous access to new resources through creature sacrifice.

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Altar's Reap - MTG Card versions
Skirsdag High Priest - MTG Card versions
Viscera Seer - MTG Card versions
Altar's Reap - MTG Card versions
Skirsdag High Priest - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Witch's Cauldron by color, type and mana cost

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Decks using this card

MTG decks using Witch's Cauldron. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Witch’s Cauldron offers a strategic asset in any MTG player’s deck, especially in decks focused on creature strategies. By sacrificing a creature, you can draw a card, allowing you to replace resources in your hand and keep your options open during the match.

Resource Acceleration: While not directly producing mana or treasure tokens, the Witch’s Cauldron can be pivotal in decks that synergize with sacrificing creatures. It can help accelerate your resources by cycling through your deck faster, finding the key cards that allow for powerful plays or combo setups.

Instant Speed: The ability to activate Witch’s Cauldron at instant speed grants you the flexibility to respond to your opponent’s actions. You can decide to sacrifice a creature in response to removal, ensuring you glean value from the card that would otherwise be lost. This reactive capability is a valuable tool in maintaining momentum and thwarting your opponent’s strategies.

Card Cons

Specific Mana Cost: Witch’s Cauldron requires one black mana, which may restrict its inclusion to decks that run black mana or have a way to generate any color mana.

Discard Requirement: While not requiring the discard of a card, Witch’s Cauldron necessitates the sacrifice of a creature, which can be a costly requirement, particularly if you’re low on creatures or if the creatures have higher value on the board.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With an activation cost of two mana and the additional sacrifice of a creature to draw a card, Witch’s Cauldron can be less mana-efficient compared to other card draw options or sacrifice outlets available in the MTG pool.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Witch’s Cauldron offers a unique flexibility to various deck archetypes. Its ability to sacrifice a creature for card draw and life gain can be integrated into aggro strategies seeking sustainability, or into control decks needing to sift through the library for answers.

Combo Potential: Paired with token generators or undying creatures, the cauldron can become part of an engine, churning out value. It’s especially potent in Aristocrat-style decks that benefit from sacrificing their own creatures for various effects.

Meta-Relevance: Against a backdrop of recurring board wipes and removal-heavy environments, Witch’s Cauldron maintains card flow by turning your creatures into new draws, buffering against potential card disadvantage and keeping your strategy resilient.

How to beat

Witch’s Cauldron is an intriguing artifact in MTG that allows players to sacrifice a creature to gain card advantage and life, a classic example of black’s sacrificial synergies. This mechanic is reminiscent of cards like Altar’s Reap and Village Rites, but Witch’s Cauldron offers repeatable use at the cost of one black mana per activation.

To counter this cauldron’s magic, strategic removal of the Cauldron itself is key. Cards like Nature’s Claim or Disenchant can remove the Cauldron before it brews trouble, denying your opponent value. Additionally, graveyard hate cards like Grafdigger’s Cage can prevent the use of creatures from the graveyard, cutting off the fuel for the Cauldron. Lastly, controlling the board by limiting your opponent’s creature count makes the Cauldron less effective, as it relies on creatures being available to sacrifice.

Efficiently managing your removal resources and keeping pressure on your opponent can make Witch’s Cauldron much less of a threat. By understanding the mechanics behind it and implementing these strategies, you stand a better chance of rendering the Cauldron powerless and keeping your opponent from gaining the upper hand.

BurnMana Recommendations

Understanding the nuanced capabilities of Witch’s Cauldron in MTG can transform your gameplay experience. This card is a treasure for decks that revolve around sacrificing creatures, offering both card draw and life gain to sustain your presence in the game. Whether you’re weaving intricate strategies with combo plays or building a resilient deck that can survive targeted removals, Witch’s Cauldron is a versatile addition worth exploring. If you’re looking to enhance your deck’s performance or merely curious about integrating this potent artifact into your lineup, we invite you to learn more with us. Forge new strategies, outmaneuver opponents, and ignite your MTG matches with the expert insights we offer.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Witch's Cauldron MTG card by a specific set like Core Set 2021 and Jumpstart 2022, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Witch's Cauldron and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Witch's Cauldron Magic the Gathering card was released in 3 different sets between 2020-07-03 and 2023-08-04. Illustrated by Jason A. Engle.

12020-07-03Core Set 2021M21 1292015NormalBlackJason A. Engle
22022-12-02Jumpstart 2022J22 4902015NormalBlackJason A. Engle
32023-08-04Commander MastersCMM 1992015NormalBlackJason A. Engle


Magic the Gathering formats where Witch's Cauldron has restrictions
