Train of Thought MTG Card

Replicate capability enhances card advantage and resource acceleration, essential for deck versatility. Maneuvering around its mana specificity and cost requires strategic deckbuilding and timing. When utilized effectively, it can significantly impact gameplay, especially in longer matches.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
Abilities Replicate

Text of card

Replicate (When you play this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost.) Draw a card.

"But then . . . oh, but . . . which means . . . which would lead to . . . exactly!"

Cards like Train of Thought

In the strategic world of Magic: The Gathering, Train of Thought presents itself as a uniquely adaptable card draw spell. It echoes the blue mantra of accumulating knowledge, much like the card draw staple Opt. Opt offers instant speed card selection for a single mana, giving you the ability to scry before you draw. However, Train of Thought adds a twist with its replicate mechanic, potentially drawing multiple cards at the expense of additional mana.

Another comparable spell is Concentrate, which for a higher initial cost provides a no-frills draw of three cards. It lacks the scalability of Train of Thought but is predictably solid for decks in need of mid-game card replenishment. Perhaps the closest relative is Ponder, allowing for the reshuffling of your library and the draw of a card at just one mana. It offers less raw card advantage compared to Train of Thought’s replicate ability but boasts a lower cost and provides valuable library manipulation.

When evaluating the plethora of card draw options available to players, Train of Thought’s versatility allows it to shine in scenarios where mana reserves are high, suggesting its inclusion could be key in decks that ramp or have access to substantial mana late in the game.

Opt - MTG Card versions
Concentrate - MTG Card versions
Ponder - MTG Card versions
Opt - MTG Card versions
Concentrate - MTG Card versions
Ponder - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Train of Thought by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Train of Thought ensures that you stay ahead in the card count, allowing you to keep a full hand and giving you more options for play. Each copy drawn adds to this benefit.

Resource Acceleration: With its replicate mechanic, Train of Thought has the potential to multiply your resources, giving you a burst of card draw that can significantly increase your plays and overall board presence.

Instant Speed: This ability is vital for flexibility. Train of Thought can be played at the end of your opponent’s turn, effectively saving mana and keeping you ready to respond to an opponent’s moves without sacrificing the opportunity to develop your strategies.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: One limiting factor of Train of Thought is that initiating its ability requires the discarding of a card. This can impact your hand negatively, particularly when you’re already struggling with card advantage or trying to maintain specific combo pieces in your grip.

Specific Mana Cost: Train of Thought comes with a blue mana cost that can be restrictive. If you’re running a multi-colored deck, the necessity for blue mana may not always align with your mana base, potentially leading to a delay in casting it at a crucial moment.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a casting cost that isn’t negligible, Train of Thought may compete with other spells in your hand. Considering the card’s overall impact, it’s important to weigh whether its cost is justifiable, especially in formats where mana efficiency is key to outpacing opponents.

Reasons to Include Train of Thought in Your Collection

Versatility: Train of Thought is a flexible card that adapts well to various deck builds. Its ability to draw multiple cards means it can be useful in decks that focus on card advantage or those needing to dig for specific answers or combo pieces.

Combo Potential: This card shines in formats where replicating spells can lead to significant benefits. It can multiply its effectiveness, becoming a powerhouse in decks that capitalize on casting numerous spells in a single turn or those that manipulate spell copies for a substantial impact.

Meta-Relevance: In environments where long games and complex board states are common, Train of Thought can give you the edge by replenishing your hand, ensuring you have the resources to outlast and outplay your opponents.

How to beat

Train of Thought presents a novel dynamic in the realm of card draw mechanics in Magic: The Gathering. The card allows a player to draw a quantity of cards equal to the number of times the spell was replicated. This can potentially lead to a substantial card advantage. To counter this card, denying the opponent the opportunity to replicate the spell is key. Strategies to accomplish this include countering the original spell, which prevents any copies from being created, or playing cards that limit the number of spells an opponent can cast in a turn, hence restricting the replication process.

Another effective method involves pressuring the mana base. Since replicating Train of Thought requires additional mana for each copy, disrupting the opponent’s land development can cripple their ability to replicate extensively. Lastly, having instant-speed removal or counterspells reserved can discourage an opponent from investing many resources into a single replicated spell, knowing it could be neutralized with ease. By staying one step ahead and predicting when your opponent might play Train of Thought, you can optimize your resources to ensure their replicating efforts are thwarted. Considering these tactics will help you maintain control of the game and diminish the advantage Train of Thought would otherwise provide to your adversary.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Train of Thought MTG card by a specific set like Guildpact and Duel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Train of Thought and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Train of Thought Magic the Gathering card was released in 2 different sets between 2006-02-03 and 2012-09-07. Illustrated by Matt Thompson.

12006-02-03GuildpactGPT 392003NormalBlackMatt Thompson
22012-09-07Duel Decks: Izzet vs. GolgariDDJ 192003NormalBlackMatt Thompson


Magic the Gathering formats where Train of Thought has restrictions
