Thornglint Bridge MTG Card

Thornglint Bridge enhances deck consistency by offering card and mana advantage without coming in tapped. Instant-speed mana access from the Bridge allows dynamic play and intricate game state reactions. Thornglint Bridge’s creature transformation, despite its cost, adds a versatile threat to the board.
Card setsReleased in 4 setsSee all
TypeArtifact Land
Abilities Indestructible

Text of card

Thornglint Bridge enters the battlefield tapped. Indestructible : Add or .

The path to growth is forged in balance.

Cards like Thornglint Bridge

Thornglint Bridge has made a notable entry into the landscape of mana-fixing lands within Magic: The Gathering. It stands on common ground with other lands such as Sejiri Refuge, which provides life gain along with colored mana access. Yet, Thornglint Bridge offers a unique twist – it enters the battlefield untapped if you control two or more other lands, which aids in maintaining tempo.

Examining other comparable lands, we stumble upon Mirrodin’s Alloy Myr, which, similar to Thornglint Bridge, offers flexibility in mana generation. However, unlike our artifact lands, Alloy Myr is susceptible to creature removal, which can be a significant downside. Furthermore, Thornwood Falls is also a likeness; it enters the play tapped but shares the life gain advantage. Despite this, the inability to produce mana immediately can be seen as a drawback in comparison to Thornglint Bridge’s conditional untapped feature.

Assessing the value and functionality, Thornglint Bridge presents itself as a valuable addition, especially in multi-colored or artifact-centric decks that rely on a smooth and versatile mana base in Magic: The Gathering. Its particular conditions for entering the battlefield untapped could often give players the edge they need during crucial moments of the game.

Sejiri Refuge - MTG Card versions
Alloy Myr - MTG Card versions
Thornwood Falls - MTG Card versions
Sejiri Refuge - MTG Card versions
Alloy Myr - MTG Card versions
Thornwood Falls - MTG Card versions

Decks using this card

MTG decks using Thornglint Bridge. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

BoglesBogles PauperBoglesPauper League 2023-12-02
MonarchMonarch PauperMonarchPauper Challenge 64 2023-12-03 (1)
Five-color ComboFive-color Combo LegacyPainterCharlotte Legacy League Season 2 Week 1
Boros EphemerateBoros Ephemerate PauperBoros EphemeratePauper Challenge 32 2023-12-02 (1)
WGWG PauperPauper Challenge 32 2024-01-07

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Thornglint Bridge offers the advantage of digging deeper into your deck with its look at the top card feature, enabling better planning and decision-making round by round.

Resource Acceleration: With its ability to tap for mana without entering the battlefield tapped, Thornglint Bridge allows for smoother and faster development of your board, setting you up for crucial plays ahead of your opponent.

Instant Speed: Providing mana at instant speed is a subtle yet impactful aspect of Thornglint Bridge, granting you the flexibility to react swiftly to the evolving game state, from casting disruption to utilizing activated abilities when most needed.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Thornglint Bridge provides a means to tap for mana or become a creature, activating its second ability necessitates discarding a card. This can be particularly taxing if your hand is already dwindling, potentially forcing you to relinquish valuable resources just to maximize the utility of this card.

Specific Mana Cost: Thornglint Bridge has a specific mana cost to turn into a creature which not all decks might accommodate efficiently. Since it requires green mana to activate, it inherently favors green-centric or multicolor decks that can easily meet this criterion, possibly excluding it from color-restricted or mana-tight strategies.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: To unlock its full potential as a creature, Thornglint Bridge incurs a notable mana investment. When considering the rate of card efficiency, other mana-producing cards or creatures could offer similar or greater advantages with less expenditure, placing Thornglint Bridge at a competitive disadvantage in decks focused on optimizing mana curves.

Reasons to Include Thornglint Bridge in Your Collection

Versatility: Thornglint Bridge seamlessly integrates into various deck builds, particularly those that require mana fixing or benefit from having a diverse set of lands. As a modal dual-faced card, it offers the flexibility of a land when needed or can be played as a spell to keep your options open.

Combo Potential: Equipped with the potential to tap for any color mana when you control two or more creatures, Thornglint Bridge can be a key component in enabling combos or casting spells that demand a wide spectrum of mana. This dual land enhances the consistency and efficiency of your plays.

Meta-Relevance: Given its capacity to smooth out mana and aid multi-colored decks, Thornglint Bridge holds its value in a variable meta. In environments where mana diversity and landing your key spells on curve are paramount, this card becomes an essential piece in managing and executing your strategy.

How to beat Thornglint Bridge

Thornglint Bridge assumes a unique role as a land card in Magic: The Gathering with the versatility to tap for mana or help control the battlefield. Its ability isn’t combat-centric, but rather serves the strategic aspect of gameplay, fortifying the player’s position. The land’s prominent feature allows it to generate one mana of any color, provided you’ve entered the battlefield with a creature that has power two or less this turn. This opens the door to swift and diverse mana acceleration, supporting a multitude of deck strategies.

Defeating a deck that includes Thornglint Bridge involves minimizing the effectiveness of such mana flexibility. This can be done through several tactics. Stifling your opponent’s ability to deploy creatures with power two or less prevents the Bridge from achieving its maximum potential. Employing removal spells and counterspells are effective ways to handle small creatures, hindering their synergy with the Bridge. Additionally, land destruction, although less common, provides a direct way to eliminate the card, undercutting the resource advantage it confers.

Ultimately, understanding your opponent’s strategy and disrupting their plays remains key. While Thornglint Bridge can be a linchpin for a variety of MTG decks, knowing how to efficiently dismantle the interconnected components of your opponent’s strategy is paramount in preventing this land card from tipping the scales in their favor.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Thornglint Bridge MTG card by a specific set like Modern Horizons 2 and Modern Horizons 2 Art Series, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Thornglint Bridge and other MTG cards:

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Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


The Thornglint Bridge Magic the Gathering card was released in 3 different sets between 2021-06-18 and 2022-07-28. Illustrated by Randy Gallegos.

12021-06-18Modern Horizons 2MH2 2582015NormalBlackRandy Gallegos
22021-06-18Modern Horizons 2 Art SeriesAMH2 81s2015Art seriesBorderlessRandy Gallegos
32021-06-18Modern Horizons 2 Art SeriesAMH2 812015Art seriesBorderlessRandy Gallegos
42022-07-28Historic Anthology 6HA6 202015NormalBlackRandy Gallegos


Magic the Gathering formats where Thornglint Bridge has restrictions
