Sanctum of Shattered Heights MTG Card

This enchantment transforms extra cards into damage, optimizing card advantage and maintaining in-game momentum. Its instant speed activation offers strategic flexibility, letting players disrupt opponents unexpectedly. However, its built-in discard requirement and specific mana costs may limit its use in certain decks.
Sanctum of Shattered Heights - Core Set 2021
Mana cost
Converted mana cost3
TypeLegendary Enchantment — Shrine
Set symbol
Set nameCore Set 2021
Set codeM21
Illustred byJohannes Voss

Text of card

, Discard a land card or Shrine card: Sanctum of Shattered Heights deals X damage to target creature or planeswalker, where X is the number of Shrines you control.

Rage smolders within, An all-consuming wildfire Burning fear to ash

Cards like Sanctum of Shattered Heights

Sanctum of Shattered Heights is an intriguing card in Magic: the Gathering, offering a unique effect for players who enjoy looting and controlling the board. Its ability to discard a land card or Shrine to deal damage to a creature or planeswalker compares to Seismic Assault, which similarly allows discarding land cards to deal damage. However, Seismic Assault deals the damage to any target, providing a wider range of options but at a higher mana cost for playing the card.

Another counterpart to consider is Ayula’s Influence, which turns a land discard into a 2/2 Bear creature token, changing the approach from direct damage to creature board presence. The influence is well-suited for decks that benefit from creature synergies rather than direct removal offered by Sanctum of Shattered Heights. Then there’s Molten Vortex, offering a lower-cost alternative for dealing damage per land card discarded but lacking the Shrine synergy that Sanctum offers.

When we look at these alternatives, Sanctum of Shattered Heights stands out for Shrine-based decks and offers flexibility in a long game with its scalable damage output tied to the Shrine’s presence. Each card provides value in its own right, but for players who capitalize on Shrines, Sanctum of Shattered Heights carves its niche in the Magic: the Gathering landscape.

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Molten Vortex - MTG Card versions
Seismic Assault - MTG Card versions
Ayula's Influence - MTG Card versions
Molten Vortex - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Sanctum of Shattered Heights by color, type and mana cost

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Decks using this card

MTG decks using Sanctum of Shattered Heights. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

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DecklistDecklist Free form81#CS

Card Pros

Card Advantage: The Sanctum of Shattered Heights offers a unique approach to card advantage. This enchantment allows you to utilize excess lands or unwanted cards in your hand, turning them into potential damage against creatures or planeswalkers, thus maintaining pressure on your opponent without losing resource momentum.

Resource Acceleration: By converting any card from your hand into a source of direct damage, Sanctum of Shattered Heights accelerates the resource use within the game. It ensures that each card you hold has a potential impact, making it valuable during the later stages of the match where every card counts.

Instant Speed: The ability to discard a land card to activate Sanctum of Shattered Heights at instant speed adds a layer of flexibility to your strategy. It allows you to react on the fly to threats and can be used strategically during your opponent’s turn to take them off guard, potentially disrupting their plans without warning.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Sanctum of Shattered Heights demands that you discard a card for its ability to function, making it less favorable when your hand is already sparse. Such a requirement could lead to a depletion of valuable resources during critical gameplay moments.

Specific Mana Cost: Building around this particular card can be challenging given its precise mana necessities. Considering it requires red mana, its integration into multicolor decks could be hindered, limiting deck-building versatility and potentially affecting consistency during matches.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: The activation cost could be seen as steep, considering alternative cards could provide similar or greater impact on the game board for less mana investment. This might render the Sanctum of Shattered Heights less effective in a fast-paced game where mana efficiency is key to victory.

Reasons to Include Sanctum of Shattered Heights in Your Collection

Versatility: Sanctum of Shattered Heights offers a unique flexibility due to its enchantment type, allowing it to enhance decks that capitalize on enchantment synergies. Its ability to turn excess cards into direct damage allows it to be useful in various stages of the game, making it a versatile pick for many red-based decks.

Combo Potential: This card has significant combo potential in the right build. It pairs well with decks that generate a surplus of cards in hand or can benefit from discard strategies. Its ability to dispose of unneeded lands or spells late in the game can be a game-changer by turning them into a source of damage.

Meta-Relevance: As the game environment constantly shifts, having cards that can adapt to different threats is valuable. In a meta filled with utility creatures or key artifacts, Sanctum of Shattered Heights can be a critical sideboard card or even a main-deck choice to keep opposing strategies in check.

How to beat Sanctum of Shattered Heights

Sanctum of Shattered Heights adds a strategic layer to deck building and in-game tactics in Magic: The Gathering. It allows players to turn lands into shock-like effects, making it a versatile tool for controlling the board. However, overcoming this card requires a clear plan. One effective strategy is to limit the number of cards your opponent can hold, therefore restricting the fuel for Sanctum’s ability. Employing hand disruption effects can pressure your opponent into making unfavorable decisions or parting with the lands they’d need to activate Sanctum.

It’s also beneficial to prioritize threats that can bypass the damage-dealing capacity of Sanctum of Shattered Heights. Creatures with higher toughness can withstand the damage, and those with abilities like indestructible or hexproof remain unaffected by its power. Implementing artifact removal spells into your deck as part of your broader strategy can directly target and eliminate Sanctum, preventing any further impact on the game. Adaptability is key, and adjusting your tactics to encompass various countermeasures will give you an upper hand against strategies involving this potent enchantment.

BurnMana Recommendations

As you explore the depths of MTG’s strategic play, consider the Sanctum of Shattered Heights not just as a card, but as a valuable asset to your red-dominated arsenal. Its unique discard mechanic makes every card in your hand a latent source of disruption, capable of tilting the battlefield scales in your favor. Adapt your tactics and embrace the art of converting surplus cards into calculated advantages. We encourage you to delve further into the potential of this flexible enchantment. For those ready to refine their deck and harness the game-changing power of Sanctum of Shattered Heights, join us to discover more strategies and claim your victories.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Sanctum of Shattered Heights MTG card by a specific set like Core Set 2021, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Sanctum of Shattered Heights and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Sanctum of Shattered Heights has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Sanctum of Shattered Heights card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2020-06-23 Each Shrine has an ability that counts the number of Shrines you control. These abilities include the Shrine they're printed on.
2020-06-23 Shrines count only enchantments with the subtype Shrine. Other cards with “shrine” in their name (such as Jungle Shrine, Luxa River Shrine, and Nantuko Shrine) don't count.