The Atropal MTG Card

Enables drawing extra cards, offering strategic advantage and hand superiority. Ramps resources for quicker, impactful plays on the battlefield. Demands specific mana and comes with a higher casting cost.
The Atropal - Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
TypeToken Legendary Creature — God Horror
Abilities Deathtouch
Set symbol
Set nameAdventures in the Forgotten Realms
Set codeAFR
Power 4
Toughness 4
Illustred byNicholas Gregory

Text of card


Cards like The Atropal

The Atropal card in MTG draws interesting parallels with other creatures in the realm of high-impact cards that shape the game with their presence. Looming like a shadow over the battlefield, it reminds seasoned players of other daunting creatures like Desecration Demon. Both offer significant board presence and can dictate the pace of a match with their abilities and sheer power. Desecration Demon, though lacking in the self-reanimating potential of The Atropal, still stands as a comparable threat that opponents must answer swiftly.

Another kin in terror is the Grave Titan, a giant that spawns dread with every attack, supplying its controller with a constant stream of Zombie tokens. While The Atropal doesn’t create creatures directly, its capacity to come back from the graveyard can wear down an opponent just as effectively. It’s this relentless resurgence that sets The Atropal apart from the Titan, giving players using it the psychological edge of having an undying entity.

When comparing the dread-inducing capabilities and the way these cards can pivot the game’s momentum, The Atropal fits snugly into the conversation among MTG’s most formidable creatures. It brings a unique twist to the archetype with its undying nature and strategic depth, potentially making it a staple in decks that triumph through resilience and persistence.

Desecration Demon - MTG Card versions
Grave Titan - MTG Card versions
Desecration Demon - MTG Card versions
Grave Titan - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: The Atropal Mtg card shines when it comes to card advantage. By providing an avenue to potentially draw multiple cards, it can bolster your hand, giving you the leverage needed to outmaneuver opponents over the course of the game.

Resource Acceleration: Another benefit of the Atropal card is its capability to ramp up your resources. This acceleration is crucial in building a formidable presence on the battlefield, allowing you to deploy threats or answers more efficiently than your adversary.

Instant Speed: The flexibility of instant speed cannot be overstated. With the Atropal, the power to act during your opponent’s turn, or in response to their moves, puts you at a significant strategic advantage, enabling you to adapt and react seamlessly to the ever-changing tides of MTG gameplay.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Engaging with The Atropal card often entails a discard requirement that can be a hurdle, especially when your hand is already dwindling. Letting go of potentially crucial cards to get The Atropal in play could cost you strategic opportunities during the game.

Specific Mana Cost: The Atropal demands a particular combination of mana types for casting. This necessitates a deck built around these mana specifications, which might restrict deck diversity and the incorporation of this captivating creature into various archetypes.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Casting The Atropal comes with a relatively hefty mana investment. This makes the card a late-game option rather than a quick play, potentially slowing down your game plan and offering an edge to opponents utilizing more cost-efficient creatures and spells.

Reasons to Include The Atropal in Your Collection

Versatility: The Atropal card offers flexibility to a variety of deck styles. Its unique abilities can serve as a pivot point for gameplay, enabling strategies that focus on life-total manipulation or creature control.

Combo Potential: With its inherent synergies, The Atropal can enable a range of combos, particularly in decks that capitalize on life-draining effects or the summoning of multiple creatures to activate its formidable abilities.

Meta-Relevance: Given the ever-shifting nature of the MTG meta-game, The Atropal can be a timely addition to your deck, especially if current trends lean towards longer, more drawn-out matches where its powers can become increasingly impactful.

How to beat

The Atropal card in Magic: The Gathering is a unique entity that can be quite the challenge on the battlefield. Defeating this card requires strategic planning and a good understanding of your own deck’s capabilities. One proven method to gain an advantage against The Atropal is using exile effects. Cards like Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares can remove The Atropal from the game before its abilities have a chance to impact the board.

Counterspells are another effective line of defense. Having a Mana Leak or Counterspell ready when your opponent attempts to cast The Atropal will ensure that it never becomes a threat. Additionally, creature removal spells that can target and destroy The Atropal before its detrimental effects take hold are critical. Examples include Murder or Doom Blade, which serve as efficient ways to handle such creatures.

Lastly, be mindful of the timing of your moves. If you anticipate your opponent may have The Atropal in hand, try to bait out their stronger cards first or keep back mana for reactionary spells. Successfully overcoming this formidable MTG card demands foresight and a proactive approach, which can ultimately tilt the odds in your favor.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase The Atropal MTG card by a specific set like Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the The Atropal and other MTG cards:

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